Friday, September 4, 2009

Work in Progress

My sister have been asking me a few times how I felt prior to my first day on the job. Truthfully, I was expected to feel lazy as a bum or anxious or scared to things I can't expect, instead, I was feeling like I just want to get this phase in my life over and running - and yes, feeling a bit numb; no excitement, no worries. The first week consist of days and hours of trainings. Just like during the Uni orientation days, we are bound to develop a bond with the peeps that shared the same experience with us that time. So, yes, I find a friend in all the 7 boys and girls of the management trainees. So far, we all are seeing eye to eye and everyone have something different to offer on the table - my forte' would be designing and creative work.

On the first day which was a bit boring - we had all the important employees/company details that seemed too boring and too important to remember. And, just after a day getting to know each other, we drove off to Malacca for another training session the next day. Before you know it, we are already sleeping under one roof after 24 hours of knowing each other.

Seriously, I was worried on the activities that they would ask us to do - physical activities since there are only the 2 of us that are fasting. So, I WAS dreading to go on the trip. And all of them were playing devils asking us to break fast early. Funny. How convenient. But, of course, both of us didn't obliged.
Turns out the physical stuff, ain't so difficult. First, there was the spider-web, which each member have to go through a small hole without even contacting the stings/webs..tough - oh, yes. But, fun. Then, the next one was getting us into the pool. The plunging session. Each member have to climb up a chair and plunged into the pool - back first, while other team members catches them. Thank God for the water in the pool, if not I would surely plunged into the ground, because I accidentally bended my knees, which made my fall slightly crooked.

The trip consist of a lot of sharing, trusting, survival, planning, and team support thingies. Don't mind the trainer - the trainees had a lot of fun. Plus, we got back home way early like 3pm. Relax!
All in all, this week, consist of many group activities. The lecturers are informative but boring, just like any other. But, the activities was super fun. Though I find some of the people who worked here are a bit lost, and it seemed like they are not well known about other cultures - meaning they are not open enough. I guess working in family business where most of the high ranks people are from the family, and 80-90% of the people working at the HQ are Chinese, they seemed to live in a cocoon. Diversity makes great ideas flow and adapt more. Maybe, it's just me expecting too much again, I was fortunate enough to have work experience where my colleagues are diversified, and when I'm the only Bidayuh/Malay in the bunch, they seemed to have equipped knowledge of other races too.

I love diversity. Only time will tell.


OfficialAzyMD said...

aiyo.. i hate the physical training! hahah

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