Sunday, May 31, 2009

Faboo List 8

Man Candy:
Sam Worthington (Super HOT and an Aussie - errr!)
Christian Bale ( Loved him for a long time already)
Travis P******a (Too embarrassed to tell)
Wes Bentley (a subtle sexy beast)

The Happiest News I Received Recently:
My best friend is getting engaged this year. Congrats!

The Most Satisfying Thing I Did Recently:

Having 3-course meal at Tony Roma's (Yummers!)
Shopping with mum.
Had a posh lunch with Azlan and Jaja at the Apartment.

The Best Thing I Purchased Recently:
A black woven belt and a floral paint brush print skirt.

The Best Movie I've Seen Recently:
Terminator Salvation. (Totally 'heart' Mr.Bale)

The Saddest Thing I had to do Recently:
Saying goodbye to my hunny bunch; Azlan!

Best Routines:
Hanging out with former classmates from UiTM.

Thing That Troubled Me Most:
Looking for a stable career.

Toy Story 3

Ahhh!! Pixar is coming out with a new Toy Story! I love those tiny aliens. Love-love-love!
Can't wait to catch Woody, Buzz Lightyear, Rex and the aliens on big screen again. Watch the trailer next.
The movie is due out June, 2010!


When I first watched this trailer, I couldn't stop laughing! It's super-hilarious! Sacha Baron Cohen is super genius in remaking himself! That man has no shame!
You guys got to check the trailer out after reading this entry.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Defense Mechanism: Practice In Real Life Situations

I first use the term 'defense mechanism' to describe the 'wall' I kept building around me. Little did I know, it is a professional term used by the famous Sigmund Freud to describe human personality to cope with anxiety. The id, ego and super ego.

In a fashion of my writing, relating to another person's actions and emotions are very subjective. Therefore, those who are reading this may get a hint of their fellow friends or even themselves, or even better; myself. So, here is a 'note to self' about defense mechanism practice in real life situation - through my acquaintances' experiences and myself.

1. Denial - Many people used in their daily life. Personal favorite of mine. The most popular 'mechanism' of all. Deny or lie to yourself from your true feelings. Example: When my dearly beloved says she doesn't fancy Jeremy Piven after watching his travel show on the travel channel. I can see right through her, with a grin on her face and a giggle that follows when I asked if she fancies him. She denies wholeheartedly .

2. Repression - Common defense mechanism, where we keep the information out of conscious awareness though, the information/memories won't go away instead it influences our behaviors. Like, when a friend lost his dearly beloved in a tragic accident, thought he tries to suppress the anxiety of losing a loved one, it somehow effects his behavior and perception that people who cares for him, will 'go' the same way too. So, the harsh goodbyes comes with it.

3. Displacement - Put the anger or any emotions caused by something or someone to another person as a release. A girl broke up with her boyfriend, suddenly brings grim atmosphere to the people around her. When confronted by innocent friends, she blows!

4. Sublimation - We suffered a negative emotion but turning it into a positive thing. Like my fellow clicks, we suffers in the final examinations or reports or sucky superiors/jobs, that anxiety and frustration we channel by screaming our pipes out at the karaoke center when we can.

5. Projection - Well, thought that we hated that particular someone so much, maybe that person hate us as much too. Point taken, when a person hate this girl she barely knew that newly join her class, with a reputation for loving designer bags and being a designer whore, and a show-off - fact known from common friends. She beginning to dislikes her, with her disapproval look on her taste of bags she wore to class, she began to come up with a solution that that 'whore' might not like her anyway.

6. Intellectualization - Channel that negative news or emotion by getting feedback and further knowledge to overcome it. Like, when a love one suffered from a 'mysterious' illness that 3 or 4 professional doctors can't explain besides 'stress related', the daughter turn her thinking cap on, to search in the books on the possible diseases and it cures.

