Saturday, January 17, 2009

2nd Week: Numb

After 2 weeks, I am now numb to all late working hours and work load, AND pack-sardined-like train cars. In my contract, I was supposed to be back by 5:30pm, well, that never happened and I don't think it would ever! Kinda expected that, and never mind it that much, but so jealous of other interns over at the other side dashed off by 5:30-ish pm. As for the jammed train cars, it takes time on getting use to, nowdays, I don't feel a thing to the point of numb already really. Have to listen to Jason Mraz, John Mayer, Kaiser Chiefs, Keane and Snow Patrol just to make things more bareable.

For the whole week, I've been doing data entry job for a client's Chinese New Year event. Though, it is an easy task, it is very time consuming and tedious work. The result of 9am-7-ish pm work of data entry job: back, neck, shoulder ache, cross eye, and dry eyes. In long term, I think my eye sight have increased its' power! Totally going blind. Thankfully, I got a few friends to share my pain - thanks Nad, Suh Shien, Doreen and Johnathan. Thanks a bunch.

As for a more positive thinking towards this ordeal, well, at least I'm doing something productive the whole time I'm there at the office, instead of browsing through pages of Forbes' lists on the net. (Did that before!).

Most hated day - Thursday. Somehow my maid even noticed that every Thursday, I was always back so late. Arrived home close to 10pm. The latest this week I'm off the office - 8pm. At that time, most of the people were down at the Irish pub. (sounded like I'm working in London).

Now that the 2 old interns are leaving this week and next, leaving me and the other girl at my department alone, I guess the workload will start piling up for me now. Huhu. Hoping and wishing that there would be a few new interns will come in during the process. Help to ease the pain.

Today, I think I've just embarassed myself to my supervisor. The girl that he hired; who is a friend of a friend, whom I barely know, accidently sent the work attachment to my supervisor along with the silly instructions I gave her with the email I've sent her in the first place. Let's just say it involved the word, 'bontot'. But not as vulgar as u think. I wish her good luck on her task because her ass will hurt by the end of it - that's all. Nothing juicy like "I hate my supervisors and my job" kind of thing. - Honestly, I don't even know what to think of them, anyway. I'm sort of neautral on that one. Can't make up what to think of them yet. Too soon to tell, I guess.

Now that the festive season are on it's way, I sure hope it will lighten my workload a bit. Yay, holiday! Plus, with the event is slowly closing in until the celebration, sure looking forward to another task.

Another embarassing moment, while I was chit-chatting-and-walking-at-the-same-time with one of my supervisor, when he started to ask me about my expectations and comments on the tasks given so far, I think I've kinda come accross as a complainer or ungrateful. Well, it's all in my head anyway. I've told him that I always thought I would be at the Bates side, doing some creative or advertising tasks. He probably would thought that I am not enjoying myself there.
Truthfully, I don't even feel a thing whenever I went to work. I just thought, "Oh-uh, I have to go to work tomorrow." That's all. No excitement, slight lazines but nothing chronic. I am numb.

I've realized that I am now unsure if I wanted to work in this field and industry or even work anymore. I don't want to be attached and committed to a daily routine and stress level that it so bareable and common that it is too boring to the point it is beginning to worn the life out of you eventually. I don't ever want to feel like Kate's and Leo's character in "Revolutionary Road".

So, everyone out there, make a list of things to do before you die. I've made that list before, like 3 years ago, and safe to say I've manage to fullfill some of it. But the greatest and major wish - to fall in love. Sadly, still pending. I am heartless.
Adios, babes!


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