Monday, December 29, 2008

Goodbye, 2008! Hello, 2009!

Drink and be merry!
In my case, that drink would be sparkling red grape juice, and the 'merry' would be the celebration of unforgettable experiences that I would certainly cherish for the rest of my life! I would certainly toast to that!
Pondering time!
2008 has been a great year for myself and my family. We have been on various fun and exciting family vacations this year! (L.A rocks!) This goes to show that happiness is better when shared with the ones you loved.
This year consist of many 1st experiences, one of many's are, my first job as a freelancer (not bad for a 1st job!) for Cosmopolitan Malaysia - that experience really showed me how tough work is...I barely have the time to eat! But, nonetheless, it was very interesting and fun to work for a fashion magazine, though tiring but fun.. :)
Y'know, how people really have list of wishes for the new year, well, I have a list of thanks for the experiences God have bless me and my family. I am grateful for me and my family's health, certainly grateful we are still together, I am grateful for my wonderful friends - old and new. I am really going to miss my handful of friends back in school, advertising class of semester 5: July to Nov 2008 rocks!! You guys are the best-lah! Wouldn't wish for anyone better!
2009 will be another whole new experience for me as I would begin with my internship in January with Bates141 Advertising. Hope that would goes smoothly as I expected, as the choice is exactly what I asked for in the first place.
As for my classmates,
as always, chin up! shrug your shoulders! and walk it off! - No worries here. Good luck in all of your endeavors. God bless.- Happy New Year!

"All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make, the better."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson


OfficialAzyMD said...

Happy New Year 2 u n ur beloved Family.. :)

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