7. Rationalization - We do this a lot when we are searching for a solution to a life's problem. Lay the problem down and list down the pros and cons. Then, the questions goes, should I or shouldn't I go out today to the mall, and spend my money on that gorgeous skirt.

8. Regression - Become stupid. Thinking the only way to overcome that stressful problem by turning yourself into a prick/whore/ass. Example: Draw a hole at a teacher's eyes with a pen on your senior class year book page that someone's else responsible of doing because the teacher criticized you for not being a team player.

9. Reaction Formation - Doesn't necessarily dislikes or hate that person, maybe subjected to preferences of acquaintances, but channel that negative emotion the opposite way. In other words - become 'plastics'! Example: Have a gossip fest with your friends about that person but when facing the subject matter, all masks are on.

10. Affiliation - When stress and down, always turn to a shoulder to cry on. - Sharing time!

11. Humor - I feel sad sometimes for clowns, with that permanent smile on their faces, who will ever know their real true feelings. Huggies for clowns....err..not too close now.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Faboo List 7

Man Candy:
Simon Baker - that mischievous grin of his drives me nuts. Wrinkles!
(he is everything I would 'not prefer' in a dude- Australian, married and a surfer)

Favorite Routine of the Week:
Hanging out with former classmates I haven't seen in a while. Gossip time! Plus, yesterday's outing with Nadhyrah, Azlan, Jaja and Lobo was super fun. I saw a couple of cuties. One is off the charts!

In My To-Buy List:
Quarter-sleeve cardigan and a nude sandals.

Things I Hate to do This Week:
Saying good-byes.

Currently Reading:
June Issue of In Style Magazine

Favourite thing in my wardrobe:
Summer dress.

I Laughed the Loudest:
while watching Japanese prank clip on Ellen DeGeneres Show.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Snow Patrol's "The Planets Bend Between Us"

This song reminded me why I simply adore Gary Lightbody. ;)

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Faboo List 6

Man Candy:
Paul Newman (He's dead but still hot)

I need a:
new wear with my new Gap dress

Craving for:
Juicy grilled burger@Tony Roma's

Listening to:
"The Planets Bend Between Us" by Snow Patrol

Wishful Thinking:
Going on vacation to Paris and Rome

The Last Thing I (helped) Cooked:
Cottage Pie and Strawberry Smoothie

Emotional Rate:
Calm and a bit agitated (Gary!!)

Food, imported sparkling juices and See By Chloe' 'Les Jardin' bag

The last thing I unchecked in my to do list:
Sending a 'thank you' note to Jason Mraz.

Things that kept buggin me:
My career path.

I laughed loudest:
while watching "Night at the Museum 2"

Movies I want to watch next:
"Terminator Salvation", "Monsters and Aliens" and "Paper Heart"

Current Fashion Idol:
Ashley Olsen

Currently Reading:
"A Girl for All Seasons" by Camilla Morton

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Loving Kris Allen

I have to admit that I'm not the avid American Idol follower this season, but at throughout the end of the competition, I found myself drawn to this one incredibly humble contestant. That person is Kris Allen.

I was super sure that Adam Lambert was going to win this season, because of the press coverage and the hoopla going on about him. Frankly, I had enough. Heck, I even made a draft text message to my sister, stating that Adam Lambert won, so I could sent it right away after Ryan announce it. But you have to give credits to Adam for his amazing high vocal range. That man can sing. But, all I can say, he has all the confidence in a man that Kris are lacking.

Nonetheless, during the showdown, I fancied Kris' version of 'No Boundaries', as it has the sounds of One Republic and The Fray pitched in. Love it.

Adam has the amazing voice and talent to create something of his own throughout all the competition. But they all started to sound the same. And his stage presence was not my cup of tea either. That man wears much more make-up than Amy Winehouse. And the stage outfits are ridiculous. Love him when he keeps it simple with a suit and less screaming.

