Thursday, January 1, 2009

Apocalypse: Dec 12 2012

I know this is not really a joyful thing to post a news on "The End of Days"..choose to believe it or not, better not - just as a note to self. Apparently, on the particular date of 21/12/2012 comes the apocalypse.
Let just say, I am not one to believe in this sort of thing, predictions and new age hoopla, but the thought of the end of the world does intrigues me.
I first stumble on this prediction, ironically on the last day of 2008. I was browsing through books at the 'fiction' section (my fave!).. and discovered this book, with a huge 2012 number, then comes along the word 'Apocalypse' on the cover. I red the synopsis, and I must say it is very interesting and horrifying at the same time.
Frankly, makes you want to reach for God and the ones you love a little bit closer to heart and practice. Apparently, in the coming years we will experience many floods, fatal diseases, and all sorts of natural disasters. Predictions are made from philosopher; Nostradamus and ancient races like the Mayans and the Hopi Indians stating that we are coming to the end of the world either through impact from asteroid and etc. Then, scientist argues about the intense storms are coming, polar shifts and the earth will complete it's 26,000 wobble (whatever that means!).
These all unfortunately supports the idea that the world is coming to end. If so, start being nice to people now. And, remember good things comes to good people! I guess that's all the good comes from this news!


Nick Name said...

happy new year!!

OfficialAzyMD said...

eee.. tktnyer Nad... huhu

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