Saturday, January 31, 2009

4th Week: A bit of laughs, giggles, sarcasm, snobness, and boring-ness!

As you guys would probably experience this, there was only 3 working days this week, and I couldn't be more happier as it is closer to the weekend. It is not like I hate my job entirely, it also means that I don't have to ride that stinky-jammed packed-sardine like train that much this week.So, those are the things that I don't miss doing this week.

I was back to work after the festive season on Wednesday - call for duty! As expected and kinda expected too, there were a bunch of people that were not in, in my office. Leaving me, the only girl and intern in my office with 5 other guys. Plus, only one of my supervisors came that day. Even worst for Nadhyrah, she was left alone with the Malay guy in her side of the office on that day. We were the first to arrived besides the receptionist, office-keeper, and the mail-uncle. My office was still dark when I was arrived, that's a first. Me and Nad was so giggly and excited after knowing there would be so little people in the office. So, along the day she would accompany me, so that's makes it more fun as we giggled and laughed through the day, which really bothers with my concerntration to my boring data entry work. -So looking forward to other tasks!!

On the very day, all my male colleagues went back early, the earliest I've seen them leaving; 5:20-ish pm. They were not really going home, but going down for drinks at Finnegan's! -as usual! By the time they were about to leave, I was full on concerntrating to my data entry job for an hour already, suddenly my very sarcastic supervisor tease me saying; "Nadia, you don't have to pretend to do your work. You can go home now as soon after we leave." I was like; "Ahh!?What!?" with a bit of annoyance on my face. Then, I went to Nad's to take my data entry sheet from her, and as I came back to my cubicle, the rest of the clan is there including my GM, the Acc Manager and the rest that came that day. My supervisor thinks it is funny to say that again when everyone is around, "Well, everybody is ready except for the intern who is pretending to do her work." By this time, I was standing up, so I replied; "Ah! Whatever. I'm leaving now anyway. And I don't want to see you ever again!". Everyone laughs, even the GM and the garang 'mandarin' too. As I was about to leave, my GM said, "Well, he's your mentor, you can write in your report how he treat you like a dog!". Well, you see this very day, a lot of firsts happened, the most unlikely guy in the room invite me for lunch, first time exchanging smiles with the garang guy, first time the mail-uncle found out that I was not a Chinese, first time I went to lunch with one of my colleagues and first time we shared a laugh. I guess when there is less people, everyone gets friendly.

There are quite a number of people taking a week leave for the festive celebration, so everything was a bit calmer than usual. A lot of quiet moments, that all you could hear was the sound the sound of people typing their keyboards. I was not needed for the whole 3 days I was there because they were increadibly rush for another client that I'm not a part of. My other supervisor; Fred came and asked the progress of the data entry occasionally everyday, that's all. All in all, I was doing my work without any distractions. Totally minding my own business; there are days I don't even talk to anyone without them asking of course!

All in a week work, my data entry progress in running well, a lot of first moments, giggles every now and again, I've made Nad cried during our 'after work drinks' which usually involves coffee or tea at Coffee Bean or some random kopitiam or cafe' at Gardens, 1 purchased during work visit to the mall, a visit from a friends- thanks Yana for coming to see us for lunch!! and great to see you Piah at KL Sentral- we're both looked tired! and great to see you Marissa and your bf at Mdvalley!, and a lot of office gossips! All around, it has been a good week at the office. BUT, stressful week for riding commuter trains! Since the kids at school are still on holiday, and they are eager to spend their angpow, most of them are just there after their shopping trip, and some even just got back from kampung with their huge bags! Really sucks lar this week to ride train! I really wasted my energy and time waiting and riding the jammed pack cars and poorly ventilated stations! I had to skip dinner for the rest of the week because I was too FREAKING tired!

KTM, please get your management and service sorted!! Your customers are pissed!


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