Friday, December 11, 2009

Foolish Smile

A foolish smile/grin can come from anything like a bag, random hot guy at the mall, a good gossip, some unfortunate incident (looking back), an accomplishment or a silly joke, but mine usually came from music. And, most of those music came from cute musicians, whose music I adore even more.

Well you see, I have this habit of waking up almost every hour in the wee of the nights, so, that's why I have a clock (no alarm clock needed!) with light switch, and my MP3 player on my nightstand. Sometimes, I would fell asleep listening to music, so, when I did wake up in the middle of the night, I have John Mayer or Jason Mraz in my ear to sing that 'lullaby'.

So far there are ONLY 4 musicians that made me have this somewhat daunting calmness which would eventually lead to a foolish grin on my face like a mad person. You folks might think, that I've lost my marbles...the thing is...I never had those marbles in the first place!! Haha! Oh, please, I bet there are times when u guys smiled all of the sudden while listening to music, reminiscing about the yesteryear!

The first musician is Michael Buble' - 'Kissing a Fool'

The second; Jamie Cullum's 'What a Difference a Day Made'

The third; Jason Mraz's music (If it's's even better!)

The last one is music by Snow Patrol

So, now you know....

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Dude, my graduation was like awesome, man!!

Hahaha. I have never been more prouder to be a Mass Comm graduate than the actual day I've retired from it. Gosh, I think Mass Comm students are living in their own world or something, we cheered, laughed, teased at people's names (damn u, those guys behind me! rude but hilarious!), almost cried, and above all, we had tremendous FUN! It has been the most liberating moment of my life.

Yes, now we secured the reputation of being the loudest and cheerful bunch of them all in UiTM!- Cool!

Congrats, y'all!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Must Watch: The September Issue, Anna Wintour a.k.a 'Ice Queen', got to be the most decisive lady in the world of fashion. I've imagined she would be as cold, distant and irritating as Meryl Streep character in 'The Devil Wears Prada', turns out she's quite a witty lady, kinda like what my first impression of Victoria Beckham after seeing; 'Victoria Beckham: Coming to America', who also turns out to be quite amusing besides her awkwardness to be normal/common. If you like fashion, which I happen to adore, then, this would be entertaining to you. After watching this flick, I somehow wanted to be more like Grace; the Vogue's Fashion Director. Her work is bizarre and profoundly creative. Take a gander, if you can, although, if you're not a person who's into fashion magazines. P.S: Personally, I'm an 'In Style' magazine kinda girl. BUT, I adore Vogue's fashion spread most of the time anyway!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Faboo List 24

Man Candy:
Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Damn u '500 Days of Summer'!)


Matthew Goode (Woody Allen's 'Match Point' & 'Watchmen')

Fashion Fixations:

Printed t-shirts. Supposedly, it's the trend to wear animal graphic print tee now. But, since I can't find a nice one, I've bought a few vintage graphic tees. - None of it has animal on it. One even have a hamburger in the front. LOL!

Necessary Extravagance:
A good lunch. Sadly, only 'mamak' is available to me. Very poor nourished.

Vital Beauty:
Shorter hair length. Hate long hairs now. High maintainence.

Wish List:
Travel to Europe. Good-fulfilling lunch. Dwarf hamster (a pet I could hold). Leopard print MANGO tote bag. Marc by Marc Jacobs spring 09 bag.

On My Nightstand:
Still dreaming of 'Mr. & Mrs. Darcy'.

Popeye's Chicken mash potatoes.

Happy I Bought:
Tons of t-shirts - all under RM100.

Dreaming of:
Admiring artworks at the Lourve.

Happy Moment:
Chit-chatting with my 'trainees' colleagues.

Sad Moment:
Got left behind.

Humming to:
'Please, please, please..let me get what I want' by The Smiths.

Chuckling to:
Watching 'The Ugly Truth'.

Can't Get Enough of:
Joseph Gordon-Levitt & Zooey Deschanel in '500 Days of Summer'. I lost count how many times I rewind to see their happy times and passionate arguments! Fave line: 'Well!..You're not the only one who got a say in this! I do too! And, I say we're a couple, god damn it!' And, the look on his face was priceless!

Addicted to:
Pure Double Chocolate@Coffee Bean's. - Newly discovered taste during Raya.

Best Movie I've Watched Recently:

'500 Days of Summer' & 'The Ugly Truth'.

