Sunday, March 29, 2009

Week 12: We are rebels with causes!!!

This week, I'm not going to update y'all in my Bates experience, instead, let me tell you the highlight of my week! - AdFest 2009, babay!!

In fact, I just got back from the trip like few hours ago. We had so much fun being rebels! The fact is, we played the 'senior' card! Of course lah, we all our part 6 students..we'll be graduating next semester. So, frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn!

Although we were dead tired that morning before we left for Lumut, that tiredness are all gone as soon as we saw each others faces. Some of us actually woke up at 5am because we were told to be there by 6:45am. But, janji Melayu punye pasal, we actually left UiTM at 8:30am! So typical.

Here's a pic of us before we left!

While waiting for the bus, there is 'nice' girl, who we dubbed the nickname 'Eventually' for her snob accent! FYI, she asked us to run up back to the faculty to signed up for the trip. We don't mind really, but the accent and her body language is driving us nuts.

Then came the time when we were about to boarded the bus, it took so long because the organizers thought it would be a fun idea to mix people up by semesters. Duh, being this is our chance to go and be together as classmates, we make our own rules. Lead by the prankster - Nadhyrah, we put our bags in one of the buses, and ignore everyone, since we are practical students, so we barely sees each other and them all, who cares if we want to be together!? Basically, we are the first ones to boarded the bus. Then, the rest follows.

On the bus, we thought about getting some shut eyes, but NO! None of us sleep, well...maybe a while, but just brief! We were so excited to see each other, we laugh, we sing and talk throughout the journey.

While on the bus, some freakish guy came and talk to us. We sort of have this cocoon protecting our circle that we refused strangers. But, this guy is not a stranger, he is an old friend of Huda - which unfortunately, this particular fact he kept repeating to all of us. Scarily, he kept hovering near Huda throughout the time. We dubbed him the 'stalker'. Ironically, he approached most of us, but when it comes to me and Nad, he skipped, probably we looked so grim with our shades on; we dubbed ourselves as the 'unapproachable Bates babes'.

When we arrived, it's like 2pm already. All I think is rushing to the toilet. As normal, us girls have to go to the loo in groups..hehe. There we chatted some more, but more complaining than chatting because we didn't get our room yet, because ours are being cleaned! But the boys already got theirs. BUT, we are so delighted to know that we girls are all in the same room!! All 9 of us!

Because we didn't have a room yet, we were told to put our bags in one of the rooms available and rush down for lunch. After having lunch, we were told to go to AdTalk. But only some of us did. During the AdTalk, rebels being rebels, we made our own row of seats, which a couple of people; Ms. Shifa and the speaker himself (senior copywriter of Naga) came to us and asked us to to seat in front. But, of course we put our best faces on, and refuse nicely with bunch of excuses. Here are the faces...of so-called-good girls.

Unfortunately, we are not as goody as we seemed, we left after the AdTalk tea break. Duh, of course we have to, we already got the key our room, we see no point to stick around for the 'workshop' after the 'talk'. We are so anti-social!

But, sad as it seemed, we couldn't get our bags from the other room becuz it's lock. So, we stayed in the apartment just giggling. There are 3 rooms in the apartment. I shared with Huda and Yana. Nad, Yoni and Ina (pranksters) in one room. Baya, Sue and Myn in the other. We all love our apartment because it faces the sea. So pretty.

After getting all glam up, like the tradition before AdNite, we took pictures first using timer some more!! So here we are...FYI, the theme was 'casual masquerade'. That's explains the masks.

Yana is the peacock lady. Nadhyrah is the 'glamazon' women. Ina and I are the tragic 80's superheroes. Yasmin looked like the cat from Alice and Wonderland. And, Yonie is the gold burglar.

Our venue is great, right next to the beach. I have to give kudos to the organizer of AdNite for their management, the BBQ food they served is good, the karaoke sessions they planned is superb, the performances from the each semester was fun.
We sang harmoniously, we danced like crazy, we screamed our lungs out, we took more photos than a paparazzi, and basically, have a great jolly time. We got goodies from Famous Amos that night...which was way better than any AdNite we've been to. Yummy.

FYI, the pic above taken during our tribute to Earth Hour that night. We support it too, okay!!??

And, here's a pic of us on the dance floor.

Oh, we performed that night together with the other part 6 student. They did 3 Abba songs. A sing and dance combo. We were asked to joined them when they performed Abba's 'Thank you for the music'. Sad, rite!?

They end the night officially by announcing the king and queen of the night. The queen was won by Qila from part 6, and the king was some dude with 'Joker' mask on.
Unofficially, the night runs through with MORE karaoke sessions. Here are some of the lecturers performed that night...

