Friday, January 9, 2009

Watch this: Vicky Christina Barcelona

I wanted to watch this movie for so long now, finally, I managed to find time to watch it yesterday during my day off. And, I must say I'm loving it.

I've always love Woody Allen's movies, though I only saw a few so far, the man has been making movies even before I was born! I love the nonchalant vibe you get from watching his movies. It's like making a crime and getting away with it.

This movie has been nominated for a few awards show now, and they deserved every one of it. Penelope' Cruz's acting in here is so convincing. She played the nut case ex-wife to Javier Bardem (who is her real bf off-screen)..screaming in Spanish and trying to kill her husband for several times. She has quite a temper. During their marital fights (several in this movie in fact!), there was so much tension in their words and annoyance to it, that it feels like you're watching a real couple fighting on the streets - you're too afraid to look but want to know more anyway. It's the mak ciks in all of us, i must say!

The movie starred Scarlett Johansson, Javier Bardem (No Country for Old Men) and Penelope Cruz. Scarlett played Christina - the free thinker, confused and seducer of the two and her bestie; Vicky played by Rebecca Hall - the serious, cultured, rationalizer and planner friend. They went on a vacay to Barcelona for a little needed R and R. They met Javier's character, who played an artist/painter who seducing ways are so forward it makes you blush just watching it.
He seduces both friends to go out of town and spent the weekend making love with him. With some confrontations among the friends, they finally succumb to the idea. Let's just say Javier won her serious friend over with his vast knowledge of local culture and art, and finally Vicky fall for him hard and even harder (though she is engaged to a man of her dreams)...after they make love. She had sex first with the guy even before Christina did.

Along the way, Peneople and Christina developed a 3-way relationship with her ex-hubby. That's when it comes to the famous 'lesbian' kiss from Penelope' and Scarlett. Finally, Scarlett ends the relationships, she thought she can't go on like this as a person, and because she is so unsure of what she wanted and more sure of what she don't want, she left Barcelona for France.
While her friend continue her relationship with Javier. Scarlett return to Barcelona only to pick up her friend. At the end, they're both left Barcelona at the same state or worst than when they got there in the first place.

Seriously, it is much more fun and sexier than what I've just explained. Watch it, and let yourself go in Barcelona!


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