Man Candy:
Jon Hamm (from Mad Men - rumored this tv show is inspired by Ted Bates agency)
Jon Hamm (from Mad Men - rumored this tv show is inspired by Ted Bates agency)
Fashion Fixations:
Wavy hair.
Necessary Extravagance:
My new wavy hair, it put so much time to control it..
Vital Beauty:
Taming my wild wavy hair - some days, it gets uncontrollable!
Wish List:
Confidence and a peace of mind.
On My Nightstand:
Harry Potter & The Deathly Hollows
Ice-Blended Chocolate Cream Chip@Starbucks
Happy I Bought:
L'Oreal Studio Curling Cream
Dreaming of:
Walking hand in hand at the park with Mr. A. Skarsgard.
Happy Moment:
Got a job in apparel industry and finally, got my FAM kueh teow that I've been craving!
Sad Moment:
Annoyed at myself after the job interview - but somehow I got the job. Yay!
Humming to:
'Better The Devil You Know' by Kylie Minogue. (feeling 80's)
'Better The Devil You Know' by Kylie Minogue. (feeling 80's)
Chuckling to:
Watching Eurotrip!
Can't Get Enough of:
TrueBlood - the ending of every episode ALWAYS leave you wanting more!!
Addicted to:
TrueBlood!! Alexander Skarsgard super hot!
Best Movie I've Watched Recently:
Eurotrip (watch and laugh ur ass off)
Eurotrip (watch and laugh ur ass off)
Worst Movie I've Watched Recently:
It's not a movie, but there is this local tv series that offer the same mind boggling drama, i dont even remember the title!!
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