Sunday, January 31, 2010

Fish Out of Water

I'm not the kind who favors big gatherings with people I'm not familiar with especially with those who I know what their intentions are in the very beginning. You can call me a very 'reserved' person but I can also be chirpy, bubbly and all confident when I needed to be or when I'm nervous. But, yesterday I've spent the evening catching the 'Tooth-fairy' at the cinema with my best friend and her new 'pyramid-scheme' marketing clan. How daunting!?

It's their marketing tool to have fun and harmless gatherings with fellow members and their friends, to lure more people into the clan. Seriously, I felt like fish out of water. I've been friends with my beloved bestie for more than a decade, and we lived very close by with each other, so you can tell why our friendship works, because I trust her and she trust me. When I say NO, it means NO to her too. Proof point - I'm the kind that keep promises. Or at least tried too.

In the cinema, I was embarrassed as hell when some of them screamed, making noises, and throwing pop corns to each other. They have this type of bond that scarily disturbing - like something between a cult and a fraternity. For heaven sake, people are asking u to 'Ssshh it!'. I called it a cult because they have their own 'secret' handshake and they have a titles 'monarchy' which similar to the French. And, I called it fraternity due to their accessive hyper-energy to scream to each other.

I've tried so hard to keep an open mind and try not to stereotyped anyone (a habit I got from 3 years of learning advertising). But, safe to say they are not the kind of people I would invite to my open house - period! I felt uncomfortable and anxious, but more frankly I couldn't care less what they are and what they represent. Bitchy of me, I know. And, I sincerely think that they are curious about me, in terms of race and where I came from. Kinda nice that no one will ever able to pin point me. I was totally embracing the 'One Malaysia' concept. And, on a lighter note, these people are friendly but too 'sweet' for my cup to tea. Sorry darlings, no strings attached, please!!

My conclusion is that these 'pyramid-scheme' marketing people are scary and not in a good way. I just prefer the old fashion way of earning my dough, by giving my hard work where nobody asking me to take up a loan, and working my way-up in the corporate ladder, where in 10 to 20 years I'll be earning 5 figures 'stable' income plus benefits!!

Monday, January 25, 2010

What's Love?

I'm thoroughly fascinated by love stories just like the next girl/boy. It's epic, emotional, humorous, romantic, and above all else, magical. I guess you can blame these reactions on spiritual or science matters. Spiritual in the sense of body and soul connection between partners. While science's explanation in the other hand, well, just plain chemistry. If you read through the online articles on this thing called 'love', one can sums it as a mind-boggling matter but it made sense. All of it. Butterflies in the stomach, sweaty palms, and nervous laughs, all these can be explain through chemistry. Romantic bliss is contributed by a natural amphetamine (a central nervous system stimulant) called phenylethylamine (PEA), which when released in the brain it helps to stimulates our physical and emotional energy. But, unfortunately, through science too, we can explain why we have 'honeymoon year'. Apparently, these euphoria effect can only lasted for 18 months and up to 4 years because our brain has become immune to these chemical explosion.

Lust and love brain activities are different too. When, let's say staring at a half naked photo of Daniel Henney (HOT), stimulates the hypothalamus (hunger and thirst) and the amygada (arousal) areas. While being with the love of life - warm and comfy feeling comes to mind, it actually stimulates parts of the brains that received dopamine. So, this is why we heard of friends who are blinded by 'love' with her hot but an a**hole boyfriend, because she just can't tell the difference between love or lust. Too much of this 'lovely' chemicals can somehow threaten one's good sense of judgment. But, then again, we 'need' and somewhat crave to 'fall in love' because it is our biological drive.

That's that for science. I somewhat prefers the 'spiritual' explanation, because I'm all down for the body, mind and soul. Fascinating, yes. I guess it's more about feeling, rather than, knowing. To achieve spiritual climax in love, it has to happen gradually in a relationship through repeated contacts. Love takes time, baby! We are likely to cherish our partner and in time sustain a long and healthy relationship through meeting them in hardships situations together rather than meeting them in a casual and mundane situations. Which explains why most wedding vows would describes how they cherished their loved one because they've been through thick and thin together. I guess it's sweeter that way. The brain will produces endorphins which increases the sense of calmness and help reduces anxiety to build attachment - commitment, friendship and comfort. Lovers will feel content through the deeper meaning of love - for whatever that is for the individuals, of course! We could be thinking of our first love or 'the one that got away', throughout our lives. What happened to them? What are they doing now? Basically, countless times of pondering and reminiscing on our side. But, at the end, the one that matters, I mean the one you're going to have flashbacks on your deathbed are the one we went through a lot together, probably the one next to us if we're lucky or probably the ex-wife, mother of your first children or husbands that you swore you had enough of for the millionth time. Just count your blessings.

At the end of it all, unfortunately, I think I suffered from hypopituitarism - a rare disease who somewhat immune to the raptures of love. In other words, completely heartless. Hopefully, it's not the case.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Thanks Colin Powell! (What the heck!?)