With all the coverage Adam been receiving, I lost slight hope that Kris will win. That's why I was jumping out of my seat, screaming my head off, and with tears in my eyes when they announced Kris Allen is the new winner. I was moved. Super excited than last season AI when my dreamy David Cook won. What I love about Kris that he knows the other guy have great high range vocals and very theatrical, so he pulled out his 'Unique Selling Proposition' (USP) by playing his own instrument, subtle vocals, and modesty. Even when he won, he was still humble. You can see he has the most passion to sing and perform. All in all, if they're both an animal, they would be from a cat family, Adam would be the tiger with amazing stripes, and, Kris would be the cool cat, modestly chilling around but talented.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Faboo List 5

Sexy Beast of the moment: Taylor Mane (Have u see the size of that men!?)

I Need/Want to buy: Tailored shorts (panas-lah nowadays - love the one from GAP!)

Song I want to hear now: Plain White T's "1,2,3,4" (Simple and sweet)

Movies I want to watch next: Night at the Museum 2 (Ben Stiller cracks me up!)

I hate the...: weather

Hungry for: Popeye's Chicken or Sauteed Garlic Mushroom

Can't Wait for: go on a holiday to the beach.

Can't get this song out of my head: "Mmm..Papi" by Britney Spears (cheeky!)

Strange Occurrence: European cities/countries (Rome, Paris, Spain & Germany) - Europe
calling!!!! Suddenly, I feel so calm. ;)

How to keep cool when it's hot.

I know u guys been sweating like lil' piggies a lot these days. The heat is excruciating, even when u're indoors. So, it is advisable for you to spend your days in shopping malls to cool off in a vast space of air-conditioned place. Besides that, here are some tips to avoid u passing out every single day or spoiling your fair complexion (i know we're Asians are not so keen on tanned skin).

  1. Drink lots of water to regain the water lost due to sweating.
  2. Keep still and quiet. This is not a good time for exercising, sports or running around. Keep these activities for the evening when the air becomes cooler and the sun goes down.
  3. Stay in the shade. Read a good book, sit still or take a nap.
  4. Open the windows to let in a breeze. Use screens to keep out insects if they are a problem.
  5. Go swimming. If you can, select a shady body of water.
  6. Have a cold shower or bath. Even a small amount of water sprayed or splashed on you can help. Or try a face washer dipped in cold water and held against your face and forehead for instant cooling relief. Wet towels if you need to cool all of your body and wrap your legs, torso and arms with them.
  7. Wet your hair with cold water every half an hour.
  8. Use fans. Fans keep the air circulating and produce a small cooling effect. Place a wet face cloth on the fan to produce a mini air-conditioning effect. Be careful to sit the wet face washer only on the outer cage part of the fan so that it cannot be caught by the fan blades and do not leave the room without taking it off.
  9. Try and get used to the heat. Try to do this without relying on fans too much. That way, you can be more independent of relying on any electrical equipment, something that become very important should there be a summer blackout.
  10. Apply lots of sun protection lotion throughout the day. The protective function of such lotion only lasts for a few hours and less when you are in water. Reapply frequently for best coverage. Do not rely on it alone, however. Always combine with wearing a hat, long-sleeved clothing and keeping out of the sun during the hottest part of the day.
  11. Wear a hat and don't expose too much skin. Long-sleeved shirts made of cotton, hemp and other natural fabrics will help deflect the sun's rays and protect your skin. A broad-brimmed hat is essential to protect your face and to create some shade over your head.
  12. Keep inside or in the shade when the sun is at its height. Don't go outside if you can help it between 11 o' clock and 3 o' clock, as these are the hours during which the sun is at its strongest.
  13. Use a washcloth. Get a washcloth and soak it in cold water . Barely ring it out, and lay it on your neck . Repeat when needed .

Taken from


Friday, May 15, 2009

Imperfections: Learn it, live it, love it.

