Saturday, January 31, 2009

Faboo List 3

Fave song of the week: "Halo" by Beyonce'

"Going to work" song: "Just Dance" by Lady Gaga

Guy of the week: Keanu Reeves (freakishly HOT!)

Crazy about:
  1. 3.1 Philip Lim's colour coded spring line.
  2. Convertible bags. - Hand held with long detachable straps.
  3. Colours on the feet. Spring colours like orange, tan, yellow and red.
  4. Marc Jacobs African inspired bag. The unmatched patterns are divine!
  5. Knit blazers/cardigans. Especially with draped front - just bought one from Promod yesterday!
  6. Asymmetrical designs; as seen on Angelina Jolie and Katie Holmes. Wear it with sleek do.
  7. Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen's "Elizabeth and James" line. It's a mix of LA mix NY girl's cool chic.
  8. Red bags - hand hold preferably. Check out Fendi and Prada.
  9. Banana Republic's spring collection. The color palette of cool gray, cobalt blue, white, light yellow and black is so what you loved about New York. I particularly love the cap-sleeves on the dresses, pleated skirts, trench coats, scarfs around the neck, and old classic patterns!
  10. Prada's Vitello Daino tote and Tessuto collection.
Hooked on: PC games like "Home Sweet Home 2" and "First Class Flurry"

4th Week: A bit of laughs, giggles, sarcasm, snobness, and boring-ness!

As you guys would probably experience this, there was only 3 working days this week, and I couldn't be more happier as it is closer to the weekend. It is not like I hate my job entirely, it also means that I don't have to ride that stinky-jammed packed-sardine like train that much this week.So, those are the things that I don't miss doing this week.

I was back to work after the festive season on Wednesday - call for duty! As expected and kinda expected too, there were a bunch of people that were not in, in my office. Leaving me, the only girl and intern in my office with 5 other guys. Plus, only one of my supervisors came that day. Even worst for Nadhyrah, she was left alone with the Malay guy in her side of the office on that day. We were the first to arrived besides the receptionist, office-keeper, and the mail-uncle. My office was still dark when I was arrived, that's a first. Me and Nad was so giggly and excited after knowing there would be so little people in the office. So, along the day she would accompany me, so that's makes it more fun as we giggled and laughed through the day, which really bothers with my concerntration to my boring data entry work. -So looking forward to other tasks!!

On the very day, all my male colleagues went back early, the earliest I've seen them leaving; 5:20-ish pm. They were not really going home, but going down for drinks at Finnegan's! -as usual! By the time they were about to leave, I was full on concerntrating to my data entry job for an hour already, suddenly my very sarcastic supervisor tease me saying; "Nadia, you don't have to pretend to do your work. You can go home now as soon after we leave." I was like; "Ahh!?What!?" with a bit of annoyance on my face. Then, I went to Nad's to take my data entry sheet from her, and as I came back to my cubicle, the rest of the clan is there including my GM, the Acc Manager and the rest that came that day. My supervisor thinks it is funny to say that again when everyone is around, "Well, everybody is ready except for the intern who is pretending to do her work." By this time, I was standing up, so I replied; "Ah! Whatever. I'm leaving now anyway. And I don't want to see you ever again!". Everyone laughs, even the GM and the garang 'mandarin' too. As I was about to leave, my GM said, "Well, he's your mentor, you can write in your report how he treat you like a dog!". Well, you see this very day, a lot of firsts happened, the most unlikely guy in the room invite me for lunch, first time exchanging smiles with the garang guy, first time the mail-uncle found out that I was not a Chinese, first time I went to lunch with one of my colleagues and first time we shared a laugh. I guess when there is less people, everyone gets friendly.

There are quite a number of people taking a week leave for the festive celebration, so everything was a bit calmer than usual. A lot of quiet moments, that all you could hear was the sound the sound of people typing their keyboards. I was not needed for the whole 3 days I was there because they were increadibly rush for another client that I'm not a part of. My other supervisor; Fred came and asked the progress of the data entry occasionally everyday, that's all. All in all, I was doing my work without any distractions. Totally minding my own business; there are days I don't even talk to anyone without them asking of course!

