Man Candy:
Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Damn u '500 Days of Summer'!)
Matthew Goode (Woody Allen's 'Match Point' & 'Watchmen')


Fashion Fixations:
Printed t-shirts. Supposedly, it's the trend to wear animal graphic print tee now. But, since I can't find a nice one, I've bought a few vintage graphic tees. - None of it has animal on it. One even have a hamburger in the front. LOL!
Necessary Extravagance:
A good lunch. Sadly, only 'mamak' is available to me. Very poor nourished.
Vital Beauty:
Shorter hair length. Hate long hairs now. High maintainence.
Wish List:
Travel to Europe. Good-fulfilling lunch. Dwarf hamster (a pet I could hold). Leopard print MANGO tote bag. Marc by Marc Jacobs spring 09 bag.
On My Nightstand:
Still dreaming of 'Mr. & Mrs. Darcy'.
Popeye's Chicken mash potatoes.
Happy I Bought:
Tons of t-shirts - all under RM100.
Dreaming of:
Admiring artworks at the Lourve.
Happy Moment:
Chit-chatting with my 'trainees' colleagues.
Sad Moment:
Got left behind.
Humming to:'Please, please, please..let me get what I want' by The Smiths.
Chuckling to:
Watching 'The Ugly Truth'.
Can't Get Enough of:
Joseph Gordon-Levitt & Zooey Deschanel in '500 Days of Summer'. I lost count how many times I rewind to see their happy times and passionate arguments! Fave line: 'Well!..You're not the only one who got a say in this! I do too! And, I say we're a couple, god damn it!' And, the look on his face was priceless!
Addicted to:
Pure Double Chocolate@Coffee Bean's. - Newly discovered taste during Raya.
Best Movie I've Watched Recently:
'500 Days of Summer' & 'The Ugly Truth'.
Worst Movie I've Watched Recently:
haha.. i pun suke kat Joseph tuh! since dier dlm Simon Birch lagi i suke.. :P
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