Worst Movie I've Watched Recently:

Friday, September 25, 2009

Trendspotting Fall 2009

After much reading and flipping-through, I have compiled a list of what's HOT for Fall 09.
  1. Leopard print. - Don't go overboard with it, a hint to your outfit will do. Just enough to put that wild edge to your outfit.
  2. Metallic. - Sequins and metallic is not only for night time anymore. Always do it with subtlety. Use with caution. You won't want to end up looking like a disco-ball. This trend will give u that uber-chic city girl look.
  3. Bold Jewelry. - Think oversize and over-the-top. But must keep the outfit at minimal tone. Try this season's 'Bib' necklace a'la Very Wang (above).
  4. Contradicting Print. - I've seen the first lady of America incorporating this in her day wardrobe. And, I'm loving it. Suddenly, Betty Suarez is a fashion icon.
  5. Booties. - Yes, I'm loving this. But, given that most days in Malaysia is scorching hot. I'll have to pass it. Nonetheless, I love the edgy and downtown feel it contributes to the wardrobe.
  6. Hardware. - Let it be on your clothes or accessories. But, don't over do it. Or else you'll be looking like a tragic country singer.
  7. Accentuated Shoulders. - Yes, inspired by the Jetsons craze. It's also a modern twist to the massive shoulder pads of the 80's. It gives you a certain depth and structure.
  8. 50's Vibe. - Thanks to the success of 'MadMen' series, they're bringing 50's dapper, suave, prim, sleek, curves and above all, sexiness to the 21st Century.
  9. English Country. - Think earth tones. It's a sure shot for Fall season. Think plaids, tweeds, knits, leather and turtlenecks.
  10. Jewel Tones. - Jade, Sapphires, and Emeralds tones. Diamonds are not only a girl's best friend anymore.

Must Watch: 500 Days of Summer

First impression after watching the trailer: interesting, but probably just another Indie lovey-drama. While watching the movie: giggling-to-hysterically laughing, smiling-to-a fool's grin, questionable squints-to-OMG eye-opener, singing happily-to-melting hearty, and, from heart ache-to-loving it. Aftermath: Numb with flying hormonal emotions.

It's a rotating journey of a bunch of raw emotions of two different people in love played by the outstanding and great actor (I've just realized!); Joseph Gordon Levitt and Indie darling, whom I dearly love for her wit, style and characters she plays; Zoey Deschanel.

I don't think my generation have ever seen a movie like this. So, have a look. Fell right into it.

500 Days of Summer opens in Malaysia on the 1st of October 09.

WARNING: This is not a love story. This is a story about love.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Don't pay any mind if my next words doesn't make any sense at all. Nothing is, right now. I am simply writing with a disturbed emotion that truthfully, what personal blogs are made for. Mindless words. Temporary insanity.

Solitary is what I cherish every now and then. But, no human should endure or even entertain the feeling of loneliness that is desperately seeks the end. Then again, PITY is not really a welcoming or bearable gesture.

I am feeling childish, with a child's mind, but a heart too sorrow for a young child to care. Exhale deep breaths just to pump blood to a dark heart and even darker mind. My mask has become my shield, my shield has become my wall, finally, my wall has become my fortress.

You could be surrounded with thousands of people, but not a single soul would be recognized and they of yours. Seeks the light in the dark. Dream of home in a home. To belong not for your belongings, but for a superior enlightenment. It's a never ending quest for unsatisfactory end.

This is a solitary life.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Faboo List 23

Man Candy: Max Thieriot

Fashion Fixations:

Denim shirts and leopard prints accessories.

Necessary Extravagance:
Hot pink nails!

Vital Beauty:
Tiny hair clip for my relaxed hair look.

Wish List:

On My Nightstand:
Mr. & Mrs. Darcy. Two Shall Be One. (I know, I'm nuts over anything Mr.Darcy!)

Char Kueh Teow.

Happy I Bought:
Great wedge shoe from Charles and Keith.

Dreaming of:
Jetting off to Europe.

Happy Moment:
Being together with my loved ones during Raya!!

Sad Moment:
My family leaving me for Stockholm!

Humming to:
'Revelry' by Kings of Leon

Chuckling to:
While reading 'Mr. & Mrs. Darcy'. This book is keeping me up at night.

Can't Get Enough of:
Coffee Bean's Ice Blended 'Pure Double Chocolate' & Kings of Leon new album.

Addicted to:
Hair accessories.

Best Movie I've Watched Recently:

'Drag Me To Hell' & 'The Girlfriend Experience'.

