Friday, March 6, 2009

Week 9: Irony, funny coincidences and things that bite my ass back.

The week started off quite smoothly, my GM is still on leave. The first 2 days of the week, I was the humbled-goodie-two-shoes intern. I was literally bored out of my mind. I already finished my assignment on Monday. Then, I got nothing to do, other than surfing the net which I have to say, I never fully enjoy doing it so.

My routine for the first 2 days was asking my supervisors - both or only one of them when they are available, asking him they needed help. Well, hedgehog said I need to become a 'Mystery Auditor' for one of the banking client. I was excited. During very briefly brief, hedgehog finally discovered I'm not legally Malay, which really stunt him. Because later, he asked me if I'm a Muslim. Like duh, lar darling!?? - The task was suitable for Bumiputeras only, and he thought Nadhyrah was a perfect candidate, I guess because she looked more Malay than me. But Nadhyrah is tied down to her now, office BF with some client. hehe. So, it's no can't do for Nad's part. Ended up, the work is postponed after he gave me a list of criteria I should learned and asked later as a mystery auditor.

I was so pissed that no one wanted to give me do anything. I asked almost everyone if they needed any help. Even beg them, because I was so darn bored. All of them answered with a laugh. Some actually pitied me. Literally, after the 11am - after media monitoring, I have nothing to do rather than surfing for Jesse Mccartney new video. Which the hedgehog saw me did. How embarrassing, Jesse?? Of all peeps.

As I was wishing to do more task, that wish comes and bites me at the ass. They couldn't pick a worst day for me to stay longer on a job than the day I want to catch Jason Mraz in concert. One of them knew I'm going, he just forgot. I already planned to leave from Midvalley, where my sis can pick me up from before headed to Stadium Negara. Now, the plan is ruined and I'm worried. Of all days man!

On Wednesday, on 'D-Day', I am dressed comfortably. Ready for some action. I'm part of the transformers. Morphing myself into a robot. I was really determined to get going. Really impressed some of my colleagues with my performance. I rather felt like a possess human. My hands and arms felt like it has a life of it's own. Bag. Shove. Book. Pass. That was my routine. I didn't leave early like I wanted to, because my sister left home late, plus, she got lost. Literally, I'm off to see 'abang Jason' at 6:30pm. - Late, I know!

I had a tremendously amazing time at the concert. Waking up fresh and with a smile on my face the next day. I'm walking on air. Who says you need to be in love to feel this way? Mraz offered euphoria experience with his songs and lyrics. Enough with Jason talks.

Then, the next day, I had to wear my glasses to covered my 'lebam' eyes. Thanks to hard night of rocking to Mraz tunes. - I lost my voice. I decided to drive on Thursday, because I had to continue to packing the goodies. And, I know I'll be home late. And, I was right. The latest I've finished my job: 8:30-ish PM. I reached Midvalley from Desa Petaling that late, and, had to go home all alone because Nad was out long time already, while I was still packing at the warehouse. But, nonetheless, I actually had a great time, I bonded with my colleagues, had a few crazy laughs, - I was dubbed as part of the 'sluts' by my flamboyant colleague, a short karaoke session, and a lot of teasing and gossips. It feels great to be out of the office once in a while. It was fun but all the hours and hours of packing, took a toll at our bodies. My back was arching - i started to hunch, my legs are numb, and my ass is even more numb.

I though Friday was going to be a relaxing day, but I thought wrong. In the morning, as I arrived at the office late as usual for this week : 9:30am, I was about to turn on my PC, suddenly, I heard a loud cry from a far. A familiar voice. It was Nad. Screaming from the creative dept. She had a great news, so she started to do skip+run combo towards me. It felt like I haven't seen her for days. I was so looking forward over at lunch so we could gush to office gossips and most importantly, we haven't finished gush about Jason!