This is the very perfection of a man, to find out his own imperfections.
Saint Augustine

There is nothing in this world that is perfect. Yet, we all strive for perfection in all our doings. Of course, it is only natural to a human to be attracted to pretty and beautiful things. But, as I sat at a coffee cafe' with my mate, I saw a family, the dad (I assumed) was on a wheelchair, I felt compassion from the wife because her man had his head stitched and his throat has a plastic tube sticking out. The man doesn't look fatally ill, but his condition looked like he seen better days. His wife was spoon feeding him a cake, while he smiles at every bite. As I pondering on, I believe that a love like that is a rarity in this world. How she stood by him, looking pass his flaws.
I can't help it but see a beauty in it.

The thing is, imperfections is what made us grand. Not many people are gifted with the set of eyes to notice it, and the heart to appreciate it. You have to look pass what's on the surface and into the core. The only thing that I would describe as ugly are people without morals, mind or ethics.

If you love something or someone for what or who it is, you tend to get pass the good and and the bad. You will begin to acknowledge the beauty and love that they brought into your life. Surface imperfections are very attractive sometimes. I tend to love guys with scruffy facial hair, wrinkles around their eyes and lips, pot bellies, and chubby fingers. But, that doesn't mean that I don't like the opposite kind - clean shaven, polish, rock hard abs, and high cheekbones. They are all welcome. Just by experience these gorgeous peeps tend to be very vain. And I hate that.

To all those peeps who think they are not worth anything, just embrace the inner diva in you but never loose control. Be who u really are. Those who always is the guy or chick everyone looks/adores upon (perasan!), take it easy. Don't be such a whore. We are not haters, we just hate your guts. Plastics!

Just remember, the next time you think you want to judge a guy with pagoda t-shirt and selipar Jepun as a beggar and useless dude. He might turn out to be a multi-millionaire.

Plus, just because it looks good doesn't mean it taste good too.

It's time to see the world with both eyes and heart open.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Wait for this: Post Grad

This is something that me and my UiTM mates can relate to at the moment. It's all in the title. Check it out.

Ryden Malby (Bledel) had a plan. Do well in high school, thereby receiving a great college scholarship. Now that she’s finally graduated, it’s time for her to find a gorgeous loft apartment and land her dream job at the city’s best publishing house. But when Jessica Bard (Reitman), Ryden’s college nemesis steals her perfect job, Ryden is forced to move back to her childhood home. Stuck with her eccentric family – a stubborn do-it-yourself dad (Keaton), an overly thrifty mom (Lynch), a politically incorrect grandma (Burnett), a very odd little brother (Coleman) – and a growing stack of rejected job applications, Ryden starts to feel like she’s going nowhere. The only upside is spending time with her best friend, Adam (Zach Gilford) – and running into her hot next-door neighbor, David (Santoro). But if Ryden’s going to survive life as a post grad, it may be time to come up with a new plan…

Check out the trailer at

The young guys in the movie are HOT!

Monday, May 11, 2009

This is what umemployed people do...get themself a virtual makeover!

Fine, I'm bored. My plan to go holiday and relaxing after retiring from my internship is still in pending. Nowadays, I'm even thinking of looking for job. Maybe starting in June. Hope I'll get one or two or three offers...hehehe. *Wishful thinking*

The other day, I was recycling my magazines..while looking through the pages of In Style magazine, something caught my eye. 'Virtual Makeover', this look like fun I thought to myself. So, I took a picture of myself, then, upload it on and voila! Ready for my makeover!

For those who are always wondering how they would look like with blonde or red hot hair, go nuts! I did my hair a'la Penelope Cruz, Ashley Olsen, Reese Witherspoon, Drew Barrymore, Scarlett Jo, Katie Holmes, Selena Gomez, Mandy Moore & Natalie Portman. Have a look..and guess which's hairstyles belong to which celebrity?

I think I like my hair long a'la Ashley Olsen...and blonde hair kinda make me pale..gotta stay true brunette hair.
After the virtual makeover, I'm inspired to go to Kimarie hair salon @ Taipan USJ for a trim since I still want to keep my longer, and shorten my bangs with added layers. Voila! Here's my new look for the summer!