Worst Movie I've Watched Recently:
'Sinar Cahaya'. Just another sad Raya drama. But, Aziz M. Osman played a druggie very well.

Eid ul-Fitr 2009 is like the 3rd day of Raya, and luckily for me, this year - we got one extra public holiday.

This time around, the celebration is kinda of mellow, unlike last year's havoc but happening spirit. 2nd time around, me father tagged along with us to Malacca this year (happy!), but he seemed like he can't wait to get back to Miri to the other half (sad!).

Nonetheless, this year, I skipped one tradition. Being my family is not a conventional or stereotypical family, our tradition includes a late night trip to Starbucks/Coffee Bean's OR any kopitiam will do (usually, without wives and kids tagging along). Safe to say, I'm all perk up with caffeine and packed thousands of calories with frappacinos and ice-blended-s usually around this time, BUT unfortunately, I didn't joined them this year, because I've already had my blended chocolate previously.

One tradition I'll soon to follow is Raya prayers. I've never attend morning Raya prayers before, so this year, my mum drag me along. It was a lovely experience. I've always find it very moving and haunting when all the Muslims said, 'Amen' together during the prayer. I'm glad I did this.

Photo ops during Raya morning are usually the best part of any Raya besides balik kampung, of course! There's like 5 families living in one house. So, just imagine how scattering the kiddies and the adults were. FUN! Here's a picture of my lovely family.

Raya 2009, filled with togetherness, cute kiddies, love, desire to have family of your own, day dreaming, pure double chocolate Coffee Bean's ice-blended, tears, inside jokes, heart-to-heart talks, crappy-sappy Raya dramas, loneliness, gratitude and FOOD!

Hope u enjoyed your Raya with your loved ones! Cheers!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Faboo List 22

Man Candy:
Caleb Followill (Kings of Leon)

Fashion Fixations:
Nude and tan colored shoes. Preferably, platforms and wedges. And, leopard prints and Marc and Marc Jacobs fall 09!

Necessary Extravagance:
L'Oreal Curling hair mousse. Still have teeny-weeny patience to take care of my curly locks.

Vital Beauty:
Comfortable heels. A must for work.

Wish List:
PARIS! PARIS! PARIS! and MARC by Marc Jacobs spring bag.

On My Nightstand:
'Me and Mr.Darcy'. I'm a sucker for anything Mr.Darcy!!

Good sushi!!

Happy I Bought:
Curling and voluminous mousse.

Dreaming of:
Working for an actual international fashion house. Bernard Arnault call me!

Happy Moment:
Fooling around with my colleagues.

Sad Moment:
The waiter @Manhattan Fish Market accidentally mix-up my reservation with another couple for breaking fast, at the same time the couple just parked themselves at my table with a snob face (I was all alone at the time). After resolving the problem, the waiter didn't even apologizes, instead asked me, who put me there - finding someone to blame for their own fault. At the end, I'm hungry and bitchy!

Humming to:
'I'm a lady' by Santogold and 'The Promise' by Girls Aloud.

Chuckling to:
While watching the movie 'Up'. That boy is too cute! I wanna cuddle!

Can't Get Enough of:
Ice-blended Frappacino.

Addicted to:
Hairbands. The ones with elaborate flowers and embellishments. And, Lady Gaga's music!

Best Movie I've Watched Recently:

'Up'. I've cried twice watching that movie. A total sucker for senior citizen.

Worst Movie I've Watched Recently:
'District 9'. The graphics were kinda bad. I didn't finished watching it - fell asleep.

Old But Not Very Wise

Gosh. I've been working since this year started. And, I'm feeling like an older person. Time is passing on too fast or am I too slow to keep up with it?

I felt like I have to grow up for the sake of growing up. I just applied for my EPF, paid my Zakat Fitrah for ramadhan month, talking about SOCSO and insurance, paid/unpaid leave and savings accounts.

Begibees! This is freaking me out. I feel so old, but not very wise. Next thing I know, I'll be discussing about home loans and bank cheques!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Faboo List 21

Man Candy:
Tom Meighan (Kasabian's frontman)

& Ryan Tedder (One Republic's vocalist)

Fashion Fixations:

Boho inspired flowy tops and flowers on hairbands from Forever 21.

Necessary Extravagance:
My Charles & Keith's moss green faux python document bag. It's heavy with my junks, but it's essential for work.

