The other day, I was recycling my magazines..while looking through the pages of In Style magazine, something caught my eye. 'Virtual Makeover', this look like fun I thought to myself. So, I took a picture of myself, then, upload it on and voila! Ready for my makeover!
For those who are always wondering how they would look like with blonde or red hot hair, go nuts! I did my hair a'la Penelope Cruz, Ashley Olsen, Reese Witherspoon, Drew Barrymore, Scarlett Jo, Katie Holmes, Selena Gomez, Mandy Moore & Natalie Portman. Have a look..and guess which's hairstyles belong to which celebrity?

I think I like my hair long a'la Ashley Olsen...and blonde hair kinda make me pale..gotta stay true brunette hair.
After the virtual makeover, I'm inspired to go to Kimarie hair salon @ Taipan USJ for a trim since I still want to keep my longer, and shorten my bangs with added layers. Voila! Here's my new look for the summer!

gosh... lawak gler
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