Although, the dinner is over, our party was still going on. We took our party to the man-made beach. We took a lot of ridiculous are some of it.

We talked that night until 1 am at the beach. Wonderfully, we made a circle, Chris turned into a 'ketua rumah panjang' and lead the conversation. We all got sentimental in our speeches. Semua teringat masa zaman silam. How I wish all of us were there.

The girls resigned the night to our apartment. The boys did the same. But after changing into our PJ's, we all talked some more. Some retired earlier than others. Ended up, me, Yana, Sue and Myn are the last ones to snooze around 4am.

The next morning, the first person to woke up was Huda. Then, Sue, Baya and Myn joined. Yonie, Ina and Nad resumed later. The last ones are me and Yana. Some of us was woken up by Huda's loud voice, but most of us are awoken by the loud announcement from the Explorace event. Although, we all are awake, we show no interest to it, except Sue who is really keen on joining but kesian her friends couldn't care less. After washing our faces and brushing our teeth. All of us with our PJ's and bed heads, headed down to the breakfast buffet. We thought we are the only ones, it seemed others are the same. Hehe. Even after the lecturers and the organizers saw us, we couldn't be bothered.

After breakfast, we run up again, some took a light nap, but most stay in chat. Eventually, we all started to take our showers and began to pack. While others were busy running here and there and getting wet in the explorace which were held at the nearby 'waterpark', we were also running here and there taking pictures in the compounds of the hotel...

Then, we headed down to the hotel's little sundry shop and have a drink next to the pool...and chatted some more.

And took more pictures...

Then, we had our lunch. While the rest still running around. Hehe. After lunch, we headed back to our apartment, chill for a moment and then, grabbed our bags. While others we showering after explorace, we already down at the lobby. Haha

As usual, we saw our buses arrived, without further or due, we headed to the bus and put our bags in it. Sit inside and mark our territory. Basically, it's the same bus as the one we took on the way there. Others, somehow doesn't want to sit in the same bus with us, probably we are anti-social and running into our own drums. hehe.

Somehow, karma hits us, and the bus seemed to be in a bit of a trouble besides getting stuck in the jam, while I wanted so badly to go to the loo. We should have known, the same bus broke down on us while on the way to Lumut..I don't know why we didn't thought of that in the first place. Aiyo. Frankly, we are the last couple of buses that arrived at UiTM. We were home by 7-ish pm.

Frankly, my darlings. We had a blast there. We do as we pleased. We didn't follow any rules besides the 'makan' time and we laughed the loudest.

We sing. We dance. We make noise.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Must Watch: The Reader

Yes, it's the movie which Kate Winslet won her Oscar from. And, I dare to say, she's worth the recognition. The movie was slow, just like any other Oscar buzz movie would be like, but, it plays with your mind and emotions just like any Oscar worthy movies.

It's a love story; a forbidden love story. A tale of lonely and unfulfilled hearts. Get ready for unexpected turns and lots of nudity in this movie - Kate Winslet looks good naked, so you don't to cover your eyes, instead savor the purpose of the story - a tale of love.

Watch this with an open mind and don't hold back from your emotions.

Week 11: "It's all good!"

As for the 4 months of the on-going internship, my personal life has taken a backseat since I’ve spent all my weekdays at the office being the goody intern who ‘sometimes’ threw a few mischievous comments and big laughs every now and then. I have divided my life now into 2, weekdays are for work, and weekends are for friends and family, with the exception of unexpected or professional events.

It started to feel like a routine, and, I HATE routines. Wake up at 6am – shower – morning prayer – get ready – have breakfast – wake up my little brother – freaking traffic jam – cursing at slow drivers and traffic - catch the 8:16am train – cursing at annoying passengers – switch trains – more cursing at annoying passengers/KTM – arrived at the office – tease the other intern – turn on my PC – go to the washroom – go to Nadhyrah – get tea at the pantry – do ‘media monitoring’ – ask my mentors for work – do work – endure sarcastic comments from hedgehog - break – giggles and eyeing for cutie pies –go to Cold Storage to buy drinks – go back to office – continue work – more sarcastic comments from hedgehog – giggles with Nad – finish/stop work – get out of office – have drinks or desserts to avoid traffic at the station (kill time) – catch the 7:45pm train or 8pm train – relentless cursing while queuing, waiting and boarding the train – arrive at my station around 8:45pm – waiting for my always-late-brother – arrive home at 9-ish pm – have light dinner (depending on the mood/energy) – some TV – shower – prayers – sleep. The next morning, more or less will go through the same routine.

