Sunday, July 5, 2009

Out with the Old, In with the New!

Lately I have bunch of my old mates texting and calling me with their new numbers. So, being the 'never bothered' person I am, usually when peeps gave me their new number, I would just label it as 'their name - new'. To the extent, I would have two of the same contact label, but not sure which one is the latest. Plus, some peeps would have up to 5 numbers, which is tedious for me when calling them - having to try one number at a time. I don't know why people changes phone numbers like their changes their clothes. I had my number - the one I'm STILL using since form 3 or 4, phones may change gradually over the years but I still have the same digits. I may have changed my number ONLY once, because I left my phone at home, and I was staying at a dormantry, so, I need a number that my family and friends could reach me in case of emergency. Borrowed my friend's other phone and bought a new sim card; for a week I was a Maxis user. Then, of course, I sold the sim card to my friend and back to my old self. So, being the LOYAL person I am, I had this number for almost a decade (I had already changed the sim card but not the number), gradually, after collecting bunch of numbers from strangers, hotels, friends, families, lecturers, colleagues, room mates, classmates, ETC, my sim card have finally reached it's limit. Of course, I need to go through the names one alphabet at a time to cut the unknown, 'don't remember', and crazy people I don't want or lost contact of. Out with the old, in with the new! As I go through, I sort of took a trip down memory lane - trying to remember the exact person with their numbers. I have ALMOST every lecturer's number (I was the class rep back in my diploma days), one lecturer I even have his house number (because he kept using his house number to call me). I've realized I have some of the most funniest and bizarre, yet, strangely disgusting lecturers.

Once, I have a lecturer that won't start a class until I was there - just me, other people don't have this type of 'honor'. Which is kinda sucks for the days I want to skip it. Truth be told, I never skipped his class before, because of my recognizable face and excellent discipline! hehe. I could get away with anything with my reputation he gave me credit for. FYI, I got an A for his class. Actually, to think it, I get away with laziness and talking in class, through out my academic days.

Back in the days, I have a bunch of male lecturers, all of them, are as horny as a teenager. The reason I said that, because they always make me and my friends felt uncomforable. But, not to worry, I was not alone most of the time, I was usually with my friends laughing away to their perverted remarks and ignoring the poor bastards at the same time. Plus, they should know it's a woman's prerogative to take the advantage of weak men - nothing of vulgarity of any kind, just plain charm of acting to listen. Once, a lecturer of mine, just came out from his sounding sleep at his office, then, realizing he have a class to teach to ( he missed the class for a freaking hour!), then, instead of going up the classroom, he sat himself with my friends, with 'morning' breath (yuck!) and sleepy face, he said he was tired and sleepy, I scolded him that he have a class upstairs, he just smiled on, and rubbing is arms and hands between his legs, then, my friend teased him to just continue on sleeping..he replied, with a dirty smirk: "Kalau tido sorang-sorang tak best...". Being a daring trio we are, me and my friends replied, "EWW! tak sedar! ingat nak ada orang tido ngan dia!"

Then, there's this lecturer that kept coming to me and my friends to confide in us about his countless girlfriends -the first thing he does before starting the lesson of the day. Most of the time, we would brag about his family or dissing him (just to spite him), but then, he didn't take it personal, instead he took it as a joke. He is a typical spoil brat that still didn't realized what he got back home (a family!). To make things worst, his wife is working at the same place, but didn't teach us. P.S: I also got an A for his subject too!

Then, there's my share of 'orang giler'. I literally label them 'org giler' 1,2, my phone. Orang giler number one: I got his number when I accidentally sent a quick message to a friend, the message goes: "I pakai seluar." That's it. After I realized I sent it to the wrong number, the anonymous stranger replied the text. I was so embarassed. He texted about himself, to make things worst I discovered he worked in Shah Alam, which is where I am at that time. After ignoring series of attempts for an introduction he stopped. Thank God.

Orang giler number 2: I assumed he was an old classmate of mine, otherwise how the hell did he retrive my number. He wanted to remained as mysterious as ever - he won't tell me his name even when forced. Then, he miss called me again and again (never long enough for me to answer), and left me text messages that would make my skin crawls with agony. For a moment, I considered to change my number. When I called him, he won't answer and would cancel the call. I went ballistic - to stop this manic casanova I've asked a few people to call him instead just to discover his identity. Once, when a friend of mine tried, he answered, my friend pretended to call her friend - the wrong number + embarass girl type of call. Being a typical dog, he took the liberty to flirt with my friend. But, when asked who is it, he won't answer and hung up. I finally end the agony by telling him off - I have a boyfriend excuse. He contributes the most disgusting line ever: "I love your body, I love your words, and I love you..." - What the heck!?!!

Other than, perverts and maniacs, I have a list of peeps and dormitory mates that I would just want to forget and can't remember at the first place. There's only a HANDFUL of peeps from this 'era' are left in my phone. The ones I kept are the ones that counts. These people can expect open house invitations and future wedding invites from me. Hehe.

School are like so 3 months ago. Totally washed my hand to that! Here's a few pics down memory lane.

@ Raub, Pahang for Brassband camping trip (Hate it!)

Age 7, I think.

With one of my oldest mates @ AMP Radio meeting boyband Blue! (Duncan has the softest cheeks!)

Another oldest mates of mine - Bai @ our classroom (i hacked the identity of the 'org giler' with her help!)

Graduating kindergarten

With the head of the footwear dept - checking my sketches.

1st trip to LA! Age 7!

My face is so freaking oily whenever balik from school.


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