Vital Beauty:
Clean & Clear face oil blotter sheets. More than 8 hours of wearing make-up, makes my face extra oily, especially during lunch.

Wish List:
To be young and carefree in Paris with some hunky guy (and family!)

On My Nightstand:
'How to just about anything' book (gift from my big brother)

Deep dish pizza.

Happy I Bought:
Clean and Clear face oil blotter.

Dreaming of:
Quitting my day job and travel around Europe.

Happy Moment:
Big family breaking fast feast. So many food, so tiny tummy.

Sad Moment:
Finding out Mr.A. Skarsgard is rumored to be dating Miss. Evan Rachel Wood. My heart sings of agony.

Humming to:

'Come Home' by One Republic. It makes my tiny heart shed a tear.

Chuckling to:
My sister losing her mind over a vicious rumor.

Can't Get Enough of:
Alexander Skarsgard - he's my top YouTube search this week.

Addicted to:
Japanese ice-creams.

Best Movie I've Watched Recently:

Didn't watch any movies last week.
Was out and about.

Worst Movie I've Watched Recently:

Friday, September 4, 2009

Work in Progress

My sister have been asking me a few times how I felt prior to my first day on the job. Truthfully, I was expected to feel lazy as a bum or anxious or scared to things I can't expect, instead, I was feeling like I just want to get this phase in my life over and running - and yes, feeling a bit numb; no excitement, no worries. The first week consist of days and hours of trainings. Just like during the Uni orientation days, we are bound to develop a bond with the peeps that shared the same experience with us that time. So, yes, I find a friend in all the 7 boys and girls of the management trainees. So far, we all are seeing eye to eye and everyone have something different to offer on the table - my forte' would be designing and creative work.

On the first day which was a bit boring - we had all the important employees/company details that seemed too boring and too important to remember. And, just after a day getting to know each other, we drove off to Malacca for another training session the next day. Before you know it, we are already sleeping under one roof after 24 hours of knowing each other.

Seriously, I was worried on the activities that they would ask us to do - physical activities since there are only the 2 of us that are fasting. So, I WAS dreading to go on the trip. And all of them were playing devils asking us to break fast early. Funny. How convenient. But, of course, both of us didn't obliged.
Turns out the physical stuff, ain't so difficult. First, there was the spider-web, which each member have to go through a small hole without even contacting the stings/webs..tough - oh, yes. But, fun. Then, the next one was getting us into the pool. The plunging session. Each member have to climb up a chair and plunged into the pool - back first, while other team members catches them. Thank God for the water in the pool, if not I would surely plunged into the ground, because I accidentally bended my knees, which made my fall slightly crooked.

The trip consist of a lot of sharing, trusting, survival, planning, and team support thingies. Don't mind the trainer - the trainees had a lot of fun. Plus, we got back home way early like 3pm. Relax!
All in all, this week, consist of many group activities. The lecturers are informative but boring, just like any other. But, the activities was super fun. Though I find some of the people who worked here are a bit lost, and it seemed like they are not well known about other cultures - meaning they are not open enough. I guess working in family business where most of the high ranks people are from the family, and 80-90% of the people working at the HQ are Chinese, they seemed to live in a cocoon. Diversity makes great ideas flow and adapt more. Maybe, it's just me expecting too much again, I was fortunate enough to have work experience where my colleagues are diversified, and when I'm the only Bidayuh/Malay in the bunch, they seemed to have equipped knowledge of other races too.

I love diversity. Only time will tell.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Faboo List 20

Man Candy:

Nick Baker of Weird Creatures@Animal Planet


Daniel Henney (Seen in X-Men: Origins)


Eric duh?!

Fashion Fixations:

Country 'country' I meant lush European countryside (not American cowboy) - plaid prints, suede, tweed, leather boots, and long strap leather handbag.

Necessary Extravagance:
My heavy hybrid of Marc Jacobs+Chanel bag from Charles & Keith. (A b'day gift from my sister and kid brother). Temporarily in love with it.

Vital Beauty:
Taming my wild wavy hair - some days, it gets uncontrollable!

Wish List:
To be in a lush green countryside somewhere in Europe.

On My Nightstand:
Periplus' German phrasebook.

A good well-done sirloin beef steak with mushroom sauce and green salad with roast potato.

Happy I Bought:
Sailor inspired high waisted linen pants from Marks & Spencer, red stripes Zara top and another blue fighting fish.

Dreaming of:
Still swooning over A.Skarsgard - to have a country home in Swedish countryside.