I won’t complain about my job this week, as everything seems fine to me. The only new thing that I did this week are becoming a ‘mystery shopper’ and attend a presentation on findings regarding Malay market, which was totally unnecessary, since I’m part Malay, even more, I studied at UiTM, I basically didn’t learned anything from it, except a self-realization of how not ‘Malay’ I am - if the criteria’s are what defines me to be one. After the presentation, my mentor actually asked me if all of it is true or right to the point, I said yes, of course. Then, asked me what I think of it: ‘A self-realization of how not ‘Malay’ I am’, I replied. He laughs.

Then, there was the time I became ‘mystery shopper’. It was a market research for some optical company. I did it with the other intern. We had fun….wasting time. Hehe. Have to act cocky though and became particular of the products they’re selling. It was all good!

Hedgehog didn’t give me any trouble this week, instead he was being thoughtful. Always entrust me with different jobs. But, he does throw some sarcastic comments here and there, but, nothing that I can’t handle or blast at him back. Hehe.

I felt useful this week as I’ve helped 5 different people. In normal week, I would only cater my services to my mentors, but, this week, people seemed to asked for my help. This was nice, but can be nerve wrecking if you are obligated to your mentors but at the same time others are asking for your help too. I guess, juggling act is part of intern requirements.

That’s all folks. Until next time. Adios!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Read this: Love Letters of Great Men

Ahh, the art of writing to one's love has long been abandoned in the edge of fast pace technology. But, in truth writing a long charming letter or just a short simple and sweet note to your loved ones are a thing to cherish for all eternity. Written not typed words, are a sign of such dedication of one's heart to another. It shows that your partner really took his/her time to write and choose the most perfect words to describe his/her for most of the time are: unnamed feelings.

My sister bought this book; "Love letter of Great Men". Truly, the book was inspired from the movie; "Sex and the City". It contains the letters of great men in history, the ones you mostly known for their own achievements, writing long or short sweet love letters to their lovers. Most of them are divided by wars, both the common wars of land and power, and, the war between hearts and desires.

I read a few of it, and personally I adore the one written by this men, who I never heard of until my eyes catches his letter in this book. I fell completely in love with it. As though, Mr.Right was writing with his own words. The adoring fellow men has a name, he is: Richard Steele.

He's a politician and a journalist. Created the 'Spectator' magazine with Joseph Addison. He married his second wife whom he met at the funeral of his first. He supposedly wrote like 400 letters to his beloved wife. But, the ones I love speaks of the torture of not being near to his lover, and the unbearable desire to have her closer.

I love that he speaks his mind, and is not ashamed to admit defeat to his lover's teasing tactics, instead of some ego tripping and charming words. In the letters he speaks of wanting to steal his lover's glove or handkerchief if she didn't gave him, just something to remember her by. And, how he said it is the worst thing in the world to be in love and to do work at the same time.

Read it and weep. Better yet, read it and rejoice!

Happy 23rd Birthday to my Bates twin - Nadhyrah!!

May all your wishes comes true. And, all the best wishes in your future endeavors.

Shall we meet our 'Mr.Darcy' in time...hehe.

Week 10: Funny coincidences and tons of giggles!

This week I kind of had fun at work, although, I did have to work on the field and on a weekend (first time!), but, it’s all good. Plus, it’s always good to began your week, with one day missing; thanks to so-many-public-holidays, in your working days.

On Tuesday was the beginning of funny coincidences. As I and Nad would call it: “Meet your old school mates day”. I saw 3 of them walking around and back home, assumable, at Midvalley. 2 of them were my advertising seniors who had just graduated. 1 actually dated way back from my secondary school days. It’s nice to see familiar faces in a sea of tourist and shoppers at Midvalley.

Throughout the week, honestly, I had a good time at work, since the work I’m getting is more versatile. I’m not stuck in with a data entry job which I know I will soon resume into next week. Along this week, I did organizing the client’s database, mystery audit, event observation, invitation drafting, research and other silly manual labor stuff like make tons of copies of powerpoint slides, then, stapled it, media monitoring, and sorting out the filing cabinet (out with the old, in with the new!). Overall, I had sorta fun. I was not bored entirely. Plus, I get to get out of the office and fooling around with Nad, my little brother and the other intern before rushed back to the office (really curi tulang case!).

I got no complaints for any of my colleagues this week except my ever sarcastic you-know-who. Still driving me up the wall just as I’m about to be nice to him, then, he goes screwing it all with his comments to the extend I had no mood to dwell into his games anymore. – Once he called me ‘sombong’ because I didn’t gave him any reply, then, he tease me about going ‘dating’ – Huh!? He alone mistakenly heard I murmured the word ‘date’, tak pasal-pasal I kena!?