All in a week work, my data entry progress in running well, a lot of first moments, giggles every now and again, I've made Nad cried during our 'after work drinks' which usually involves coffee or tea at Coffee Bean or some random kopitiam or cafe' at Gardens, 1 purchased during work visit to the mall, a visit from a friends- thanks Yana for coming to see us for lunch!! and great to see you Piah at KL Sentral- we're both looked tired! and great to see you Marissa and your bf at Mdvalley!, and a lot of office gossips! All around, it has been a good week at the office. BUT, stressful week for riding commuter trains! Since the kids at school are still on holiday, and they are eager to spend their angpow, most of them are just there after their shopping trip, and some even just got back from kampung with their huge bags! Really sucks lar this week to ride train! I really wasted my energy and time waiting and riding the jammed pack cars and poorly ventilated stations! I had to skip dinner for the rest of the week because I was too FREAKING tired!

KTM, please get your management and service sorted!! Your customers are pissed!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Raya Yay!!

Gong Xi Fa Cai to all my Chinese friends!!

This will be the year of the Ox which makes my year too! Apparently, I'm a wood Ox. Here is what they have to say about fellow Oxen...

  • The typical Ox is a tolerant person with strong character. Not many people could equal the resolution and fearlessness the Ox exhibits when deciding to accomplish a task or an objective.(yes, I would put a mean face on!!haha!)
  • Oxen know they will succeed through hard work and sustained effort and find no truth or benefit in concocting get-rich-quick schemes. (so true, always take credit of what u succeed)
  • Ox people are motivated to work hard and have no respect for lazy or careless people. (I don't tolerate lazy is either you work or leave)
  • Although they can be easily trusted and find it easy to put trust in others, they are not dependent on friends and family and would rather find an answer or a solution themselves than to ask these people for help or guidance. (this one is quite questionable, people tend to say that I looked snobbish - yes, Azlan! for the first time we would meet, but time eventually make us great friends! Right?)
  • However, others can, without a doubt rely on Oxen, who are always honest and meticulous about their responsibilities. (Really!???)
  • While they do not feel the need for many distant or acquaintance-oriented friendships, they value the strong bonds they share with their partners and families, and make close friends that last a lifetime.(My friendships, though it is exclusive, it is my most valuable thing in my life)
  • Ox people have made a decision about something, they rarely change it. (i stand by my word..still)
  • Oxen are more comfortable with the well-known as opposed to the unfamiliar. (so true!)
  • Yet, beneath their unpretentious, tranquil exterior lies a heart of gold and a motivation to prosper.
I feel so transparent now.. hehe.

Watch this: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

My eyes are red and puffy as I write this review. For all of you that really into getting in touch of your emotions or just simply looking for a good cry, this is the movie for you.

I first laid eyes on this movie back in November last year when my brother showed me the preview featured on Apple movies. And, from that moment on, I knew there is something about it that brings longing for me to catch it again in full length.

The movie is an adaptation from a short story written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, whom is the person mainly famous for "The Great Gatsby", which is also in the works of turning into a motion picture. The curious thing about it is that Benjamin Button whom played by none other and surprisingly turned himself into a great actor in this movie - Brad Pitt; is...he aged backwards. Brad is accompanied by the very talented and very beautiful Cate Blanchett as his one and true lover.

Through the course of the entire movie, you will see how this man who aged backwards lived his life. Though, he has time to his advantage, he lived in a confined and solitary life as no one really understood what he is going through. He was content when everyone seemed to pity.

I've been told a heartless girl for not crying in "The Notebook" and "Titanic" when most people did. But this one, I've let the river gate flooded open. I've cried the last 30-40 minutes of the movie as it began to told the story of death coming and reaching out for him.

Brad Pitt has never looked so good and so young with the costumes he wore in this movie. And, Cate was looking splendid and sophisticated with her pale skin, long red hair and her always black outfits.

Besides the cool costumes and the amazing locations; Prague, Russia, New Orleans, and Paris, the movie most importantly speaks of sacrifice, love, life and differences. Though, you may be different with age and skin color, you lived your life as it brings you, you make your own fate and come what may, with that, comes love and with love comes sacrifices.

