Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Countdown

Since my life are all about numbers and silly lyrics/jingles. Here is the countdown of silly stuff I've done or happened during my internship. Because I can't just take life so seriously, you silly!!!

- 4 movies I've catch with Nadhyrah after office hours.
- 6 people hugged me goodbye when I left the company.
- 2 guys were my mentor (Frederick & Julian).
- 6 weeks in total, I had to endure the boring part of doing data entry ONLY.
- 3 times I got the flu while at work. Never been so easily sick in my whole life.
- 1 time I saw a lady flossing her teeth in the train.
- 1 time my brother actually picked me up from KL Sentral.
- 1 day is the total day of me driving to work most of the week.
- 1 (Once) my COO actually acknowledge me in the weekly WIP meeting.
- 1 (Once) there was no WIP meeting in a week.
- 3 cute guys I saw in the train or while waiting for the train. One, most recently
last Tuesday.
- 2 is number of times the train actually waited for me be to get on board.
- 15 is the number of clients I helped handle.
- 1 (Once) my car broke down at the Midvally's parking lot.
- 1 (Once) Muzaffar treat me and Nad for an expensive movie. Thanks!
- 1 (Once) I went back incredibly late around 9pm.
- 1 (Once) I arrived home late around 11pm.
- 1 (Once) gone karaoke with friends until 4am after work.
- 5 times I had lunch with Huda at Midvalley.
- 3 times we had lunch with Sue and Baya. (Primeworks gals)
- 4's and 5's is the scale my supervisor gave me in my evaluation form.
- 6 is the total I have to pay for parking at Midvalley.
- 6 days in total I took leave/mc during my internship.
- 5 is the number of questionnaires I did while I was there.
- 1 (Once) I participated in a talk/presentation by a research company on "Malay
Culture". - Seriously, I didn't learn anything, all it was to me its a realization
of how NOT Malay I am. At least I don't fall into that norm.
- 1 (Once) I came to work freaking early at 8am. (First time I drove to work)
- 1 (Once) I got involved in a fender bender in front of Angkasapuri while on the
way to work.
- 2 times I had lunch with my colleagues besides Nad (of course!). One was with the
slut and the other with me and Nad's gossip buddy; Kak Azlina.
- 3 guys actually asked me if I have a boyfriend. One of them is actually gay.
- 1 (Once) my supervisor bought me a drink @ Starbucks.
- 4 times I have to become the 'mystery' women on the phone. (Mystery Caller)
- 4 'manja' nicks my supervisor called me (babe, sweetie, darling, baby - but
usually darling). This happened often whenever he wanted to give a new task.
- 1 (Once) my supervisor mentioned my name while in the WIP meeting.
- 2 times I had to moved desks in the office.
- 1 time I had to stay back at work until 9pm to pack goodie bags for an event.
- 1 amazing concert I went during the internship course. (Jason Mraz)
- 5 is the number of Chinese newspapers I have to monitor most days in a week.
(Nanyang Siang Pau, Kwang Wah Yit Poh, Sin Chew Daily, Oriental Daily & China
- 1 (Once) I saw a guy dancing at the train platform while he was listening to
his MP3. Weird.
- 1 (Once) I had a baby spat at me while in the train. Thankfully, he was CUTE!
- 1 (Once) I had my PC at work reformat because it can't accept the new 2007
Windows installation.
- 1 (Once) I wore a short dress at work.
- 5:30pm to 6:30pm is my usual time I got off work.
- 6 people at work actually asked me to do work for them directly. If indirectly,
the number would be double.
- 1 (Once) I had to buy breakfast for my colleague. But no biggie, I was somewhere
near McD, anyway.
- 1 (Once) I stole a promo display of a competitor at Cold Storage. After that,
I didn't set foot in there for a week.

Well, that's all I could think of. Sayonara.


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