Happy Moment:
Talking with friends until the shops almost closes during my b'day dinner. Thanks Huda, Jaja, Sue, Baya and Imran!

Sad Moment:
Arguing with my....

Humming to:

'21 Guns' from Green Day

Chuckling to:
'Funny People'

Can't Get Enough of:
Meat and True Blood series- it's addictive.

Addicted to:
Anna Wintour's fashion sense/judgment.

Best Movie I've Watched Recently:

Funny People....lots of funny people, including hot-hunky (never thought I'd say this..) Australian - Eric Bana.

Worst Movie I've Watched Recently:
Beerfest...the title says it all.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Apparently, I'm Gonna Cheat On My Husband!

Don't be alarm, I'm not anyone Mrs. - yet! Just that my friend showed me something interesting by reading my palm last week - and, apparently, I'm gonna cheat on my husband at least once. She read that my beloved won't be that damn good looking, so, he's an OK looking, guy - I'd presumed. No wonder I'll cheat on him. Hehe. Ish - what kind of wife would I be? - supporting infidelity.

And, last night, my sister and I was experimenting with palm readings - by looking at the side lines below your pinky finger, it will state how many romances or marriages you'll have. Supposedly, the deeper the line, the deeper the relationship or marriage.

To my amazement, I'll be having 2 serious relationship, and the second one will lead to marriage but I'll cheat on my husband once and, I would only have one kid or none at all - again, no wonder I cheat - no collateral damage.

Just do this for s**t and giggles. Because at the end of the day, the person upstairs determine our fate - we just make it.

Nut-so Jason.

I don't think I could survive a raw diet, I love meat too much. I'd probably be like his assistant - smuggling McD's Chicken McDeluxe all the time.

Exactly why I adore this fella more. His wittiness. He's a nut.

Monday, August 24, 2009


"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Alex! Happy birthday to you!"

Alexander Skarsgard a.k.a current man candy is celebrating his 33rd birthday today on 25th August - 2 days after mine!! Haha! This makes him a Virgo!

Let's see what Zodiac signs have to say about Virgo men:
  1. He's practical - no BS fairies/sentimental here.
  2. Have to wait long time to make him commit into a relationship.
  3. Not a romantic by nature.
  4. Extremely dedicated to his friends and families.
  5. Strong sense of work and duty.
  6. Awkward during display of emotions - may turn him cold and distant or he would just run away.
  7. Loyal, caring and very responsible.
  8. Treat Virgo men like a 'dry cleaning' only - subtle sensuality, intelligence, and interesting disposition is what he need.
  9. Doesn't run after girls or romance.
  10. Doesn't mind being single but have the ability to seduce while being subtle.
  11. Not flirtatious.
  12. Selective, honest and sensitive to the point he doesn't bother with all the crap for a relationship.
  13. His love is pure, clean and innocent - takes time to earn it.
  14. His cautious about everything - so, he doesn't fall in love in first sight.
  15. Wants honest and genuine relationships - hates dishonesty even for a bit.
  16. Never consciously looks for a mate.
  17. His love may take time but it's worth the wait - you will never again feel unloved or uncared for, in your entire life.
  18. His love will burn for you with a steady flame, which will never flicker even for a minute.
  19. As a husband - he'd be totally sincere, patient, dependable and forever loving.
  20. Not at all prone to wandering - SO, you will never ever have to keep an eye on him.
  21. Has a sharp memory - comes handy during birthdays and anniversaries.
  22. Not too jealous, but they are possessive in the extreme - very loyal and will expect the same from you.
  23. Very responsible father and will help sharpen the intellect of the children.
OMG! this somehow kinda a description about me!? Any-who! If this is really Alex - he's so much sexier now!! Damn u!

Why Girls Fancies Taller Guys?

Let's see, I've studied psychology during my degree days, so, my assumption why I and some of my girl friends fancies or shall I say prefer tall or taller (than us!) guys because they're more sexier and the height sort of portray a sense of security and safety, that we all long since we know we have a father.

Well, turns out based on a research by Professor Robin Dunbar from the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Liverpool, UK., height is a cue for genetic quality. Supposedly, we girls subconsciously wishes for taller mate so he could protect (again, safety) us and our children, despite the obvious reason that women fancies taller guys because they are sexier which suggested good genes and wealthy background (social environment experience) than average height men.