This week, my big boss is in the building already after taking a 2 weeks break, he is so hardworking – totally impressed with his persona. So, everything running well again – thanks to him.

Have I told you guys I bought like bags of ‘fortune cookies’? Well, I had one everyday, so far the fortune has a funny way of opening up it’s meaning along the day. Like one fortune reads: “Help the needy and you will reap the benefits”. I thought; “Oh, okay. Help the unfortunate people then, and I would feel good about myself, for sure”. But as I went along my new task of doing some mystery auditing around my destinations – helping out my supervisor for some banking client, I unexpectedly finished way earlier than I should, so, I made a deal with my supervisor to be back after lunch is over, and it’s like 4 hours until lunch is over. SO, apa lagi!? From my last destination at TTDI, I made a detour to One Utama!! Haha. I had myself a lovely lunch over at ‘New York Deli’ which you guys should try!! And, some lil’ shopping added at the end - as usual. I guess that’s what the fortune is telling me…help the needy (my supervisor) and I did reap the benefit (extra time for fooling around). Hehe.

I think work has made me an angry person. I know I’ll get pissed easily, but I became more violent nowadays. Sad but true. Words that I never used in my life are suddenly out of my mouth. I just had a swearing fest last night in the car, alone. The peeps next to me, must think I’m having a fit. But the traffic and the stress of circling around SS15 trying to find a parking on a Friday night, had the worst of me, what can I say. I should reconnect to my spiritual side. Get connected to more important things in life. I guess that’s what my fortune today reads: “Get time off from work and relax”. So true!

Along this week, I added a few things in my wish list: a pair of multi-color Puma sneakers, heavy custard fruit pie, and a lovely bohemian inspired dress. Yes, I want a dress, after reading myself in the Cleo’s ‘Why women wear pants?” article, I suddenly had a revelation, maybe it’s time for me to start wearing skirts again. My legs now are so freaking pale, somehow it would looked freakish.

Anywho, I had a good time at work, get to see a lot of things, and not get pissed as much as usual. But if work doesn’t pissed me, the KTM commuter does. On Tuesday, at a very ample timing getting back from work around 7:40-ish pm, there are still tons of peeps waiting for the train, reason being that the train scheduled was cancelled, not delayed, but FREAKING CANCELED! Even worst, the softy guy with the exaggerated accents announcer at KL Sentral didn’t let the commuters know when is the next train is coming and which line should they queue. By the time the train arrives, I was already sweating like a pig. And, I hate pigs. Aiyoo!

Another thing that gets into my nerves this week is when I did my rounds doing the mystery audit. My last stop was to this Islamic banking branch. Well, most of us would think that the peeps there are nice and polite. Truth be told, they are nice and very knowledgeable as compared to other conventional banking I went to before them. But, the thing that got into my nerves, I had to be polite because I am pretending to be their customer but in truth I was auditing their performance, so they definitely took the advantage to swoon me with hasty compliments and soon, get my digits. To make things worst, the older man, old enough to be my father actually have the nerve to say: “I call you nanti okay!?”, then, the young man follows his words too, as I was about to leave. Thankfully, I intentionally misdirected them with false digits. HAHA!

Overall, it has been a pretty occupied and fulfilling week. That’s all folks!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Why Women Wear Pants?

I just found out just now (after days of the magazine lying around my bedroom)..that I was quoted in the article "Why women wear pants?" in the latest edition of Cleo magazine.

I did the interview sometime in last January through a phone call. A friend of mine who worked in the same roof of Cleo magazine thought I was a perfect candidate for the article. So, she gave my phone number away. So, imagine my surprised when I received a call from some male stranger when I was working. Doh!

FYI, I was the first person they quoted. Plus, didn't know that I sounded 'so sweet' on the phone. Sheesh!

Any who, figured I should let my fellow friends know - that's you guys! In case you want to check it out.

Find it in the latest Cleo Magazine with Britney Spears on the cover.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Feelin' a bit springy!

Neiman Marcus and In Style magazine have a great list of Spring season trends. The list includes: gladiator sandals, ruffles top, embellished accessories (footwears & handbags), animal skin handbags, colourful cardigans, graphic prints, pink (think floral), carryalls, and one-shoulder dressing.

The gladiator sandals, well, those are strictly for skinny legs peeps, y'all. Those with oversize, wide feet and chubby ankle, like me - don't not try this trend. The straps to these sandals is very unforgiving to your feet and legs. But, just because one can't have one, one can always adore it. I definitely love Manolo Blahniks - have a look:

I most definitely adore ruffles this season. It gives you that very romantic and delicate look. Wear it with a very simple cardigan or a round neck, collarless jacket a'la Chanel-like, and you're good to go - very regal. Do not over top your ruffles with prints, it will decreased the romantic aura.