These are just mere words that I typed. You have to see it for yourself and ponder it at every moment it took your breath away.


Friday, January 23, 2009

Faboo List 2

Crazy about: The new Louis Vuitton's Stephen Sprouse collection. - It's divine!

Work theme song: "Top of the World" by Pussycat Dolls - reminds me of Whitney in The City

Boy Crazed: Lazaro Hernandez of Proenza Schouler - cute but possibly gay (sad!)

Fave movie: "The Duchess" - gotta see it guys! Sacrifice is a big thing!

Dreaming of: Driving up at the Griffith Observatory.

Fave color of the season: Canary yellow and deep purple.

3rd Week: Tiring, feverish and pissed!

I think the headline explained it all. This week I've been back home the latest - arrived home at 10pm. Stayed at the office the latest at 8:10-ish pm. Wait for the freaking train the latest too - 40 min~! Sick and feverish because of the schedule, timing, people and diet. I've never hated my supervisors for so many days in week. -That's the record so far.

I have been 'kindly' talked to by one of my supervisor that I needed to uphold my responsibility, which make me feel so disappointed - thanks a bunch for the pressure. Got a visit from a 'golden girl' that everyone loves at the office that literally makes me hate her so much - although she did nothing wrong (sorry!). Just because she lifted the bar so high up for expectations, that I don't think I can reach up that high (yet!). Being 's**t' talked by some of my colleagues because the work I've done and the responsibility trusted upon me are not up to par. Though they did it so discreetly, I still can hear them talking. Thanks for the f**king pressure.

Starting from the 1st week, everyone in my department already started to coughing. Then, only time tells soon the virus effected me. For the past 2 days, I've been such a slob in my office with Panadol, Strepsils and tissues all over my desk. Coughing my throat out while the skin is burning up without me realizing it.

I was not in the mood after the 's**t' ordeal that I usually went home early -5:30pm on the dot!
Once only that I went home earlier than that like 5:20pm, just because my brother was picking me up at the mall instead (tak larat naik train!). Did my work like crappy because I was not in the mood, even my other supervisor noticed that I looked 'clustered' and my other colleague down at the mall told me that I looked tired and sick. - which is so true inside and out.

On Monday, there were a Chinese New Year luncheon, supposedly a tradition at Bates141. I've just find out how 'family' like they are under one roof. The buffett lunch was scrumptious! Plus, we interns even got our angpows!! Which I"ve spent on the next day lunch! Ha! On the same day, I was running up and down in my baju kurung, to Gardens and my office constantly. Really a 'good' exercise! ;P

On Friday, to show team spirit, though I have none at the moment- I wore red just like everyone elses for the occasion. As for the photosession, we interns plays in the background.

Lots of clients really want to close in the deal and settle it before the holiday starts, so my supervisor was practically busy for the last 3 days of the week because he was busy handling some other clients that I'm not working on. Practically, that's when my fever starts and my laziness began! - One day I even left early so that they won't catch me on the way down.

Despite the craziness of it all - I said the word 'hate' more than I could count this week, I still think I've made a good decision picking this company. I think it got potential and only time will tell.

Good luck, y'alls!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Faboo list 1

This is a list of things that I've come across this week, that I think are so darn fabulous!

TV shows: The City latest episodes.

Fave song: Pussycat Dolls' "Top of the World".

Work theme song: Kaiser Chiefs' "Never miss a beat".

Embarrassing moments no.: 3

Fave movie: "Bedazzled"

Joke of the week: Brendan Fraser's line in "Bedazzled" - "El magnifico animal!" (in Spanish tone)

Fave hottie: Ryan Gosling and the guy in Katy Perry's new video "Thinking of You".

2nd Week: Numb

After 2 weeks, I am now numb to all late working hours and work load, AND pack-sardined-like train cars. In my contract, I was supposed to be back by 5:30pm, well, that never happened and I don't think it would ever! Kinda expected that, and never mind it that much, but so jealous of other interns over at the other side dashed off by 5:30-ish pm. As for the jammed train cars, it takes time on getting use to, nowdays, I don't feel a thing to the point of numb already really. Have to listen to Jason Mraz, John Mayer, Kaiser Chiefs, Keane and Snow Patrol just to make things more bareable.