Height also determined the kind of resources the taller husband would contribute into the relationship and the survival chances of the kiddies. These comes to show that human behavior is driven by evolutionary processes. But, these research doesn't mean that all women out there will go for taller guys, I know a friend of mine with a soon-to-be fiance' who is height challenge - even to me, who is only 5'4'. BUT, keep in mind that relationships is a complex thing, so height is only ONE of the, there's a local proverb saying that women with shorter (height) spouses will have a bundle of good luck.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

It's Official!

Y'know when you were younger, you have all these kind of dreams and ambitions that are seemed limitless and far fetched at times. And, gradually on time, you soon forget about it and drifted a part from your dreamer's path. Well, when I was younger, I wrote a wish list which is a set of goals of my ultimates, I don't write them often, I only enlisted those that I know would bring such joy into my life - nothing like a temporary happiness. It's a list of not only materialistic stuff but things I need to do to be happy long term like love, family and spirituality. And, one of the wish is to work in fashion. Don't get me wrong, I love advertising, but I live for fashion. So, today on 20th August 2009, I've made it official to work at a major fashion apparel company. I won't say I'm ecstatic about it, but nonetheless happy in a weird way. I guess if this doesn't work out - its advertising industry for me.

Three Cheers for Me: Hip-hip-hooray!!

Faboo List 19

Man Candy:
Jon Hamm (from Mad Men - rumored this tv show is inspired by Ted Bates agency)

Fashion Fixations:

Wavy hair.

Necessary Extravagance:
My new wavy hair, it put so much time to control it..

Vital Beauty:
Taming my wild wavy hair - some days, it gets uncontrollable!

Wish List:
Confidence and a peace of mind.

On My Nightstand:
Harry Potter & The Deathly Hollows

Ice-Blended Chocolate Cream Chip@Starbucks

Happy I Bought:
L'Oreal Studio Curling Cream

Dreaming of:
Walking hand in hand at the park with Mr. A. Skarsgard.

Happy Moment:
Got a job in apparel industry and finally, got my FAM kueh teow that I've been craving!

Sad Moment:
Annoyed at myself after the job interview - but somehow I got the job. Yay!

Humming to:

'Better The Devil You Know' by Kylie Minogue. (feeling 80's)

Chuckling to:
Watching Eurotrip!

Can't Get Enough of:
TrueBlood - the ending of every episode ALWAYS leave you wanting more!!

Addicted to:
TrueBlood!! Alexander Skarsgard super hot!

Best Movie I've Watched Recently:

Eurotrip (watch and laugh ur ass off)

Worst Movie I've Watched Recently:
It's not a movie, but there is this local tv series that offer the same mind boggling drama, i dont even remember the title!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Vanessa Hudgens Should Be Afraid

It's all over the internet and the telly that Miss Baby-V is at it again of showing her bits in front of the camera! This girl sure doesn't learn her lesson during the first time - such an exhibitionist, SOMEONE PLEASE GIVE HER A NUDE SCENE IN A MOVIE! Maybe this video posted on of this horny Asian kid would give the wake-up call she need:

Kid Discovers Vanessa Hudgens Nude Pics - Watch more Funny Videos

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Bra Free Day

This issue kinda mind boggled me a bit. First, I thought it's better for u to wear bra because it gives you support instead of the gravity pulls ur 'twins' down when going bra-less. So, it looses it's elasticity and shape, making it looked sagging - YUCKS!

Now, my mother blasted an email with a fact that the entire cancer group wore bras over 12 hours.This is only subjected to tight bra...that's why taking ur bust measurements is important. Note, when the excess skin is bulging under the armpit - that means your bra is too tight.

When a woman wears a tight bra, she subjects her breasts to pressure, closing off the lymphatic pathway from the breast to the nodes. This causes fluid built-up swelling, tenderness and cyst formation. Toxins must be flushed out via the lymphatic.

Apparently, if you're suffering fibrocystic, its best for u to go bra-less for 10 days or 2 weeks. To create awareness, Malaysian Women Welfare Org declares Sundays as 'Bra Free Day' - I can hear all the men are cheering!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Wait for This: Art & Copy

Man, this 2 minutes trailer gets me all hype on being a part of THIS world. The creative environment, the freedom, the challenge and the power - I love it all, I want it all!

I guess with the success of the TV series 'Madman', this documentary is in good timing.

"The frightening and the most difficult thing about being what somebody calls a creative person is that you absolutely have no idea where of any of your thoughts come from, really. And, especially if you have no idea where they're gonna come from tomorrow."