Well, you've seen the embellished trend already like a couple years back. Frankly, not a big fan of it for this season. Too much embellishment will make you look like you're from Las Vegas. Strictly in minimal. Note taken: Prada.

I have no idea why on earth these labels like Burberry and Prada is coming out with animal skin handbags during this economic downturn. These bags that are made from snakeskin or alligator skin, usually cost a fortune. But, like Eva Longoria said of her pink Hermes' bag, these types of bags are the kind of assets you put in your death will. Pass down to generations. But, now is not the right time to blow 15,000 to 30,000 ringgos on luxury bags. So, we kids that are not working, YET! will settled on faux alligator and snakeskin bags. BUT, there's no harm in looking and admiring the luscious and grand bags. LOVE the ones from Burberry.

I adore graphics prints now. Last time, it was a no-no for curvy gals, but, this time, they incorporated different prints and in different colours together. So young and so fresh! Example shown by Marc by Marc Jacobs.

Most of my fellow friends know that I'm a cardigan-wearing-kind-of-gal. Not really ashamed to admit I have tons. So, you can figure my excitement when they are coming out with various spring colours of cardigans this time. Truly adore it. Gotta keep it proper and simple, ladies. But, loose the edge. Wear it belted, button-up or open-up. Note taken: Zara & Principles.

Pink is colour of this season. Personally, I love very soft hue pink on the cheeks. It gives you that flushed look when some cute guy just passed. - Guys loves it. But, for accessories, I prefer to go a little bit bolder. That calls for very bright hot pink. Note taken: Marc by Marc Jacobs, Stila, Body Shop, Nancy Gonzalez and Valentino.

I'm all down with oversize carryalls. I'm guilty for carrying it around. How can I not? All my life necessities in one bag. I'm a working girl now, so, that's vital!
The trend now are hobo designs and totes. Love it for casual, but, practicality not so much. Like duh, I'm a commuter, that's a no-no. Peeps can easily grab in.

Lastly,the one shoulder is great for partying or lunch. It's flirty and sensuous. A little skin is only you need to leave him to want more. What I like about this trend is, it suits every shapes. Just take note, picking the right colours and prints are important to ensure appropriateness.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Week 9: Irony, funny coincidences and things that bite my ass back.

The week started off quite smoothly, my GM is still on leave. The first 2 days of the week, I was the humbled-goodie-two-shoes intern. I was literally bored out of my mind. I already finished my assignment on Monday. Then, I got nothing to do, other than surfing the net which I have to say, I never fully enjoy doing it so.

My routine for the first 2 days was asking my supervisors - both or only one of them when they are available, asking him they needed help. Well, hedgehog said I need to become a 'Mystery Auditor' for one of the banking client. I was excited. During very briefly brief, hedgehog finally discovered I'm not legally Malay, which really stunt him. Because later, he asked me if I'm a Muslim. Like duh, lar darling!?? - The task was suitable for Bumiputeras only, and he thought Nadhyrah was a perfect candidate, I guess because she looked more Malay than me. But Nadhyrah is tied down to her now, office BF with some client. hehe. So, it's no can't do for Nad's part. Ended up, the work is postponed after he gave me a list of criteria I should learned and asked later as a mystery auditor.

I was so pissed that no one wanted to give me do anything. I asked almost everyone if they needed any help. Even beg them, because I was so darn bored. All of them answered with a laugh. Some actually pitied me. Literally, after the 11am - after media monitoring, I have nothing to do rather than surfing for Jesse Mccartney new video. Which the hedgehog saw me did. How embarrassing, Jesse?? Of all peeps.

As I was wishing to do more task, that wish comes and bites me at the ass. They couldn't pick a worst day for me to stay longer on a job than the day I want to catch Jason Mraz in concert. One of them knew I'm going, he just forgot. I already planned to leave from Midvalley, where my sis can pick me up from before headed to Stadium Negara. Now, the plan is ruined and I'm worried. Of all days man!

On Wednesday, on 'D-Day', I am dressed comfortably. Ready for some action. I'm part of the transformers. Morphing myself into a robot. I was really determined to get going. Really impressed some of my colleagues with my performance. I rather felt like a possess human. My hands and arms felt like it has a life of it's own. Bag. Shove. Book. Pass. That was my routine. I didn't leave early like I wanted to, because my sister left home late, plus, she got lost. Literally, I'm off to see 'abang Jason' at 6:30pm. - Late, I know!