For the whole week, I've been doing data entry job for a client's Chinese New Year event. Though, it is an easy task, it is very time consuming and tedious work. The result of 9am-7-ish pm work of data entry job: back, neck, shoulder ache, cross eye, and dry eyes. In long term, I think my eye sight have increased its' power! Totally going blind. Thankfully, I got a few friends to share my pain - thanks Nad, Suh Shien, Doreen and Johnathan. Thanks a bunch.

As for a more positive thinking towards this ordeal, well, at least I'm doing something productive the whole time I'm there at the office, instead of browsing through pages of Forbes' lists on the net. (Did that before!).

Most hated day - Thursday. Somehow my maid even noticed that every Thursday, I was always back so late. Arrived home close to 10pm. The latest this week I'm off the office - 8pm. At that time, most of the people were down at the Irish pub. (sounded like I'm working in London).

Now that the 2 old interns are leaving this week and next, leaving me and the other girl at my department alone, I guess the workload will start piling up for me now. Huhu. Hoping and wishing that there would be a few new interns will come in during the process. Help to ease the pain.

Today, I think I've just embarassed myself to my supervisor. The girl that he hired; who is a friend of a friend, whom I barely know, accidently sent the work attachment to my supervisor along with the silly instructions I gave her with the email I've sent her in the first place. Let's just say it involved the word, 'bontot'. But not as vulgar as u think. I wish her good luck on her task because her ass will hurt by the end of it - that's all. Nothing juicy like "I hate my supervisors and my job" kind of thing. - Honestly, I don't even know what to think of them, anyway. I'm sort of neautral on that one. Can't make up what to think of them yet. Too soon to tell, I guess.

Now that the festive season are on it's way, I sure hope it will lighten my workload a bit. Yay, holiday! Plus, with the event is slowly closing in until the celebration, sure looking forward to another task.

Another embarassing moment, while I was chit-chatting-and-walking-at-the-same-time with one of my supervisor, when he started to ask me about my expectations and comments on the tasks given so far, I think I've kinda come accross as a complainer or ungrateful. Well, it's all in my head anyway. I've told him that I always thought I would be at the Bates side, doing some creative or advertising tasks. He probably would thought that I am not enjoying myself there.
Truthfully, I don't even feel a thing whenever I went to work. I just thought, "Oh-uh, I have to go to work tomorrow." That's all. No excitement, slight lazines but nothing chronic. I am numb.

I've realized that I am now unsure if I wanted to work in this field and industry or even work anymore. I don't want to be attached and committed to a daily routine and stress level that it so bareable and common that it is too boring to the point it is beginning to worn the life out of you eventually. I don't ever want to feel like Kate's and Leo's character in "Revolutionary Road".

So, everyone out there, make a list of things to do before you die. I've made that list before, like 3 years ago, and safe to say I've manage to fullfill some of it. But the greatest and major wish - to fall in love. Sadly, still pending. I am heartless.
Adios, babes!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Watch this: Vicky Christina Barcelona

I wanted to watch this movie for so long now, finally, I managed to find time to watch it yesterday during my day off. And, I must say I'm loving it.

I've always love Woody Allen's movies, though I only saw a few so far, the man has been making movies even before I was born! I love the nonchalant vibe you get from watching his movies. It's like making a crime and getting away with it.

This movie has been nominated for a few awards show now, and they deserved every one of it. Penelope' Cruz's acting in here is so convincing. She played the nut case ex-wife to Javier Bardem (who is her real bf off-screen)..screaming in Spanish and trying to kill her husband for several times. She has quite a temper. During their marital fights (several in this movie in fact!), there was so much tension in their words and annoyance to it, that it feels like you're watching a real couple fighting on the streets - you're too afraid to look but want to know more anyway. It's the mak ciks in all of us, i must say!

