Sunday, July 12, 2009

From Lovers to Loonies.

Last week, on the 9th July, to be exact, I read TWO, in fact, disturbing news about two females who are torn from love and tried to commit suicide. Drama! Drama! Drama!

I read somewhere, long time ago, there is a research indicates that people in love have the same brain patterns to loonies. By loonies, I meant crazy people (of course, what other loonies there are except for 'Looney Toons'). Probably explained the human behavior when they're in love: the euphoria of 'I CAN DO ANYTHING'.

Which also explains another theory of why people in torn from love tends to stalk, be crazy jealous, and some threaten to commit suicide. I couldn't find the article, so safe to say the theory might not be true. But I manage to find this research @, stating that those who are rejected from sexual overtures, will not harm themselves or other peeps, but those who are rejected from love in the society tends to kill themselves or others to. Scary. Crime of passion.

An article from Clare Smiga entitled 'Love in the Brain', states that another reason besides the existence of pheromones - we tend to be attracted to individual from factors like social and environmental influences, genetic information, and past experience contribute to who we are and who we find attractive physically and emotionally. Example; women were attracted to the smell of a man who was genetically similar, but not too similar, to their fathers. Which kinda explains some things.

And, kinda reminds me of Sigmund Freud's Oedipus complex for boys and Electra complex for girls. Boys have this UNCONSCIOUS wish to kill of his father and sexually possess his mother. Note that it is an unconscious wish, total unacceptable to a human brain and behavior. As for girls, she discovered she doesn't have a penis and blames her mother for it. Therefore, she tends to love her father more and hope to share his father's penis because she has lost hers. In an acceptable society theory: daddy's girl and mama's boy.

In another major love theory, according to psychologist Zick Rubin, there are two basic love; compassionate and passionate love. Compassionate love is characterized by mutual respect, attachment, affection, and trust. Compassionate love usually develops out of feelings of mutual understanding and shared respect for each other. Whereas, passionate love is characterized by intense emotions, sexual attraction, anxiety, and affection. When these intense emotions are returned, people feel elated and fulfilled. Passionate love could last up to 6 to 30 months.

BUT, what I would like to aim for the 'rare' type of love -from passionate to compassionate love. A relationships that combine the security and stability of compassionate with the intensity of passionate love. A bit more complex, I assumed.

So, pucker up lovers!


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