Saturday, March 14, 2009

Week 10: Funny coincidences and tons of giggles!

This week I kind of had fun at work, although, I did have to work on the field and on a weekend (first time!), but, it’s all good. Plus, it’s always good to began your week, with one day missing; thanks to so-many-public-holidays, in your working days.

On Tuesday was the beginning of funny coincidences. As I and Nad would call it: “Meet your old school mates day”. I saw 3 of them walking around and back home, assumable, at Midvalley. 2 of them were my advertising seniors who had just graduated. 1 actually dated way back from my secondary school days. It’s nice to see familiar faces in a sea of tourist and shoppers at Midvalley.

Throughout the week, honestly, I had a good time at work, since the work I’m getting is more versatile. I’m not stuck in with a data entry job which I know I will soon resume into next week. Along this week, I did organizing the client’s database, mystery audit, event observation, invitation drafting, research and other silly manual labor stuff like make tons of copies of powerpoint slides, then, stapled it, media monitoring, and sorting out the filing cabinet (out with the old, in with the new!). Overall, I had sorta fun. I was not bored entirely. Plus, I get to get out of the office and fooling around with Nad, my little brother and the other intern before rushed back to the office (really curi tulang case!).

I got no complaints for any of my colleagues this week except my ever sarcastic you-know-who. Still driving me up the wall just as I’m about to be nice to him, then, he goes screwing it all with his comments to the extend I had no mood to dwell into his games anymore. – Once he called me ‘sombong’ because I didn’t gave him any reply, then, he tease me about going ‘dating’ – Huh!? He alone mistakenly heard I murmured the word ‘date’, tak pasal-pasal I kena!?

This week, my big boss is in the building already after taking a 2 weeks break, he is so hardworking – totally impressed with his persona. So, everything running well again – thanks to him.

Have I told you guys I bought like bags of ‘fortune cookies’? Well, I had one everyday, so far the fortune has a funny way of opening up it’s meaning along the day. Like one fortune reads: “Help the needy and you will reap the benefits”. I thought; “Oh, okay. Help the unfortunate people then, and I would feel good about myself, for sure”. But as I went along my new task of doing some mystery auditing around my destinations – helping out my supervisor for some banking client, I unexpectedly finished way earlier than I should, so, I made a deal with my supervisor to be back after lunch is over, and it’s like 4 hours until lunch is over. SO, apa lagi!? From my last destination at TTDI, I made a detour to One Utama!! Haha. I had myself a lovely lunch over at ‘New York Deli’ which you guys should try!! And, some lil’ shopping added at the end - as usual. I guess that’s what the fortune is telling me…help the needy (my supervisor) and I did reap the benefit (extra time for fooling around). Hehe.

I think work has made me an angry person. I know I’ll get pissed easily, but I became more violent nowadays. Sad but true. Words that I never used in my life are suddenly out of my mouth. I just had a swearing fest last night in the car, alone. The peeps next to me, must think I’m having a fit. But the traffic and the stress of circling around SS15 trying to find a parking on a Friday night, had the worst of me, what can I say. I should reconnect to my spiritual side. Get connected to more important things in life. I guess that’s what my fortune today reads: “Get time off from work and relax”. So true!

Along this week, I added a few things in my wish list: a pair of multi-color Puma sneakers, heavy custard fruit pie, and a lovely bohemian inspired dress. Yes, I want a dress, after reading myself in the Cleo’s ‘Why women wear pants?” article, I suddenly had a revelation, maybe it’s time for me to start wearing skirts again. My legs now are so freaking pale, somehow it would looked freakish.

Anywho, I had a good time at work, get to see a lot of things, and not get pissed as much as usual. But if work doesn’t pissed me, the KTM commuter does. On Tuesday, at a very ample timing getting back from work around 7:40-ish pm, there are still tons of peeps waiting for the train, reason being that the train scheduled was cancelled, not delayed, but FREAKING CANCELED! Even worst, the softy guy with the exaggerated accents announcer at KL Sentral didn’t let the commuters know when is the next train is coming and which line should they queue. By the time the train arrives, I was already sweating like a pig. And, I hate pigs. Aiyoo!

Another thing that gets into my nerves this week is when I did my rounds doing the mystery audit. My last stop was to this Islamic banking branch. Well, most of us would think that the peeps there are nice and polite. Truth be told, they are nice and very knowledgeable as compared to other conventional banking I went to before them. But, the thing that got into my nerves, I had to be polite because I am pretending to be their customer but in truth I was auditing their performance, so they definitely took the advantage to swoon me with hasty compliments and soon, get my digits. To make things worst, the older man, old enough to be my father actually have the nerve to say: “I call you nanti okay!?”, then, the young man follows his words too, as I was about to leave. Thankfully, I intentionally misdirected them with false digits. HAHA!

Overall, it has been a pretty occupied and fulfilling week. That’s all folks!


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