The movie starred Scarlett Johansson, Javier Bardem (No Country for Old Men) and Penelope Cruz. Scarlett played Christina - the free thinker, confused and seducer of the two and her bestie; Vicky played by Rebecca Hall - the serious, cultured, rationalizer and planner friend. They went on a vacay to Barcelona for a little needed R and R. They met Javier's character, who played an artist/painter who seducing ways are so forward it makes you blush just watching it.
He seduces both friends to go out of town and spent the weekend making love with him. With some confrontations among the friends, they finally succumb to the idea. Let's just say Javier won her serious friend over with his vast knowledge of local culture and art, and finally Vicky fall for him hard and even harder (though she is engaged to a man of her dreams)...after they make love. She had sex first with the guy even before Christina did.

Along the way, Peneople and Christina developed a 3-way relationship with her ex-hubby. That's when it comes to the famous 'lesbian' kiss from Penelope' and Scarlett. Finally, Scarlett ends the relationships, she thought she can't go on like this as a person, and because she is so unsure of what she wanted and more sure of what she don't want, she left Barcelona for France.
While her friend continue her relationship with Javier. Scarlett return to Barcelona only to pick up her friend. At the end, they're both left Barcelona at the same state or worst than when they got there in the first place.

Seriously, it is much more fun and sexier than what I've just explained. Watch it, and let yourself go in Barcelona!

1st Week: Smooth

Wow, congrats, y'all! We finally got through the 1st week of our training. Though, mine didn't last the full 5 working days, since yesterday most of my classmates took a day off and some half-day off, to settle some things at the faculty. We are so good at planning these things! - Ponteng kerje jer mesti pandai! Well, it didn't took half day to settle the registration, as we thought it won't (office ppl memang byk hal!)..we have to come again just to get a confirmation from the office and our beloved Prof!! Well, that is settled for now.

Now, about my training...on the first day, Bates141 received 4 new interns- 2 from MARA that's me and Nadhyrah (yes, people have time to differentiate us)..then the other 2 are Chinese students from UTAR (1 from advertising, the other from PR background). I was hoping, well, me and Nad were expected that, we're both will be in the same department. Since the company just merged like a year+ ago, hence the name Bates141- according to my understanding, Bates is the advertising side, while 141 is the PR, event planning, headcount, and strategizing department. They even have a different entrance but all under one roof and one floor.

A very unexpected turn, they thrown me into the 141 department and Nad is on the other side. Just to keep balance, said the PA of the MD! 1 from MARA+1 from UTAR at both sides. First thing first, before i even got a table, i had to attend a weekly meeting, as unexpected again, they shoved me right into the room, and the GM immediately, asked who i was, though with a smile, i still have a shock. So, i just said i'm their new intern. Then, he welcomes me. Few!
Seriously, the meeting was not like what i thought it would be, y'know like you see in movies and what your lecturers told you, people at advertising are very enthusiastic by pouring their ideas and comments around- very outspoken. But, the meeting was mostly done with the GM took control of most conversation, while the others looked down on the floor or on the table or covering their face with a book.- Macam kena marah with guru besar lar..I pun takut lar, tgk diaorg mcm tu.

I love the fact that I got my own computer and desk. Though, it is the smallest desk in the whole office- cornered desk. It's fine, better than not to have any. I got 2 male supervisors, under 141, they thrown me into 'Headcount' dept which consist of my supervisors - Chinese and Indian - young. So, basically, my job for the past 4 days there are, media monitoring (daily task), data entry (daily), contract drafting, client's website updates and media calculation. Usually, I'm off by 6 - 7pm. Though, in the internship confirmation letter they gave me, my working hours ends at 5:30pm. My first day was my latest because they assigned me with a task quite late.

FYI, there are total of 8 Malays in the whole office now, in my dept, I am the only one. That's why I was nervous, when the 1st task my supervisor assigned me to was to calculate the 'freshness' of their alcohol beverages client. My first thought was, 'Uik, kena minum lar mcm ni...of all the ppl in the office, they have to pick the Malay girl!"..well, i assumed wrong, i only have to calculate. Duh, i am in the headcount dept, afterall!

I got a office tag, a desk, a computer with internet and photoshop, free use of the pantry, and friends (interns jer). I must say it has been a smooth week. Still trying to get a hang of things around there. The old interns will be leaving soon, so gotta buck up and step up to the plate.

