Sunday, January 31, 2010

Fish Out of Water

I'm not the kind who favors big gatherings with people I'm not familiar with especially with those who I know what their intentions are in the very beginning. You can call me a very 'reserved' person but I can also be chirpy, bubbly and all confident when I needed to be or when I'm nervous. But, yesterday I've spent the evening catching the 'Tooth-fairy' at the cinema with my best friend and her new 'pyramid-scheme' marketing clan. How daunting!?

It's their marketing tool to have fun and harmless gatherings with fellow members and their friends, to lure more people into the clan. Seriously, I felt like fish out of water. I've been friends with my beloved bestie for more than a decade, and we lived very close by with each other, so you can tell why our friendship works, because I trust her and she trust me. When I say NO, it means NO to her too. Proof point - I'm the kind that keep promises. Or at least tried too.

In the cinema, I was embarrassed as hell when some of them screamed, making noises, and throwing pop corns to each other. They have this type of bond that scarily disturbing - like something between a cult and a fraternity. For heaven sake, people are asking u to 'Ssshh it!'. I called it a cult because they have their own 'secret' handshake and they have a titles 'monarchy' which similar to the French. And, I called it fraternity due to their accessive hyper-energy to scream to each other.

I've tried so hard to keep an open mind and try not to stereotyped anyone (a habit I got from 3 years of learning advertising). But, safe to say they are not the kind of people I would invite to my open house - period! I felt uncomfortable and anxious, but more frankly I couldn't care less what they are and what they represent. Bitchy of me, I know. And, I sincerely think that they are curious about me, in terms of race and where I came from. Kinda nice that no one will ever able to pin point me. I was totally embracing the 'One Malaysia' concept. And, on a lighter note, these people are friendly but too 'sweet' for my cup to tea. Sorry darlings, no strings attached, please!!

My conclusion is that these 'pyramid-scheme' marketing people are scary and not in a good way. I just prefer the old fashion way of earning my dough, by giving my hard work where nobody asking me to take up a loan, and working my way-up in the corporate ladder, where in 10 to 20 years I'll be earning 5 figures 'stable' income plus benefits!!


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