I had a tremendously amazing time at the concert. Waking up fresh and with a smile on my face the next day. I'm walking on air. Who says you need to be in love to feel this way? Mraz offered euphoria experience with his songs and lyrics. Enough with Jason talks.

Then, the next day, I had to wear my glasses to covered my 'lebam' eyes. Thanks to hard night of rocking to Mraz tunes. - I lost my voice. I decided to drive on Thursday, because I had to continue to packing the goodies. And, I know I'll be home late. And, I was right. The latest I've finished my job: 8:30-ish PM. I reached Midvalley from Desa Petaling that late, and, had to go home all alone because Nad was out long time already, while I was still packing at the warehouse. But, nonetheless, I actually had a great time, I bonded with my colleagues, had a few crazy laughs, - I was dubbed as part of the 'sluts' by my flamboyant colleague, a short karaoke session, and a lot of teasing and gossips. It feels great to be out of the office once in a while. It was fun but all the hours and hours of packing, took a toll at our bodies. My back was arching - i started to hunch, my legs are numb, and my ass is even more numb.

I though Friday was going to be a relaxing day, but I thought wrong. In the morning, as I arrived at the office late as usual for this week : 9:30am, I was about to turn on my PC, suddenly, I heard a loud cry from a far. A familiar voice. It was Nad. Screaming from the creative dept. She had a great news, so she started to do skip+run combo towards me. It felt like I haven't seen her for days. I was so looking forward over at lunch so we could gush to office gossips and most importantly, we haven't finished gush about Jason!

She brought happy news to me early in the morning. Her advisor; Dr.Ngu is coming over. Before I know, we were jumping up and down in the office screaming- in my dept. Like a school girl just met the guy of her dreams. But, for our part, that guy is our beloved and I know you guys called him my 'supposedly' daddy, back in school.
I asked Nad to informed me when he arrived as I wanted to meet him too!

I continued doing my daily 'media monitoring' and then help Nad summarizing her articles. Then, suddenly, my job starting to piling up. Both my supervisors requested my help. Then, I had a serendipity moment, hedgehog asked me to look through a ticket purchase website, and coincidentally, they sold Jason Mraz concert tickets. I just smiled quietly while he explaining away. But, since Nad have a deadline, I decided to finish her work first.

In true nature of Dr.Ngu, he came on time. Very punctual. Nad and Muzaffar (unexpected visitor) came over to my desk to inform Dr.Ngu's arrival. We all went to the main entrance. We sat down at the chair nearby the pantry, shared a few laughs and talks with Dr.Ngu. He was surprised to see me there too. He met Nad's colleagues, ask her supervisor's opinion of her and lastly, ask us of our opinion working there. Dr.Ngu is such a sweet old man! We all like him. We ended the trip with a tour around my dept, since he never been at the other side. All eyes were watching, I must add. Unfortunately, my both supervisors were already back from lunch, they saw us, but didn't say a word until I came back to desk alone, hedgehog finally asked me who he is..i explained he was Nad's advisor. Then, the other ask him instead. He answer on my behalf. When I told Nad my supervisors asked who is Dr.Ngu, Nad said I should have said, he was my BF. - That should cause some stir!

After lunch, I came back with a bag full of 'Fortune Cookies'. I opened my first with an ironic message: "Don't run away from your problems. Face up your challenges". I was like; "Eh,huh!?". Little did I know it was going to bring me a hidden meaning. After lunch is the beginning of my task piling up. A couple of my colleagues are started to pissed me, the cute ones are not as cute as before anymore. Shhessh! Just like what the fortune said - can't run away from my problems.
I did finish all my task before I left (giving myself a pat at the back!)

I also gave hedgehog a fortune cookie since he was playing "Geek in the Pink" by Jason Mraz on the speakers, he never played my sayang's songs. Never ever. Probably, he overheard me and Nad gushed over Jason's article in the papers before that. Nevertheless, it put a wide smile on my face - I think 'saya sudah gila'. So, I gave him the cookie, before I walk off from my desk, I overheard he read his fortune; "Find love"...and I was thinking to myself: "How ironic!??"...When I told Nad, she just laughed at it.

I did a lot of calls today. A lot of sarcasm than usual. A lot of pissing from client side. A lot of annoyance from other colleagues this time around. I don't know why they didn't asked for help from the other intern who on that day while I was busy entertaining other demands, she always came over stating that she is bored. They saw her, but didn't asked for her. And one former cutie pie almost get into a fight with me over a fax number, I noticed he like to win his fights. Even gave me a stink eye. I was like: "If you don't trust me, why don't you try it for yourself."