This is for all my classmates at MassComm (advertising)! This is what it's all about peeps.

For Me!???

Last night I got the most unexpected surprise! My old mate back from secondary school days decided to round up the gang for drinks and munchies - like we always do. But this time, she was so persistent - changing dates to occupy other people, change venues, making calls and asking a whole bunch of people to join. I was slightly skeptic by her behavior but brush it off to the thought of this dear old friend of mine is known for random acts and questions - she once called to ask what would be perfect for her grandmother birthday present! The kind of questions that make you go..whaaat?

So, she manage to round up 3 of my old buddies at the last minute. When I arrived there's a Secret Recipe paper bag with a cake inside on the table. When I asked whose b'day are we celebrating? They denied nervously. I didn't even think it was for me because my birthday is in another 6 more days. And, here I thought she wanted to meet up because it's getting close to Ramadhan month and she's flying off to Indonesia this Friday! Ceh, rupenyer ada cerita lain!!

So, the cake was for me along with the DKNY's Pure New York perfume and the charm bracelet AND the pair of earrings! Love them all! Never have I ever had an advance birthday party before, I had a belated birthday but never this. How thoughtful! I feel so mushy and warm inside! hehe.

The only sucky part of the night: I've put my worst face on that night, I thought it was just hanging out for drinks - I didn't wear any make-up on and my hair was a disaster!!

From l-r: Intan Zulina, Janice (black shirt), ME and Haliza

Texting While Driving

Well, I fell into the category as one of the peeps who text/call while driving. But, I'm a bit phobia about it last time but even more now. Mostly, I only answered the phone if I know there's someone waiting for me to meet them. Otherwise, I'll just let it ring, and check who's the caller at red light.

But this PSA on texting while driving is using the fear appeal (Ad girl talking!) for the youths and their parents as a wake-up call! It's detailed with gruesome shots! - So eerie!

This makes drunk driving like a secondary offense, since driving while on the phone usually requires u to be sober and conscious, this makes it all immoral in another level.

Time to change:

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Job Interview 3: Should I, or Shouldn't I?

I know before that I'm a fashion girl one, and an ad girl two. But, now I'm not so sure. I'm having some sort of 'quarter-life' crisis. There's like a gap - I feel so lost.

Literally hours after my 3rd interview within 3 months (one interview each month! - how coincidence!), my 3rd attempt to the career world led me to the fashion retail world this time. It's a major local fashion retail label. With approx to 2500 employees, so they said! I know I've mentioned to my close peeps, its a dream job. Now, the chances are there, the anticipation is rather getting quite daunting. Do you guys feel that way too after a job interview?

Their first phone call was a surprise - after just a mere 30 minutes I've sent my resume at Jobstreet - they called. First asking if I'm still interested in the position? - Like duh!? I baru jer hantar, mungkin!? Then, he asked me why I wanted to work in a fashion house? Of course, I answered like I vomit words! Seriously, after the phone call, I suffered from a short term memory lost.

Approximately 3 days after that is D-day! The area was industrial and so was the building, but the inside was superb, love it - modern polish deco with dark timber floors, high ceilings and open space. What's not to adore!?

Y'know, one of the sucky part of going to any job interview is filling out personal info forms. Like I remember what year I've entered and left primary school? Or what I got for UPSR!? I don't remember where I put the certificates from that era! Filling those out took me more than 15 mins for accuracy. What a bummer!

I got interviewed by 2 males - a cliche start: Tell me about yourself...answered: word vomit, again! Then, what do u think about our brand? Later, what dept you wish to work in? Next, any constructive criticism? After, what is your strengths and weaknesses/ what does your friends' opinion of you? (-these questions are sort of overlapping!). Last, any questions for us?
THIS, took like 30 minutes!

All in all, I am numb from this ordeal. Lost in a sea of emotions.

But, before I case of any confusion of my sort of like this song:

"Just because I’m losing
Doesn’t mean I’m lost
Doesn’t mean I’ll stop
Doesn’t mean I would cross"

- 'Lost' by Coldplay

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Faboo List 18

Man Candy:

Daniel Bruhl (Inglourious Basterds)

Kyle Gellner (The Haunting in Connecticut)

Ryan Reynolds a.k.a Mr.Scarlett Johansson

Fashion Fixations:
Scarves a'la French women (Just finished watching 'Le Divorce'!)

Necessary Extravagance:
My mustard color chain Camly bag, and black stone vintage design ring my mum bought from Vietnam recently (mummy have good taste!).

