Sunday, March 29, 2009

Week 12: We are rebels with causes!!!

This week, I'm not going to update y'all in my Bates experience, instead, let me tell you the highlight of my week! - AdFest 2009, babay!!

In fact, I just got back from the trip like few hours ago. We had so much fun being rebels! The fact is, we played the 'senior' card! Of course lah, we all our part 6 students..we'll be graduating next semester. So, frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn!

Although we were dead tired that morning before we left for Lumut, that tiredness are all gone as soon as we saw each others faces. Some of us actually woke up at 5am because we were told to be there by 6:45am. But, janji Melayu punye pasal, we actually left UiTM at 8:30am! So typical.

Here's a pic of us before we left!

While waiting for the bus, there is 'nice' girl, who we dubbed the nickname 'Eventually' for her snob accent! FYI, she asked us to run up back to the faculty to signed up for the trip. We don't mind really, but the accent and her body language is driving us nuts.

Then came the time when we were about to boarded the bus, it took so long because the organizers thought it would be a fun idea to mix people up by semesters. Duh, being this is our chance to go and be together as classmates, we make our own rules. Lead by the prankster - Nadhyrah, we put our bags in one of the buses, and ignore everyone, since we are practical students, so we barely sees each other and them all, who cares if we want to be together!? Basically, we are the first ones to boarded the bus. Then, the rest follows.

On the bus, we thought about getting some shut eyes, but NO! None of us sleep, well...maybe a while, but just brief! We were so excited to see each other, we laugh, we sing and talk throughout the journey.

While on the bus, some freakish guy came and talk to us. We sort of have this cocoon protecting our circle that we refused strangers. But, this guy is not a stranger, he is an old friend of Huda - which unfortunately, this particular fact he kept repeating to all of us. Scarily, he kept hovering near Huda throughout the time. We dubbed him the 'stalker'. Ironically, he approached most of us, but when it comes to me and Nad, he skipped, probably we looked so grim with our shades on; we dubbed ourselves as the 'unapproachable Bates babes'.

When we arrived, it's like 2pm already. All I think is rushing to the toilet. As normal, us girls have to go to the loo in groups..hehe. There we chatted some more, but more complaining than chatting because we didn't get our room yet, because ours are being cleaned! But the boys already got theirs. BUT, we are so delighted to know that we girls are all in the same room!! All 9 of us!

Because we didn't have a room yet, we were told to put our bags in one of the rooms available and rush down for lunch. After having lunch, we were told to go to AdTalk. But only some of us did. During the AdTalk, rebels being rebels, we made our own row of seats, which a couple of people; Ms. Shifa and the speaker himself (senior copywriter of Naga) came to us and asked us to to seat in front. But, of course we put our best faces on, and refuse nicely with bunch of excuses. Here are the faces...of so-called-good girls.

Unfortunately, we are not as goody as we seemed, we left after the AdTalk tea break. Duh, of course we have to, we already got the key our room, we see no point to stick around for the 'workshop' after the 'talk'. We are so anti-social!

But, sad as it seemed, we couldn't get our bags from the other room becuz it's lock. So, we stayed in the apartment just giggling. There are 3 rooms in the apartment. I shared with Huda and Yana. Nad, Yoni and Ina (pranksters) in one room. Baya, Sue and Myn in the other. We all love our apartment because it faces the sea. So pretty.

After getting all glam up, like the tradition before AdNite, we took pictures first using timer some more!! So here we are...FYI, the theme was 'casual masquerade'. That's explains the masks.

Yana is the peacock lady. Nadhyrah is the 'glamazon' women. Ina and I are the tragic 80's superheroes. Yasmin looked like the cat from Alice and Wonderland. And, Yonie is the gold burglar.

Our venue is great, right next to the beach. I have to give kudos to the organizer of AdNite for their management, the BBQ food they served is good, the karaoke sessions they planned is superb, the performances from the each semester was fun.
We sang harmoniously, we danced like crazy, we screamed our lungs out, we took more photos than a paparazzi, and basically, have a great jolly time. We got goodies from Famous Amos that night...which was way better than any AdNite we've been to. Yummy.

FYI, the pic above taken during our tribute to Earth Hour that night. We support it too, okay!!??

And, here's a pic of us on the dance floor.

Oh, we performed that night together with the other part 6 student. They did 3 Abba songs. A sing and dance combo. We were asked to joined them when they performed Abba's 'Thank you for the music'. Sad, rite!?

They end the night officially by announcing the king and queen of the night. The queen was won by Qila from part 6, and the king was some dude with 'Joker' mask on.
Unofficially, the night runs through with MORE karaoke sessions. Here are some of the lecturers performed that night...

Although, the dinner is over, our party was still going on. We took our party to the man-made beach. We took a lot of ridiculous are some of it.

We talked that night until 1 am at the beach. Wonderfully, we made a circle, Chris turned into a 'ketua rumah panjang' and lead the conversation. We all got sentimental in our speeches. Semua teringat masa zaman silam. How I wish all of us were there.

The girls resigned the night to our apartment. The boys did the same. But after changing into our PJ's, we all talked some more. Some retired earlier than others. Ended up, me, Yana, Sue and Myn are the last ones to snooze around 4am.

The next morning, the first person to woke up was Huda. Then, Sue, Baya and Myn joined. Yonie, Ina and Nad resumed later. The last ones are me and Yana. Some of us was woken up by Huda's loud voice, but most of us are awoken by the loud announcement from the Explorace event. Although, we all are awake, we show no interest to it, except Sue who is really keen on joining but kesian her friends couldn't care less. After washing our faces and brushing our teeth. All of us with our PJ's and bed heads, headed down to the breakfast buffet. We thought we are the only ones, it seemed others are the same. Hehe. Even after the lecturers and the organizers saw us, we couldn't be bothered.

After breakfast, we run up again, some took a light nap, but most stay in chat. Eventually, we all started to take our showers and began to pack. While others were busy running here and there and getting wet in the explorace which were held at the nearby 'waterpark', we were also running here and there taking pictures in the compounds of the hotel...

Then, we headed down to the hotel's little sundry shop and have a drink next to the pool...and chatted some more.

And took more pictures...

Then, we had our lunch. While the rest still running around. Hehe. After lunch, we headed back to our apartment, chill for a moment and then, grabbed our bags. While others we showering after explorace, we already down at the lobby. Haha

As usual, we saw our buses arrived, without further or due, we headed to the bus and put our bags in it. Sit inside and mark our territory. Basically, it's the same bus as the one we took on the way there. Others, somehow doesn't want to sit in the same bus with us, probably we are anti-social and running into our own drums. hehe.

Somehow, karma hits us, and the bus seemed to be in a bit of a trouble besides getting stuck in the jam, while I wanted so badly to go to the loo. We should have known, the same bus broke down on us while on the way to Lumut..I don't know why we didn't thought of that in the first place. Aiyo. Frankly, we are the last couple of buses that arrived at UiTM. We were home by 7-ish pm.

Frankly, my darlings. We had a blast there. We do as we pleased. We didn't follow any rules besides the 'makan' time and we laughed the loudest.

We sing. We dance. We make noise.


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