He didn't bothered. Suddenly, he's not that cute anymore. Actually, from that day on, no one in that office is cute anymore. Ahh. From now on, the only eye candy for me at the office is the one I see on my desktop: Mr. Lee Pace. Hehe.

FYI: I also have a photo of you guys pinned at my cubicle partition! Rindu-lah! :)

Before I end this, I want to dedicate this verse of this song: "The Dynamo of Volition" by Jason Mraz. You guys should have a listen. It's perfect for us interns that are on stress. - High five guys! For a good job!

"Good Job
Get 'em up way high
Gimme gimme that high five
Good time
Get 'em way down low
Gimme gimme that low dough
Good God
Bring 'em back again
Gimme gimme that high ten
You're the best definition of good intention."

"Don't let your mind stopping you from having fun."
- Kuala Lumpur, 4th March 2009, Jason Mraz Concert.

My Mraz experience...

----------------Pic taken from

As you guys would probably know, I did went to catch Jason Mraz concert last Wednesday on the 4th March in Stadium Negara. Though, I suffered a few hiccups on that very day, it's all good in the end.

The day started pretty busy at work. Bates141 is going to have a few big events for a client for next few weeks in a few locations, I, they need someone to pack all their goodies bags - all 3000 of it!! And, after a couple of days of suffering the 'dry season' at work this week, they couldn't pick the worst day to start packing the damn stuff. I had to tell them the bad news before I even said yes. Surprisingly, 'hedgehog' doesn't seemed to mind that I wanted to leave early on the concert day. He just asked how early is early. He didn't asked why. Thankfully.

So, I asked my sister to fetch me at Taman Desa Petaling (bet u guys don't have a clue where is it!??). FYI, i was packing the damn stuff like a robot - determined to excel for my Mraz excuse. hehe. Unexpectedly, I didn't leave exactly the time i said i would in the first place. My sister got lost in Jalan Kuchai Lama. Finally, after 30 minutes or so, she found the place. I managed to wash my oily face before I dashed off. Even change my stinky clothes in the car - while moving (wish no one snap a photo of me half naked!).

While in Kl, my sister has lost her sense of direction, thanks to the traffic jam. We literally go around in circles trying to avoid the jam. Lastly, end up at the stadium around 7:30-ish. Mind you the concert scheduled at 8pm - so, this is by far the latest I've been to a concert.

But, firstly, i gotta say kudos for the event management company (Marctensia) that run this concert, it was quite smooth. Bravo! Since I arrived late, there was a short queue, then me and my sister saw a section of our 'free seating' place that hasn't been occupied at all. And, it was right next to the stage. We figured that most people are headed to the mosh pit anyway, and others probably thought it's a prohibited area since the management peeps and RELA was there at that side doing some major crowd control. But, me and my sis finally decided to rest our asses at the supposedly 'prohibited' seats. Literally, there was just the 2 of us at that corner, with a misty fan behind us to keep us cool. hehe. I call up Nad, she managed to found me instantly because we were all alone there, so it's easy to spot us.

Then, after a few minutes, the crowd started to follow us, the seats are started to filling up. Jason didn't let us wait that long, since there are no opening acts (first time in the concert I've been to without it!!), the concert began at 8:30-ish PM. Before he went on stage, I managed to catch a glimpse of him back stage. He was there, facing my side of the crowd. He was surrounded by his bandmates. At this time, I was screaming at my sister that is Jason Mraz looking here. Wearing that grey and army outfit. And that faded hat! But, she can't see him. He was there just standing, and no one saw him! shessh!?? He went on stage with his bandmates, Jason brought along his video cam and a coffee mug/thermos, spin around on stage, recording the atmosphere around. After the lights are off, then people started to scream. The first song he performed was the up-beat-morning-sunrise song; "Make it mine".

Way before the concert, me and my sister planned to have electronic messages to Jason Mraz using her iTouch - sort of, like the screensaver on your PC. We typed a few messages: "We love you Jason!!", "Ja envie de toi" (I want you!), and of course, the winner, "Jason, please play "Live High"!!. My sister typed that "Live High" request before he performed it. He was playing other songs, and my sister had her iTouch at her lap, where I'm afraid the guy in front will block the message with his head. I said to my sister, why like that? put it up high!!! She said she's shy. I grabbed that iTouch from her and raise it up front and up high!! A few minutes after that, the song ended, and Jason took a break to grab a drink on stage. While he was drinking, it seemed like he was facing at my direction. His bass player was on my side of the stage also seemed to face my direction. At this time, I was holding the gadget way up high in enthusiasm!! He picked up his guitar back, and started to play the chords to 'Live High'!! Me and my sister was screaming our lungs out.

