Friday, April 10, 2009

Week 14: "I think I'm gonna passed out!!!"

Gosh, this week got a few drama going on pulak!? First few days of work was fine, didn't do much at all. Just the work that was pending since last week. Other than that, the usual, be the girl of 'mystery' - meaning selections of prank calls, and besides that, some boring data entry and reading newspapers for monitoring. The last 2 days of work was incredibly boring! To make things worst, both of my supervisors are out of the office most of the time. Or, doesn't have anything to give me.

Friday was amazingly boring. The office was quiet than usual because there are less people around. Should be happy, well, I am a bit. But the silence and the boredom took a toll on my mood. So, I ended up chatting with Nadhyrah and Suh Shien (the other intern from UTAR), AND, I was so bored, I managed to finished the Intro and Acknowledgment for my final report!

On the same Friday noted as the final day for Suh Shien (UTAR intern). She was my partner in crime in 141 department. Such incredibly sweet girl, very polite, have a incredibly soft voice and a cute way of reply to anything: "HMM!" - love to tease her for that. She's from Tabuan, I'm sure I'll bumped into her whenever I'm in Borneo. Unlike us kids, she will continue her studies - back to class! You'll be missed, Suh Shien! Now I have to go to WIP meeting alone!! Boo Hoo! No one to 'kacau' around there besides my other flamboyant colleague and Hedgehog.

Me & Suh Shien on her final day (Sob!!!)

The drama any other week, me and Nadhyrah would find a 'release' at the end of most week after work - usual on Friday. Either it's karaoke like last week, a long chat over coffee or tea but most times, it involves a movie. So far we've watched great movies together. Getting out of the office feeling happy. So, on Friday, we catch "He's not that into you" at Signature, The Gardens (our fave place!). But this time we thought of inviting Huda and Muzaffar along. Our closes friends nearby. But Huda ditched us last minute: her excuse - a lot of work. Then, Muzaffar tags along with us, even paid for our tickets! How sweet! He later told us that Huda is hanging out with her beloved Imran! Woah! Nevermind that. Pity Muzaffar his date didn't want to seat with him at the couple seat. Probably thinking a man seating next to man, watching a chick flick!??? That's too gay for a straight man. None the less, we all enjoyed the movie. Cool insights! I can't remember how many times me and Nad cringe looking at Gigi's behavior! AIYOO!

The drama continues...

After great movie, we bit our goodbyes and parted ways with Muzaffar outside Midvalley. Then, as we would thought everything is fine and dandy..and even still a bit mesmerized with the movie, for Nad, it was Ben Affleck! When I get to my car, it won't open. I thought it must be the car keys battery run out. So, I open manually. Countless of try by indicating whether the door is unlock from the passenger seat. I started to worry. Because the other doors won't open besides the driver's. Then, I opened the door for Nad first. When I wanted to start the car, nothing happened, not even a sound like the battery is dead. But the thing is, I just serviced my car in February and I just changed the battery end of last year before I went to LA! Shouldn't it last more than a year!? Plus, I know if the car won't start because of the battery, it would make a "click" sound whenever u twist the keys at the ignition. And, the meter face would light up. But this time, only the battery and oil symbol came about.

Frantically, I called my mum. She said that she will call my brother or dad to come over with jumper cables. Then, my brother called he said he doesn't have the cables with him, it's with my father who is conveniently in Miri pulak!? So, there is nothing for him to do. I swear at the time all the men in my life are not dependable! Thankfully Nadhyrah was there with me, so I was a bit calmer. Then, we thought of just going to the Midvalley security for help. The lady there was intimidating, but she agree to help us out. Then, in 10 minutes, a guy came with a scooter asking if I was the one who needed to jump start her car. Obviously! SO, he grabbed the Midvalley security car with his another friend.

Well, I'm a typical girl when it comes to car. The only thing I know is how to check the air in the tyres. That's all. Besides that I know how to read the indicators in the car. Other than that, I only know how to drive it. So, when the guy asked me to pop up the hood, I don't know which ones is the button. How silly kan!?? The pak cik was kind enough to help all the way - from opening the trunk, jump start the car, check to start the car and close the hood back. They even waited for me to get out first. Thanks a bunch Midvalley peeps!

After the incident, I am in dying need for some JASON MRAZ! The sound of the car makes me eerie! Felt a bit better when Jason is around and Nad's company makes it all bearable. On the way to Nad's house, we had to stop for what it seemed like countless of traffic lights. The anticipation is killing me. I was scared if I stopped the car too long, it will die!! I prayed to God it didn't at every stop of the way. But the last stop before arriving to Nad's house was the nerve wrecking point. GOSH! Please take your time traffic light!!

Soon, after dropping off Nad. I made a decision to go through the federal highway instead my usual NPE. Thought if my car died at the side of the road, there would be more people around in Federal Hghway rather than NPE, where is much quieter, though faster. Plus, I thought since it was 10-ish PM already, surely there would be lesser cars on the federal highway. i was so dead wrong. Suddenly, there was traffic jams at the most unexpected junctions. I got pissed. Even Jason can't help.
Along the way I turned off and on my aircond, and just let the car window down. Then, I noticed that the air cond burst out a very cool air which sort of like a mist from it. Then, when i turned of the radio, the sound of the air cond became more clearer. It made a cracking sound like an ice would crack. Then, I remembered my dad used to remind us not to set the temperature of the air cond into high all the time, because it could somehow make the aircond filter or compressor frozen. and, eventually damaged your car in some sort of way.

My heart was thumping so loud, I could hear it at my ears. And, I swear I think I'm gonna passed out!!!

The road has not been kind to me, even entering Subang was jam at that hour. I thought this must be a test from GOD! I whispered Bismillahiramannirahim every second on the way home. I swear I was being phobia when driving the car at that condition, because whenever I looked at the rear view mirror, it seemed like the car behind me is 'flashing' it lights at me. Then, during the traffic jam, I noticed many cars over take me. Probably, they are in a rush. I was in rush too, but the car in front of me is taking it own sweet time. I was afraid to go at the fast lane in that condition!!

I arrived home at 10:50pm. WHAT A RELIEF! After that ordeal, can't wait to be home!
I wanna give my thanks to Nadhyrah and Jason Mraz for making it all bearable. And, GOD for testing and being with me throughout the time!



OfficialAzyMD said...

hahaha.. i suke bce entry nie! :) Apar x pernah spons i pun???!

OfficialAzyMD said...

rindooo kat ur herbie! hehe

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