Monday, May 11, 2009

Watch this: Doubt

I know what you're thinking, probably what's the fun in watching a movie about nuns and priests, right? Well, just take my word for it, that it is worth your time to watch these women and men dressed in black and white.
Since there's a huge Oscar buzz surrounded this movie, of course, some of y'all knows a thing or two what the movie is basically about. Well, I first heard it was about a pedophilia case in the Catholic school. It certainly revolves around the idea throughout the movie, but it unfolds among the main characters of the movie one by one. Very thrilling.
Plus, the added skills and star power of heavy weight actors such as Meryl Streep and Philip Seymour Hoffman (Mission Impossible & Copote), truly made biggest puzzle that complete the enigma of this movie.
You will love Amy Adams, you will hate Meryl Streep and you will wooing for Philip. I somehow, fell for Philip Seymour Hoffman in this movie, felt like having a scream fest with him. ;)
Enough said, watch this.


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