Vital Beauty:
Clean and bare face.

Wish List:
Polka-dot/tiger print Liz Claiborne purse, Estee' Lauder Sensuous 100ml EDT, & soft wave hair.

On My Nightstand:

Pepperoni Beef pizza/Classified Chicken pizza from Domino's.

Happy I Bought:
My mustard Camly bag at 60% off!

Dreaming of:
Winning a contest of RM50,000.

Happy Moment:
Taught Amreel A,B,C's - I bought him a wooden A,B,C blocks/puzzle. He yells, 'Yay!' everytime he got it right - also Auntie Nad ajar!

Sad Moment:
My annoying elder brother jetted off to Australia, but not really sad because he's bringing me something back! ;P

Humming to:
'So This is Love' from Disney's Cinderella and 'Whatta Man' by En Vogue and Salt & Pepa.

Chuckling to:
ACCIDENTALLY scaring my housekepper off at the kitchen with a deep voice. - She jumped like crazy and dropped the electric kettle into sink.

Can't Get Enough of:
French culture.

Addicted to:
Red meat.

Best Movie I've Watched Recently:
The Haunting in Connecticut, Bruno, The Proposal, Chocolat, Le Divorce & Beauty & the Beast.

Worst Movie I've Watched Recently:
No bad movies this week!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Someone Please!!

What a perfect thing to start a day!! Taking morning jogs at the park and admiring the cool wind (plus, smokes from cars passing by)... just minding my own business, with an iPod stuck at my ear.

As I was on the way back, still jogging up the hill, I saw a lady got out of her house and walking towards her car....and then, her medium size dirty dog got out. She screamed at it. Demanding it to get inside. So, I ignore the situation completely - figuring the dog is inside the house already.

Suddenly, I hear a women shrieking: "Ai!Come here!"...As I turned my head back...the most horrifying thing happened!..The dog was already sniffing close to my feet!
So, I turned my back - facing it now, and shrieking: "AAARRGGHH!!" Maybe too loud..I don't know, because I had my Pod on.

I looked at the owner, and she looked at me with dismay. So, I screamed at her: "Oh, gosh, someone please!!"...still..I didn't hear any cry from the owner.
So, I had to 'shoo' it away.
Well, it backed off a bit, but still come forward to me...but it never bark at me...just sniffing...but his snout so close...I'm afraid my lovely pale chunky leg will be bitten!
Of course, after the shrieking, cry for help and shooing doesn't help. I had to run, by this time the owner already called upon her bad doggy!! And, finally the dog listens!

Damn it!! My heart was pounding like mad!

Tell her, Dane! Tell her!!

Ooohh..I was laughing me ass off watching comedian; Dane Cook dissing Vanessa Hudgens at Teen Choice Awards 2009!

Here's a play by play of what he said to Miss baby V!

"What everybody in this room is thinking but nobody have said...where's Vanessa Hudgens?...

(Vanessa willingly throw her arms in the air - acknowledging her name being called)..

Girl! You've got to keep your clothes on! (Dane laughing)...Phones are for phone calls, girl!

(Vanessa kept chewing her chewing gum..and looking at Dane like she's about to eat him ALIVE with her piercing eyes!)

It's super hilarious. Dane Cook has got some balls to actually blurp that up in front of her peers and fans! Her reaction was priceless!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Meryl Streep Is a Slut

Well, to be frank, I love Meryl Streep, so, I don't give a damn if she is a slut! Pardon my title and language, but Meryl Streep is playing a divorcee' who is having an affair with her own married ex-husband in the movie: 'It's Complicated'!!

Check this out:

P.s: U would love this, hunny!!

I Think I Love You, Too...

I know I love Paris's version - 'Paris, J'taime'...but I got a feeling that I would love 'New York, I love you', too!

It has an amazing cast, in an even more amazing city, with interesting and provocative stories in one movie - how can one not fall for it.

Watch this trailer.

Monday, August 10, 2009

So Wrong, Yet, So Right

Ahh, I've just finish watching 'The Haunting in Connecticut'. And, it was deliciously spooky.
The reason for it being 'delicious' because of Kyle Gallner. - Such a cutie! Plus, the movie got some spooky moments, that being a reason because it was based on a true story and the other reason - there were a lot of scenes that would give you a shock.

So, give yourself a good scare this week. Plus, the 'tortured' boy was kind on the eyes, anyway.

Watch this.