Friday, January 23, 2009

3rd Week: Tiring, feverish and pissed!

I think the headline explained it all. This week I've been back home the latest - arrived home at 10pm. Stayed at the office the latest at 8:10-ish pm. Wait for the freaking train the latest too - 40 min~! Sick and feverish because of the schedule, timing, people and diet. I've never hated my supervisors for so many days in week. -That's the record so far.

I have been 'kindly' talked to by one of my supervisor that I needed to uphold my responsibility, which make me feel so disappointed - thanks a bunch for the pressure. Got a visit from a 'golden girl' that everyone loves at the office that literally makes me hate her so much - although she did nothing wrong (sorry!). Just because she lifted the bar so high up for expectations, that I don't think I can reach up that high (yet!). Being 's**t' talked by some of my colleagues because the work I've done and the responsibility trusted upon me are not up to par. Though they did it so discreetly, I still can hear them talking. Thanks for the f**king pressure.

Starting from the 1st week, everyone in my department already started to coughing. Then, only time tells soon the virus effected me. For the past 2 days, I've been such a slob in my office with Panadol, Strepsils and tissues all over my desk. Coughing my throat out while the skin is burning up without me realizing it.

I was not in the mood after the 's**t' ordeal that I usually went home early -5:30pm on the dot!
Once only that I went home earlier than that like 5:20pm, just because my brother was picking me up at the mall instead (tak larat naik train!). Did my work like crappy because I was not in the mood, even my other supervisor noticed that I looked 'clustered' and my other colleague down at the mall told me that I looked tired and sick. - which is so true inside and out.

On Monday, there were a Chinese New Year luncheon, supposedly a tradition at Bates141. I've just find out how 'family' like they are under one roof. The buffett lunch was scrumptious! Plus, we interns even got our angpows!! Which I"ve spent on the next day lunch! Ha! On the same day, I was running up and down in my baju kurung, to Gardens and my office constantly. Really a 'good' exercise! ;P

On Friday, to show team spirit, though I have none at the moment- I wore red just like everyone elses for the occasion. As for the photosession, we interns plays in the background.

Lots of clients really want to close in the deal and settle it before the holiday starts, so my supervisor was practically busy for the last 3 days of the week because he was busy handling some other clients that I'm not working on. Practically, that's when my fever starts and my laziness began! - One day I even left early so that they won't catch me on the way down.

Despite the craziness of it all - I said the word 'hate' more than I could count this week, I still think I've made a good decision picking this company. I think it got potential and only time will tell.

Good luck, y'alls!


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