Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day. - Sorry the weather is too hot for your liking.

Ahh, Mummy's Day. I love this holiday because I could make my mum cry without feeling guilty. Hehe. - She always cry whenever we gave her presents despite how sucky they might be. I gave her a Amber stone necklace..since she digs semi precious stones jeweleries. Initially, I wanted to get her a rare Tibetan turquoise necklace (I LOVE turquoise accessories now!), but, the length was short as for my mum wears head scarves now. Nonetheless, the Amber stone necklace was perfect length for her. I got her the necklace...the boys got her fave ice-cream brand: Baskin Robbins ice cream cake!! It's an ice cream and a cake. Double whammy! The cake's flavor is "Jamoca Almond Fudge"! Super yummers!

As yummy as the cake was, we had to rush for our lunch. We already made a reservation at 2PM @ Bubba Gump, The Curve. Well, the reason why you booked prior before the lunch like 2 days before D-Day was to avoid getting shitty seats. But, we got them after all. We were cramped to side table which were close to the kitchen entrance. When we sat there, we all started to sweat out like 5 lil piggies. My family was impressed of the deco. But I have to say, it is pretty small than the one in Sunway Pyramid and a bit more cramped. We all felt uneasy with the heat and all. Somehow, it felt like we were in the countryside like the movie Forrest Gump, when people are cramped inside the poorly ventilated church and everyone started to fanning themselves. Me and siblings started to loose our minds with the southern accents while fanning ourselves with the menu card.

Finally, we decided to change tables and ended up at the 'special' corner in the restaurant called: "Momma House". Quaint deco. Very southern countryside. Thankfully we changed tables cuz all the kiddies ordered the RM55++ set. That's 3 courses each. So imagine the portions. All in all, we had a 'full-filling' lunch! Barely can contain my belly. Here's the pics. Btw, I had 'strawberry shortcake' for dessert. Always wondered how the sweet name dessert taste like. - It's yummy.


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