Monday, June 22, 2009

Faboo List 11

Man Candy: Matt Flynn (Maroon 5's Drummer)

Dreaming of:
Spending the whole day at Musee de Louvre, Paris.

Laughed the hardest:
While watching Spongebob Squarepants.

Last thing I ate:
Lay's Barbeque chips

Addicted to: Harvest Moon for Nintendo DS

Missing most: Holding kitties!


Happy to be:
Unemployed and looking.

Current State of Mind:
I'm a farmer in my head.

Smiled the Widest: When Jason Mraz's "You and I Both" vid came up on the telly and when I finally got my Michael Kor's watch (thanks mumzy!)

Can't wait for: To Watch Transformers 2!

Next Purchase: ????

Favourite Routine:
Waking up at 9am!!

Craving For: Berrilicious Chocolate Pavlova @ Delicious


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