Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Do it for the money or love or glory?

My final exam results are not out yet, but I've already looking for jobs. Is that the right to do? Should I wait and be patient. Chill and enjoy the freedom (and boredom) while it last? I'm not the kind of person who favors just sit and watch. I hate waiting. Period! But this so-called relaxing honeymoon 'pre-post grad' act is getting old. And, I know I'm a bump, just by looking the size of my ever expanding thighs. Since I hate routines, I've accommodate myself with daily non-frantic activities. Reading, playing video games, going online looking for jobs and super hilarious news, updating my blog and running errands. Besides that, I always find excuses to go out, mainly for drinks with friends or just running around the shopping mall aimlessly.

I want to go for a quick vacay but this is not the right time to do. School holiday sucks! (for now). They are only good for lesser traffic jams during rush hour which is a gem for those who are employed!

Talking about employment, I have scared myself with the scarious question of all: "What if...?"
  1. What if I took a job at......? Is it the right career path?
  2. Do I have the charisma and talent to go ahead?
  3. What if the place is far, and I have to drive, that means I have to battle in the jams every other day to work? That means I'm prone to traffic accidents and besides that my car will be in danger - Scully alone at the parking lot!
  4. What if I get bored?
  5. What if the colleagues are not compatible with me?
  6. What if the environment is decieving?
  7. What if my car makes problems while I'm at work/after work?
  8. What if I have to work late and all alone? (don't really mind that!)
  9. What if I have to drive a lot to get where I needed to be?
  10. Should I do it for the money? Love? Or glory?
Those are the questions running in my head. But ultimately, there are answers to every question. Now that I've typed it and read it outloud, I realize that's the joy to life. You will never know what will happen, you hope and try as u might to make it right, but in the end life will take it's course. So, chill out and have fun while you're at it. New experiences is what counts.


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