Thursday, July 9, 2009

Watch This with Caution: Skrip 7707

On Tuesday, I was one of the 'fortunate' peeps to go to the screening of this local horror flick entitled; "Skrip 7707". This movie is supposedly be release next week on 16th July, in my experiences of premiers and first screenings, this got to be the earliest one before date of official release, AND, unfortunately enough one of the worst horror flick. Don't get me wrong, I've seen local horror flicks at the cinema before, and I enjoyed it, but this one, I laughed all the way and it's not even during the comedic scenes. Sad, I know.

Let me summerize the movie, it's pretty simple, really - Norman (KRU) played the film producer/director who came into a creative block looking for a horror script for his next film. With, tons of scripts (in close ups, you can see its actually a student's assignments reports) on his table, he bashed out his personal asst/secretary to round up all his staff at the place what seemed to be the SCARIEST place to her: a Chinese cemetery. There's like 9 of them - including Norman - so, that makes 9 individual stories. Basically, the stories are pretty bleak to begin with, with just a hint of mystery and horror. Note: JUST A HINT. At the end of the movie, Norman has come to another writer's block; he doesn't know how to end the movie with 9 different/individual stories. So, the twist at the end: SPOILER ALERT: he discovered he has mistaken the date of the 'heart-to-heart-camping-horror-story telling' with his staff, as he looked upon his camera where he supposedly documented the whole conversation, he saw the 'ghost' of each of the stories itself with him at the Chinese graveyard. Supposedly spooky. :(

The ghosts in the movie are in full make up, I mean, one looked like baru lepas celebrate Deepavalli, the other looked like Chinese opera. With lack attention to detail - poor sets, props, locations, wardrobe, make up and most importantly story line. One scene is so depressingly sad, I swear I heard people laughing at it - a bloody baby who is clearly a mechanical toy you could purchase at any toy store. Plus, the dialogues and use of language!!?? The whole movie seemed like it was set during the 50's (eg. 'Kekasih') and some shows races stereotypical characteristics that were poorly executed. Where's the authenticity of the whole atmostphere in the movie? Definitely not consistent. Research. Research. Research.

Before I went to catch this movie, I did a research on it. Basically the hoopla was Fasha Sanda, in her birthday suit wearing only a piece of Batik cloth (berkemban). And, dudes...she's wet in it too. How cliche'. I think the movie's survival technique is to promote that particular scene.

I've seen much older movies that are STILL giving me the hibbies-jibbies! (eg.'Main-main hantu'). Simple. Funny. Scary sloppy make up. Damn right entertaining. Love it. I've watched the 'Keliwon' series on TV3, and I DO think it's entertaining. Original. That's a Malaysian ghost stories.


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