Monday, June 15, 2009

Job Interview One: Chapter One

I love the serendipity to this very first it is my first real job interview, and the company that potentially hiring me is called 'Chapter One'. I never had anyone interviewed me for a job before, I was fortunate enough to have my former employers to trust me to take me under their wings JUST by looking through my resumes. The only professional interview I had was when I wanted to get in the freaking school.

Honestly, I never heard of the company before until my cousin emailed me in Facebook asking me to check it out. My cousin was super nice to look after me - thanks for your kind gesture! Any-who! This particular company is the leading co for image consultant in Malaysia - and we never heard of it before! Somehow, I'm sure you all have seen them before in newspapers and magazines. Just that we didn't pay much attention.

You can tell it's a niche company by the location of the HQ and the office itself. It's pretty decent for starters. But I have to say I've work at better places before. Suddenly, I miss Bates141 and ACP Magazine because they are near to Starbucks Coffee. Hehe. Just a 5 minutes walk.

After I scout the place a day before the interview, just to get the hang of things, I was dumbfounded by the location - it is next to a automobile workshop. Besides that, the area have massive traffic jams. That's double frown. Well, that's down, the very day I left home around 9:15am from home as I thought my interview is at 10am-11am! I manage to find a very lucrative parking spot behind the shop lots, and I have the aircond water dripping at the side of my car from the neighboring shops...definitely cramming my style. As taking my long walk - (my car is at the other end of shop lots and the office is at the other), my mobile phone buzz - a text message from the company reminding me I have an interview with them , I thought how sweet!! ...then as I read states...the interview schelduled at 11am!! And, I was there at 9:40am already! This makes up to 3 frowns.

Frantic and a little amused, I texted back stating that I am already there. No replies as I walked up the office. So, I buzz the door, and the person who was texting me opened the door. She asked me why am I so early...I replied with my assumption and certainty that the person who called me yesterday morning said 10am to 11am. And, she was like..'Oh, is it?'
I greeted the 2 ladies that seemed to be the only 2 people there- with a smile. They make me sat at this square sofa with black and white geometry prints on it which is in front of my interviewer's office. As I waited I browse an old copy of Cleo magazine and pretending to read I can't even concertrate while they were talking.

After what seemed like a 3 minutes break, my interviewer called me. My first impression, what a very pleasant dude! My first question was.."tell me about yourself?"...after short introduction, he seemed not pleased, he wanted more info...and played coy and asked, what else he needed to know..he replied.."What do you think I need to know?"...then, I start to babble again on my professional experiences. Talked about my family, my work experiences, my weakness and strengths, my dreams and goals...and at the end he analyzed me by saying that I am 'unstable' and a sort of 'Jack of all Traders'...he gave me an advice...which a damn good one- to sort my priorities. He said that he is impressed with me and my communication skills as compared to other candidates he interviewed before. Then, he said, its my turn to ask I babbled away all my uncertainties about the company and the job. He was babbling away and I was nodding away. We ended the conversation with a smile...he has nice wrinkles on his face. *Apa lar, Nad ni!!* Four frowns.

All in all, he said he will go through my application with the other lady in charge, and he said I would probably need to see the lady too later on. So, from there, we bid our 'auf wiedersehen'. Proximity of interview length: 30 minutes.

Good luck to all my mates who are hunting for jobs now!


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