I feel the need to write this up because this is the #1 time I EVER had a sleepless night due to a job interview. I'm not a stranger to the job hunting circuit, but this one with another major MNC company is held ridiculously early at 8:30AM and in KL!

AND! It's one of those interview sessions with multiple stages; like a boxing match - first round: group discussion. If u didn't get 'knockout' - second stage: online test! The assessor couldn't describe the interview session even better than - 'American Idol'. A cut throat decision.

The girl next to me in the waiting room actually told me she was incredibly nervous, and I looked incredibly cool. But, I was just wanna get this over with. Everyone dresses in shirts , blazers and baju kurung. I'm the only one with casual tuxedo inspired ruffles top without any collar, and dressed in black and gray.

Prior to D-day, I did multiple research on the company's website- scared if the group discussion revolves around the company's well-being. Apparently, it wasn't but fortunately, it was right up my alley - we were discussing about the unsuccessful 'Tak Nak' anti smoking campaign. Advertising. My 2nd love. I actually slept like 3 hours prior to the D-day - tossing and turning like a girl torn in love, instead I was thinking the worst thing that could happened and how to get there.

While I was tossing and turning on my bed, in the dark room, 2 men comes to mind - Colin Powell and Michael Buble' - I know, what the heck? Colin Powell has 2 of the principles I love to live by, 'Get mad, then get over it', and 'It ain't as bad as you think. It will look better in the morning' (The one that run through my mind!). Michael Buble', his 'I just haven't met u yet' just somehow humming itself in me head! Due to this unnecessary hoopla - I only got like 3 hours of shut-eye! Sucks. And I woke up at 5am!! Went out from house at 6:30am. Shiatsu! Took the train, pass like 17 train stations. Walk up to the office with melted make-up, my hair lost it's volume and tempered manners! Dang!!

#1st round outcome: Out of like 30 potential 'trainees', only about 15 stayed for the 2nd round. Scary. And, I'm one of the lucky few. Teehee! 3 cheers for me!

On the second round was daunting with 3 sections in the online test. Crazy. Maths. Verbal. And, personality test. All within 3 hours! Maths 24 q's under 20mins. Verbal: 24 Q's also under 20mins. Personality test 300 q's with no time limit!

Great! Left the interview feeling relief and told myself that Colin Powell dude was right in the first place.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Don't Ever Buy A House In The Woods

I've just catch 'The Strangers' on HBO last week. Previously, never heard of it, though there's Liv Tyler in it. What attracts me first, as soon as I switch onto HBO, the movie opens its credits with real statistics, like 1.4 million crimes happened in the States, and how the movie is based on unsolved murder case. It's as like, I was supposed to watch it, somehow. Definitely, parked myself on the couch along with my siblings who joined me soon after that.

While watching the movie, I kept telling myself, how scary it was for the real victims to be living so far off from neighbors and in the woods. In times like that, where you are tortured and played a fool by 3 strangers, one can't stop from kicking oneself for buying the expensive house that serves privacy with neighbors that lives 3km away!!

That particular scene in the poster is the scariest in the movie.

The movie was a reenactment of 'what could happened' to the poor couple. Two church-going kids came to the house to handed some fliers just to find 2 dead bodies lying on the floor.

So, note to self: Neighbors are good. Security is important. And, resist from buying that house on top of the hill or that cabin in the woods.

Friday, January 8, 2010

KEY WORD: Negotiate

For the life of me, I have to learn this tiny mistake of mine. The situation is... I've been job hunting for a month now, and have received good feedback from potential employers. But one in particular, and the toughest I might add of all the interviews I've been too has gone the extra mile to gave me the 2nd chance to 'test' for the job with the bigger fish in the company, though, with slight heavy heart I have told the poor secretary or the receptionist or whoever called me again to schedule the date, that I have set my sight for something else.

Unfortunately, for me, they have some very decisive and stern employee who wouldn't take a simple no for an answer. They tried reaching me in the morning, before 9am, but I was still catching my Zzzzz, called my house even, but my maid informed them that I am fast asleep. Finally, they caught me around 11am, thankfully I was awake due to my hair appointment with a friend.

They asked me what, where, why and how much the other 'competitor' are offering me? I'm cornered and off-guard. But thanks to my communication skills and a tad weirdness in me (which save my ass several times before), I babbled with poise - if it was ever capable to do so. What's my regret from the conversation is, I state the salary lesser and not more than what they're offering.

So, my fellow friends out there, if the ball is in your court, play hard ball!

This is my Homer Simpson 'D'oh!' moment.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Seducing Mr. Perfect

I'm going bonkers over this fellow! Thanks to my cousin for bringing in the Korean fever, first with 'Boys Over Flowers' which made my mother fell head-over-heels with not one but two of the F4 dudes - for heaven's sake she's learning Korean from it, and now everytime I've text her, she would sent a Korean phrase back to me. Next in line to catch the fever is my sister who unwillingly admitted to liking Rain ( Korean singer) after watching Ninja Assassin. BUT, I have to admit too that his bod is incredibly ripped in that - I could just imagine my gay friends going gaga over him.

