Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Faboo List 20

Man Candy:

Nick Baker of Weird Creatures@Animal Planet


Daniel Henney (Seen in X-Men: Origins)


Eric duh?!

Fashion Fixations:

Country 'country' I meant lush European countryside (not American cowboy) - plaid prints, suede, tweed, leather boots, and long strap leather handbag.

Necessary Extravagance:
My heavy hybrid of Marc Jacobs+Chanel bag from Charles & Keith. (A b'day gift from my sister and kid brother). Temporarily in love with it.

Vital Beauty:
Taming my wild wavy hair - some days, it gets uncontrollable!

Wish List:
To be in a lush green countryside somewhere in Europe.

On My Nightstand:
Periplus' German phrasebook.

A good well-done sirloin beef steak with mushroom sauce and green salad with roast potato.

Happy I Bought:
Sailor inspired high waisted linen pants from Marks & Spencer, red stripes Zara top and another blue fighting fish.

Dreaming of:
Still swooning over A.Skarsgard - to have a country home in Swedish countryside.

Happy Moment:
Talking with friends until the shops almost closes during my b'day dinner. Thanks Huda, Jaja, Sue, Baya and Imran!

Sad Moment:
Arguing with my....

Humming to:

'21 Guns' from Green Day

Chuckling to:
'Funny People'

Can't Get Enough of:
Meat and True Blood series- it's addictive.

Addicted to:
Anna Wintour's fashion sense/judgment.

Best Movie I've Watched Recently:

Funny People....lots of funny people, including hot-hunky (never thought I'd say this..) Australian - Eric Bana.

Worst Movie I've Watched Recently:
Beerfest...the title says it all.


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