When Jason called out for an encore, he wore a very 'comel' "I heart KL" t-shirt. And, I saw it way before he went on stage. I don't know how many times I said the word "comel" that night. He was THAT cute! And, I kept agreeing and wooing him, by calling him 'baby'. - "I love you, baby!"...

He mix "Wonderwall" by Oasis in one of his song. And, I'm surprised when the crowd manage to sing along. Well, that song is famous.

I screamed the loudest when he performed "A beautiful Mess". He performed so flawlessly, the gestures are exactly the same when he performed it at the Nobel Prize concert. I was so incredibly touched during the part, "Here we are,oohh-ooh, here we are, we're still here...and what a beautiful mess..this is". Definitely, here we are - at the same place finally.

Between songs, he talks a lot of gibberish, even my sister can't quite catch it. I manage to understand a few, like the time before he performs one of my fave: "If it kills me", he asked the crowd.."How many of you guys are here with your best friends?" - the crowd put up their hands. Jason replied: "How many of you guys are here with your best friend because you love them!?" - the crowd went wild. My sister thought he was going to performed "Lucky"..which when he did, the crowd did Colbie first verse first because Jason is just so cute like that! the local unknown-by-me Chinese singer was late until the second verse.

All the gibberish talk makes me a little lost in translations. There are a couple of songs at the concert which are in the latest album, I have come to love very much after the concert; "Butterfly" and "Dynamo of Volition". Both are Jason's signature fast-pace songs. The kind I can't catch the words until a hundred listens.

But, the highlight of it all, when he said to the crowd:
"Don't let your mind stop you from having fun".
I screamed: "That's so true, baby!!!". Well, I was straight off from work, those words has brought such beautiful meaning and full purpose to me. Then, he taught us a few hand gestures before he began "Dynamo of Volition"...the words to this song makes heart jump in excitement. Before you know it, the whole stadium was giving each others' air high fives.

I think, the highlight of the night to him, was when he performed the acclaimed; "I'm yours". He had this huge grin on his face as the whole stadium sing along with him like we all our in HUGE karaoke session.

He ended the night, before playing the last song, he snap Polaroid photos of his band mates after he introduces them, and throw those pics to the crowd. After the last song, he and his band mates bowed down to the crowd. He bowed down every section of the crowd - even peeked to wave the crowd at the side of the stage. - So comel! Finally before he went off stage, he gives the crowd on the right side a hats off. I was swooning all over for him, by then.

Sometime during the concert, I felt so 'released' that I delivered another message to him stating "You are so worth it"...inspired by "A Beautiful Mess" last verse...
"Ooh, the wait was so worth it..." - So near, yet so far lah!!

FYI, he performed barefoot throughout the concert. He sang for approx 90 minutes. Concert ended at 10pm. He sang about 14 songs. Everyone had a great time - I saw a few peeps still buzzing with his songs after the concert. And, expectantly, most people showed up with his signature fedora hats. All in all, its a anti-stress concert. I would L.O.V.E to do it again!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Lovin' Mraz!

Mr.Mraz was rocking it hard during his concert last Wednesday. He was undeniably awesome! I read in his latest journal input, how we are all plug into one cause. I truly adore. I can safely say that there is no other singer that I adore so much than him. In fact, I am truly madly in love with him. What is there not to love about him!?? I’m sure like any human being he must have his flaws, but the image that he depicts in his songs and what he is embracing in his messages of peace and love is truly inspiring that it is hard not to catch a ‘Mraz fever’,

Even in his personal opinions and bios on him, make him sounds so cool, calm and collected person. He checks all the boxes in my ideal man list. I told my friend Nad, if I was with him, somehow it‘s hard to imagine how we would have our fights. Every couple have fights– life would be boring not to, otherwise it won’t make you stronger as a unit and most importantly, how would you know how much the other person really loves you. A little drama never hurts anyone.

Every celebrity only shows a tiny side of them in the public eye. Jason, I’m sure is no different. But, that’s what makes him so incredibly intriguing. He doesn’t seem unapproachable. He seems like a friend to everyone, anyone, and anything. He brings bright lights whenever he goes and into any situations.
I know, cause that what his songs do to me. Never ever fail to, I might add.

His words are simple, though it’s nonsense some of it, but when it all put together into a song and a melody – it all makes perfect sense. He’s a fast talker, rhythmic singer/songwriter, and all around a modern day hippie. His songs comprises of so many words of explanations, but it’s him. He will explain it in a thousand words because he can – it is all consist of different emotions and proportions.
I have to say that is one of the things what I adore about him. He will take his time and enjoy every bit of it. - Such a dedication and true devotion to his fans.

Jason, you need to come by here AGAIN~~!!