Of course, if I blog about it, then, that means I've catch the fever too. Yes, I've fallen for a yellow monkey - well, technically he's half yellow monkey. I've blogged about him before; listed him as one of my 'Man Candy' of the week, but, now for the life of me I can't seem to remember where I've spotted him earlier on. Any who, his name is Daniel Henney, I'm sure all of you would have guessed it by now from my FB status - I just can't get enough of him just YET! He's a mix of British American and Korean. From the many websites I've read (YES, I've goggled him!), he can't speak a word of Korean!

That's aside. I'm urging you dudes and gals to watch his movie: 'Seducing Mr.Perfect'...catch it at YouTube, someone kind enough of sharing the movie to the world in 'parts'. In my opinion...he is as close as to Mr.Perfect as it is...physically, I mean! His acting is good, speaks well (an understatement), well mannered, dressed smartly, and just all around perfecto! Watch this and you'll have a giggle-mania!!

Ain't he's just luscious?

Makes me wanna sing 'Bad Romance' from Lady Gaga..
'Rah-ah-ah-ah,, Gaga..ohlala.., Want your bad romance!'

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The 'Uncle' Magnet

Geez, it would have been a completely carefree outing after a gruesome test/job interview, but the day just can't resist to be a little more annoying. Despite, chilling out at a gorgeous 'hideaway' - greenery sprawling as far as the eye can see ; totally picturesque, a place somewhere owned by a 'datuk', I was surrounded by old men, nice and hospitable as some were, but one decided be an old hag.

Sleazy old atuk, I might add. Since the place is his, I just had to smile away at every 'suggestive' comment. Well, you see, I had my fair share of sleazy grandpas' and daddys' since I entered the university. This unwanted traits soon followed me in my professional years, somehow, the ones dubbed as the 'uncle' of the department would always be flirtatious towards me in particular - you see, I'm not imagining things, my former peers even dubbed me as the 'uncle' magnet. And, of course, I've used this to my advantage in my university days - A from most male lecturers! All these for a few smile and nods.

Here are some examples of worst case scenarios:

Some old hag just woke up from his office, me and a friend happily working on our assignments, suddenly, he decided to park himself next to us, he yawns and moans, so, we asked him just to continue on sleeping, then, he said: 'It's not as nice without someone else to accompany me'. Me and my friend just looked at each other and burst out laughing! We were like..dream on, man!

Another slightly young hag but old enough to be my dad decided it's funny to say that his fish ate Viagra after I asked why is his catfish at an upright position? - Awkward!

An 'uncle' of a department, but not as old as others, unmarried I might add, actually went the extra lengths to dress flashy and started to show his GOLD cards and flashy clothes after I just showed some a little attention on him. Then, started to asked me these personal questions and always aimed me in the classroom, and, to add fuel to the fire, I have annoying friends that would drift the poor fellow to think otherwise. They even tried to proof his affections, by doing a couple of experiments, and it concluded that the hypothesis are correct! But after my presentation of his 'generation' and they're characteristics (-BORING peeps!), he start to loose interest. Slightly. Finally.

I once have a lecturer that wouldn't start a class until I set foot in it. And, mind you during that time I was always late ( thanks to the stupid bus system! ), but thankfully (I guess), it was a tough subject to score but I got an A due to outstanding arguements with the lecturer all the time. Teehee!

Most recentlt, back to the beginning - about the sleazy-resort-owner-hag, old enough to be my grandfather. Though as hospitable as he was, he made some cheesy remarks that would make any girl cringed-and-puke (in that order). Frustating, I know. Sad even. He asked why am I and my friend are not wearing bikini to take a dip at the nearby river? Like duh, mind you, my friend is a total good girl that wears a scarf on daily basis, like she's going to wear a bikini anytime soon. And me? U're gonna blind if you see me in one. Nuff said! Then, when he invited us to go up to his house, he said that's ok, I can't rape you girls because there's a two of you. - What the heck!?
And, when he's promoting the resort to us - asking us to bring up our friends there someday, he said for those who don't have any boyfriends, I can supply a 'blanket' - NO THANKS! After swimming at the river, and changing our clothes, he made a double whammy puke extravaganza: sitting at the patio and waiting for the rest to get ready to head back, the old man said, 'Thankfully, there's no guest around, if not people would think otherwise, Nadia has wet hair and just came out of a room'...I don't get it at first, like what's my wet hair got to do with it?? Then, I just smiled away. Then, I was walking towards the car, I walked pass him, and can't ignore, so, I just smiled, and he said: 'Sexy nyer!'...and as he walked behind me..he moans.

These are the times, how I wish I have a guy that would kick some old man asses.

These kind of things just make you asked: WHAT THE FISH!?