Sunday, January 25, 2009

Watch this: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

My eyes are red and puffy as I write this review. For all of you that really into getting in touch of your emotions or just simply looking for a good cry, this is the movie for you.

I first laid eyes on this movie back in November last year when my brother showed me the preview featured on Apple movies. And, from that moment on, I knew there is something about it that brings longing for me to catch it again in full length.

The movie is an adaptation from a short story written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, whom is the person mainly famous for "The Great Gatsby", which is also in the works of turning into a motion picture. The curious thing about it is that Benjamin Button whom played by none other and surprisingly turned himself into a great actor in this movie - Brad Pitt; is...he aged backwards. Brad is accompanied by the very talented and very beautiful Cate Blanchett as his one and true lover.

Through the course of the entire movie, you will see how this man who aged backwards lived his life. Though, he has time to his advantage, he lived in a confined and solitary life as no one really understood what he is going through. He was content when everyone seemed to pity.

I've been told a heartless girl for not crying in "The Notebook" and "Titanic" when most people did. But this one, I've let the river gate flooded open. I've cried the last 30-40 minutes of the movie as it began to told the story of death coming and reaching out for him.

Brad Pitt has never looked so good and so young with the costumes he wore in this movie. And, Cate was looking splendid and sophisticated with her pale skin, long red hair and her always black outfits.

Besides the cool costumes and the amazing locations; Prague, Russia, New Orleans, and Paris, the movie most importantly speaks of sacrifice, love, life and differences. Though, you may be different with age and skin color, you lived your life as it brings you, you make your own fate and come what may, with that, comes love and with love comes sacrifices.

These are just mere words that I typed. You have to see it for yourself and ponder it at every moment it took your breath away.



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