Thursday, April 30, 2009

Week 17: The Finale.

Yes. That's my messy desk at the office. I know right, Nadia messy? - Aahah! Well, what can I say, I have 2 'brilliant' supervisors that kept asking me to do tabulation and data entry, so my desk is filled with thousands sheets of papers. And yes, that's YM on the screen, and yes again, I have a pic of Jason Mraz as my wallpaper. I need to keep it calm while dealing with these pranksters. Listening to Jason is not enough, I need to see him in the morning to keep me in the 'zen' mode. Once, one of my supervisor passed behind me and saw Jason on the screen, he made a comment: "Ahh, (pointing at the screen), makes u wanna kiss him, right?"...I replied with a big grin and said "YES!". So busybody.

Today was the finale. I got like 5 hugs in total from my colleagues. One actually hugged me more than once. Other than that, people would shake my hand when i bid them goodbye. Y'know, this morning when I drove to work, I felt at ease, calm, cool, and collected. Jason was on, that's probably it, but this is a strange calm, it has a mix of grim feeling, which I didn't predict. Well, I've been dissing and complaining, AND even swooning over some of my colleagues. But, to tell you the truth, it is those that I was dissing over, and complaining about that I miss most. Those that I was swooning over, I don't feel a thing. Mandarin, Japanese or even that cute Indian guy I got as my supervisor. Nope. Plus, he gave me bad grades. So, couldn't care less.

For those who read my blog, knows that there is this one particular person who drove me nuts every single week. The hedgehog. He wasn't there when I bid my 'auf wiedersehen' on this finale. But he did gave me a strange and unpredicted hug from behind when he found out that I was leaving - I was sitting down, doing his data entry work. I couldn't be more shocked. It was incredibly sweet, so I lay my head on his belly that was practically near my head anyway. He told me, he will misses me. I bet he misses bossing me around and teasing me. That could be it. Nadhyrah was dumbfounded when i told her this. But, it was sweet, I couldn't resist a belly for a pillow. Somehow, I miss his sarcastic comments. I gotta say, sarcasm is one of the traits he taught me unofficially. That's why I find it strange that I miss this ass, me and him are like cat and mouse. Btw, he called me a mouse once.

Other people that I'll be missing is one scary lady and her 'loyal' companion. They make a good PR team. I called her scary because she seldom smiles at me when I first started. I feed her and her companion candies and junks. Love sharing food with them. They're like kids when they eat junks. Her loyal companion, also have a partner in crime. She's a great sport. I knew right away she's got to be the sweet one. But I'm not fooled by the looks, she could be a slut in disguise too. I mean it in a good bitchy way.

Unlike what Nad was predicting, the 141 peeps didn't throw me a farewell. In fact, most of them, didn't even know that I'm leaving today. With the exception of my partner in crime, the 'slut' aka Ivan Khoo, my supervisors, and the COO - somehow, he knows and actually acknowledge it during the first day this week. I can't believe that busy guy knows, and those working under him, didn't know squat. So, when I bid them farewell, they all were surprised that I'm leaving. I was like..duh!? I thought I made my point since last week. I guess no one was taking hints except myself. So, when I had my awkward talk and hand shake with the COO, he asked if the peeps buy me lunch, of course I said no, and it's not necessary. But, he insist of me setting a date next week and actually do lunch with them all. Sweet gesture. Let's just see how my week unfolds next week. But, one thing for certain, I will totally would have lunch with Nadhyrah and Kak Azlina - the lovely receptionist. I'll be missing them both so incredibly much.

Since they didn't buy me lunch, the interns (that's me, Nadhyrah and Ivan - from UTAR) and plus, our beloved Jaja from Cosmopolitan came over to joined us for our much deserving lunch at Tony Roma's. We were incredibly full and fully satisfied.
Since it was our last day, we couldn't care less so we went out early and came back late. Here is a pic of us.

After lunch, I resumed back to my crappy data entry task. But at this point, I loss the edge already. So, I was still continuing on my indie/rock music education courtesy of the 'slut'. So, I was taking my own sweet time of chatting around and surfing the net.

Before I left, I attended a few businesses first. First, the checks. One for Jaja's cousin which were overdue for 2 months. Two, for me. Then, I handed up my office pass to the HR. The office manager passed me a phone call sheets - basically the calls I made from my phone at the office. It was ALL office calls. Then, there was the instruction I gave to my supervisor about the data entry sheets. Which is the done pile and which one are not done yet. Then, I packed my stuff, and bid not strange and nice looking people goodbye. If I didn't say bye to them, its because they're scary looking, or just simply not reachable.

After many awkward goodbyes and handshakes. But even more lovelier huggies. Me and Nadhyrah had our last after office drinks at one of our fave restaurant; Belanga. I drank sirap selasih and she had lime juice.

Nad cried continuously. Her eyes are red most of the time were there. I was just there staring and trying to come up with the right emotion because frankly, I can't feel a thing. I was in a state of shock. A few days ago, I was super excited that I'm leaving, I can't wait to close this phase of my life. But, now when the day comes, I started to realize the things that I'll missing. Nadhyrah, is hands down, is a rarity to me. We don't agree in some things, but somehow, and mostly often we know exactly what each other are talking about. She understands me better than my own best friends who know me longer than she does. It happens quite a lot, to the extend we want to stop talking to each other about our likes and dislikes of the day. She knows how I thinks and vice versa. I swear, if she was a man, I'll marry him this instance. Our fave line: "Nad, we better stop talking, if not we're scared ourselves!!". While at the office, people around us are constantly wondering and asking why are we go giggly. I just replied, we are naturally giggly. Can't help it if we enjoy each others company. On a serious note, Nad is the only person in the whole office that keep me sane in the circus they called Bates141. For that honey, a million thanks to u.

Before I left, I sent an email to everyone, y'know, the typical thank you note. And, like how I would end every phase in life with a song: this time its...

"So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbye, I leave and heave a sigh and say goodbye -- Goodbye!"
- Sound of Music movie.


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