Watch this: Doubt

I know what you're thinking, probably what's the fun in watching a movie about nuns and priests, right? Well, just take my word for it, that it is worth your time to watch these women and men dressed in black and white.
Since there's a huge Oscar buzz surrounded this movie, of course, some of y'all knows a thing or two what the movie is basically about. Well, I first heard it was about a pedophilia case in the Catholic school. It certainly revolves around the idea throughout the movie, but it unfolds among the main characters of the movie one by one. Very thrilling.
Plus, the added skills and star power of heavy weight actors such as Meryl Streep and Philip Seymour Hoffman (Mission Impossible & Copote), truly made biggest puzzle that complete the enigma of this movie.
You will love Amy Adams, you will hate Meryl Streep and you will wooing for Philip. I somehow, fell for Philip Seymour Hoffman in this movie, felt like having a scream fest with him. ;)
Enough said, watch this.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day. - Sorry the weather is too hot for your liking.

Ahh, Mummy's Day. I love this holiday because I could make my mum cry without feeling guilty. Hehe. - She always cry whenever we gave her presents despite how sucky they might be. I gave her a Amber stone necklace..since she digs semi precious stones jeweleries. Initially, I wanted to get her a rare Tibetan turquoise necklace (I LOVE turquoise accessories now!), but, the length was short as for my mum wears head scarves now. Nonetheless, the Amber stone necklace was perfect length for her. I got her the necklace...the boys got her fave ice-cream brand: Baskin Robbins ice cream cake!! It's an ice cream and a cake. Double whammy! The cake's flavor is "Jamoca Almond Fudge"! Super yummers!

As yummy as the cake was, we had to rush for our lunch. We already made a reservation at 2PM @ Bubba Gump, The Curve. Well, the reason why you booked prior before the lunch like 2 days before D-Day was to avoid getting shitty seats. But, we got them after all. We were cramped to side table which were close to the kitchen entrance. When we sat there, we all started to sweat out like 5 lil piggies. My family was impressed of the deco. But I have to say, it is pretty small than the one in Sunway Pyramid and a bit more cramped. We all felt uneasy with the heat and all. Somehow, it felt like we were in the countryside like the movie Forrest Gump, when people are cramped inside the poorly ventilated church and everyone started to fanning themselves. Me and siblings started to loose our minds with the southern accents while fanning ourselves with the menu card.

Finally, we decided to change tables and ended up at the 'special' corner in the restaurant called: "Momma House". Quaint deco. Very southern countryside. Thankfully we changed tables cuz all the kiddies ordered the RM55++ set. That's 3 courses each. So imagine the portions. All in all, we had a 'full-filling' lunch! Barely can contain my belly. Here's the pics. Btw, I had 'strawberry shortcake' for dessert. Always wondered how the sweet name dessert taste like. - It's yummy.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Eat and Be Merry!

My holiday have just started..well, sort of. And, all my food cravings has been answered. On Saturday, my granny from Sarawak came over, so we had a nice big lunch over at my family's fave restaurant; La La Chong, near Subang Aiport. It's our go-to restaurant for great Chinese cookings. Yummers!

Then, there was Yellowcab Pizza. The nearest to me was Taipan USJ. Basically, belakang rumah. Don't expect Meal Deals like Domino's and Pizza Hut. Instead, they sell their pizza according to sizes individually: 10', 14' and 18'. What I like about the shop is that, it's gone 'green', in a sense of it being environmental friendly. The light bulbs are all energy saving, they serves dine-in customers with paper plates and plastic cutlery to conserve water, the drinks they serve are all in aluminum cans, glass bottles, or plastic bottles (easier to recycle), and the used pizza boxes are stacked according to sizes - flat out after customers finish eating. The deco is so minimalist, which is not cluttered at all compared to likes of Pizza Hut new deco.