She brought happy news to me early in the morning. Her advisor; Dr.Ngu is coming over. Before I know, we were jumping up and down in the office screaming- in my dept. Like a school girl just met the guy of her dreams. But, for our part, that guy is our beloved and I know you guys called him my 'supposedly' daddy, back in school.
I asked Nad to informed me when he arrived as I wanted to meet him too!

I continued doing my daily 'media monitoring' and then help Nad summarizing her articles. Then, suddenly, my job starting to piling up. Both my supervisors requested my help. Then, I had a serendipity moment, hedgehog asked me to look through a ticket purchase website, and coincidentally, they sold Jason Mraz concert tickets. I just smiled quietly while he explaining away. But, since Nad have a deadline, I decided to finish her work first.

In true nature of Dr.Ngu, he came on time. Very punctual. Nad and Muzaffar (unexpected visitor) came over to my desk to inform Dr.Ngu's arrival. We all went to the main entrance. We sat down at the chair nearby the pantry, shared a few laughs and talks with Dr.Ngu. He was surprised to see me there too. He met Nad's colleagues, ask her supervisor's opinion of her and lastly, ask us of our opinion working there. Dr.Ngu is such a sweet old man! We all like him. We ended the trip with a tour around my dept, since he never been at the other side. All eyes were watching, I must add. Unfortunately, my both supervisors were already back from lunch, they saw us, but didn't say a word until I came back to desk alone, hedgehog finally asked me who he is..i explained he was Nad's advisor. Then, the other ask him instead. He answer on my behalf. When I told Nad my supervisors asked who is Dr.Ngu, Nad said I should have said, he was my BF. - That should cause some stir!

After lunch, I came back with a bag full of 'Fortune Cookies'. I opened my first with an ironic message: "Don't run away from your problems. Face up your challenges". I was like; "Eh,huh!?". Little did I know it was going to bring me a hidden meaning. After lunch is the beginning of my task piling up. A couple of my colleagues are started to pissed me, the cute ones are not as cute as before anymore. Shhessh! Just like what the fortune said - can't run away from my problems.
I did finish all my task before I left (giving myself a pat at the back!)

I also gave hedgehog a fortune cookie since he was playing "Geek in the Pink" by Jason Mraz on the speakers, he never played my sayang's songs. Never ever. Probably, he overheard me and Nad gushed over Jason's article in the papers before that. Nevertheless, it put a wide smile on my face - I think 'saya sudah gila'. So, I gave him the cookie, before I walk off from my desk, I overheard he read his fortune; "Find love"...and I was thinking to myself: "How ironic!??"...When I told Nad, she just laughed at it.

I did a lot of calls today. A lot of sarcasm than usual. A lot of pissing from client side. A lot of annoyance from other colleagues this time around. I don't know why they didn't asked for help from the other intern who on that day while I was busy entertaining other demands, she always came over stating that she is bored. They saw her, but didn't asked for her. And one former cutie pie almost get into a fight with me over a fax number, I noticed he like to win his fights. Even gave me a stink eye. I was like: "If you don't trust me, why don't you try it for yourself."

He didn't bothered. Suddenly, he's not that cute anymore. Actually, from that day on, no one in that office is cute anymore. Ahh. From now on, the only eye candy for me at the office is the one I see on my desktop: Mr. Lee Pace. Hehe.

FYI: I also have a photo of you guys pinned at my cubicle partition! Rindu-lah! :)

Before I end this, I want to dedicate this verse of this song: "The Dynamo of Volition" by Jason Mraz. You guys should have a listen. It's perfect for us interns that are on stress. - High five guys! For a good job!

"Good Job
Get 'em up way high
Gimme gimme that high five
Good time
Get 'em way down low
Gimme gimme that low dough
Good God
Bring 'em back again
Gimme gimme that high ten
You're the best definition of good intention."

"Don't let your mind stopping you from having fun."
- Kuala Lumpur, 4th March 2009, Jason Mraz Concert.


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