During lunch, I always went together with Nad, Huda and Muzaffar (on certain days). So, everyday different places. hehe. Dekat with Mdvalley what!? Me and Nad have been experimenting with the train timings, early, the mid and late. So now, we concluded if we took later trains there would be less people. It's a secret, let's just say, it revolves around us having drinks, desserts and gossips!

So, buckle up, y'alls! Counting down the days to the end! Happy working!! :)

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Good luck to all my beloved friends for their practical training!!

Gosh, I know you guys are all might have washing machine for a stomach by will if you're starting to think about tomorrow!

Yes, let's face the facts together yeah? We will beginning our practical training tomorrow until the 30th of April!!
That's like 4 months, y'all!

Think positively, open your mind, and be a professional, we are not in school anymore..but any other good gossip should always be shared! hehe.

Sleep soundly today, tomorrow is a brand new day, let's start with a smile on our face.

If it goes bad, which is unlikely! But, we can always look forward to our meeting a week after we finish the training!
Keep a smile on, guys! You can do it!

I'm wishing you well, and may this be our year to shine!
So, if you're drinking while reading this, raise your glass or cup, and let us toast to a new great beginning! Cheers, mates! :)

Friday, January 2, 2009

The City

I've just watched 2 episodes of The City just now, and I must admit that it is way better than The Hills (sorry, Lauren!).

I've always fancied Whitney more when she was in The Hills, somehow she got more style than the rest of the girls in the show. So, after so long being under the shadow of Lauren's glimmering light, I guess it is best for her to step out and make it on her own.

Plus, New York is way sexier than Los Angeles!

The characters in this show somehow classier to me than the other show, and instead of girl drama, we got boy drama in the 2nd episode already (Jay vs. Alex). Yay!

With cuter guys like Jay and with Whitney's model friends, this show is a winner.

So, note to self: Catch the latest The City episodes...because The Hills are so yesterday!!

Go to:

Cloud 9

Yes, I am officially hooked on Jason Mraz! The songs in his latest album; "We sang, we dance, we steal things", really got me daydreaming over cloud 9! Love it, adore him! Thankfully, he's coming here next March for a concert. Hope I'll be free and settled to go there, since I'll be doing my practical training really soon.
My fave song, for now, in his album is, "A beautiful mess". My sister says it got the same effect as "Comfortable" from John Mayer, but i beg to differ. Both songs are serenades to their girl pals, but Jason's sounded more sweeter and sincere. Just listen to the lyrics and music. More depth and emotions. Okay, now, i sounded like a stalker. Scary. Don't run off!
Just don't take my word for it, listen to it for yourself.

"Through timeless words and priceless pictures
we'll fly like birds not of this earth
and tides they turn and hearts disfigure
but that's no concern when we're wounded together
and we tore our dresses and stained our shirts
but it's nice today
Oh, the wait was so worth it. "
-Jason Mraz's "A Beautiful Mess"

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Apocalypse: Dec 12 2012

I know this is not really a joyful thing to post a news on "The End of Days"..choose to believe it or not, better not - just as a note to self. Apparently, on the particular date of 21/12/2012 comes the apocalypse.
Let just say, I am not one to believe in this sort of thing, predictions and new age hoopla, but the thought of the end of the world does intrigues me.
I first stumble on this prediction, ironically on the last day of 2008. I was browsing through books at the 'fiction' section (my fave!).. and discovered this book, with a huge 2012 number, then comes along the word 'Apocalypse' on the cover. I red the synopsis, and I must say it is very interesting and horrifying at the same time.
Frankly, makes you want to reach for God and the ones you love a little bit closer to heart and practice. Apparently, in the coming years we will experience many floods, fatal diseases, and all sorts of natural disasters. Predictions are made from philosopher; Nostradamus and ancient races like the Mayans and the Hopi Indians stating that we are coming to the end of the world either through impact from asteroid and etc. Then, scientist argues about the intense storms are coming, polar shifts and the earth will complete it's 26,000 wobble (whatever that means!).
These all unfortunately supports the idea that the world is coming to end. If so, start being nice to people now. And, remember good things comes to good people! I guess that's all the good comes from this news!