Of course the food - the pizza was superb! I ordered the 14' Pepperoni and Mushroom - absolutely LOVE it. And a side order of Twice Baked Potato Halves which was a double/triple YUMMERS! The 10' pizza can cost up to RM29, 14' cost up to RM45, and the AMERICAN SIZE XL 18' pizza can cost up to RM70. Be sure to try it soon.

Here's the menu.

Ok, two cravings down, another two to tell. Next, sort of like the desserts to the 2 main courses I've just mentioned. Me and Huda both crazy about Krispy Kreme doughnuts. They just opened one at Berjaya Times Square. You guys should visit the website, you'll drool! I spent close to 50 bucks on doughnuts alone. Crazy, but the ones with Hershey's on top, makes it all worth while.

Here's a pic of me MUNCHING the Cookies and Creme Hershey's doughnut- like a doughnut monster! The expression tells it all, how happy I am eating it. Hehehe.

After a tiring day of walking around the 7th largest shopping mall in the world (we didn't cover the whole freaking building!).. me and Huda are stunned by the precision of the workers in this reflexology shop. So, we decided to unwind our feets..LIKE..really unwind my nerves and veins of my pale legs. Huda got a lady, while I got an old guy. He looked well experience. I just know him for like 1 minute and he already pulled my legs apart!! That was funny. Throughout the 40 mins message, me and Huda was at awed with this one masseuse, he got big tone arms, and he was massaging this 'bapak ayam' like he's dead thing. He's like pulling his legs apart. But, the man seemed to enjoy..along with his 2 presumably chicks. We're both were disgusted by the 'bapak ayam' who was in his undies which same goes with his other partner who had her pants off. Here's a pic of us..being tortured. But at the end, it was all worth it.

The next craving fulfilled was: dining at Bubba Gump Shrimp & Co. It's a bit pricey than your usual Friday's and Chilli's, but it has a specialty of shrimp dishes, which the very thing I love. But, when I was there, I tried their BBQ burger - delicious! Serves with giant onion rings, reasonable quantity of fries and big pounds of beef patty. I chuck down the burger with a VERY REFRESHING shake called "Run Forrest Run".

A apart from the food. The deco is inviting and cosy. They have a private room for special occasions called Mama's house. Decorate like Forrest Gump's mum house. Very quaint and country like. The rest of the place is like bar/ship going on - wood and car plates all over. And, at every table they have a couple of car plate signs written: "RUN FORREST RUN" and the other; "STOP FORREST STOP". The 'Run' is like do not disturb sign. While 'stop' is for you to call the waiter.

Here are some pics:

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Gosh, school is not over yet but my craving is uncontrollable. There are these 2 American import I would love to try now. One is a dessert and the other is, well, you can label it as a main course. Krispy Kreme doughnuts and Yellowcab Pizza.

Huda already booked me as her Krispy Kreme partner. So, we'll be visiting their first outlet in Malaysia at Berjaya Times Square soon. I think both of us already drooling over their doughnuts shown at their official site. Definitely love the ones with Hershey's choc. You will drool too once u check it out. Here's the address:

As for the pizza, YUMMERS! is all I can think of when I looked through their menu. Obviously, many things in the menu reminding bits of what people thinks of New York hence the 'Yellowcab'. The pepperoni and mushroom, four cheese pizza, New York Finest...I could go on...they're all seem DELICIOUS! Can't wait to try them. Nearest I know is at Taipan USJ, Subang Jaya. Oh, tiny cute detail, their delivery boys rides very cute scooter version of NY's famous yellow cabbies!

Check them out at:

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Listen to this: Joanna Wang

Her voice doesn't match her face. It sounded like it belongs to the likes of Diana Krall, Nina Simone and Billie Holiday. I was at awed when I first saw this video on Channel V. She's a superb singer.

Katy Perry's new video: "Waking up in Vegas"