Thursday, April 30, 2009

Things I missed and definitely not. (in pictures).

Catching a train. Queuing up at the triple colored line at KL Sentral. I don't miss this.

Waiting for my always DELAYED train from Midvalley station. Absolutely don't miss.

Standing up in the train while on the way to work. Definitely won't miss.

This one, I would TOTALLY miss! Me and Nad's final drinks after work as Bates141 girls.

I won't be missing to go to work. But I'll be missing people in them. Menara IGB is the one far right.

The Countdown

Since my life are all about numbers and silly lyrics/jingles. Here is the countdown of silly stuff I've done or happened during my internship. Because I can't just take life so seriously, you silly!!!

- 4 movies I've catch with Nadhyrah after office hours.
- 6 people hugged me goodbye when I left the company.
- 2 guys were my mentor (Frederick & Julian).
- 6 weeks in total, I had to endure the boring part of doing data entry ONLY.
- 3 times I got the flu while at work. Never been so easily sick in my whole life.
- 1 time I saw a lady flossing her teeth in the train.
- 1 time my brother actually picked me up from KL Sentral.
- 1 day is the total day of me driving to work most of the week.
- 1 (Once) my COO actually acknowledge me in the weekly WIP meeting.
- 1 (Once) there was no WIP meeting in a week.
- 3 cute guys I saw in the train or while waiting for the train. One, most recently
last Tuesday.
- 2 is number of times the train actually waited for me be to get on board.
- 15 is the number of clients I helped handle.
- 1 (Once) my car broke down at the Midvally's parking lot.
- 1 (Once) Muzaffar treat me and Nad for an expensive movie. Thanks!
- 1 (Once) I went back incredibly late around 9pm.
- 1 (Once) I arrived home late around 11pm.
- 1 (Once) gone karaoke with friends until 4am after work.
- 5 times I had lunch with Huda at Midvalley.
- 3 times we had lunch with Sue and Baya. (Primeworks gals)
- 4's and 5's is the scale my supervisor gave me in my evaluation form.
- 6 is the total I have to pay for parking at Midvalley.
- 6 days in total I took leave/mc during my internship.
- 5 is the number of questionnaires I did while I was there.
- 1 (Once) I participated in a talk/presentation by a research company on "Malay
Culture". - Seriously, I didn't learn anything, all it was to me its a realization
of how NOT Malay I am. At least I don't fall into that norm.
- 1 (Once) I came to work freaking early at 8am. (First time I drove to work)
- 1 (Once) I got involved in a fender bender in front of Angkasapuri while on the
way to work.
- 2 times I had lunch with my colleagues besides Nad (of course!). One was with the
slut and the other with me and Nad's gossip buddy; Kak Azlina.
- 3 guys actually asked me if I have a boyfriend. One of them is actually gay.
- 1 (Once) my supervisor bought me a drink @ Starbucks.
- 4 times I have to become the 'mystery' women on the phone. (Mystery Caller)
- 4 'manja' nicks my supervisor called me (babe, sweetie, darling, baby - but
usually darling). This happened often whenever he wanted to give a new task.
- 1 (Once) my supervisor mentioned my name while in the WIP meeting.
- 2 times I had to moved desks in the office.
- 1 time I had to stay back at work until 9pm to pack goodie bags for an event.
- 1 amazing concert I went during the internship course. (Jason Mraz)
- 5 is the number of Chinese newspapers I have to monitor most days in a week.
(Nanyang Siang Pau, Kwang Wah Yit Poh, Sin Chew Daily, Oriental Daily & China
- 1 (Once) I saw a guy dancing at the train platform while he was listening to
his MP3. Weird.
- 1 (Once) I had a baby spat at me while in the train. Thankfully, he was CUTE!
- 1 (Once) I had my PC at work reformat because it can't accept the new 2007
Windows installation.
- 1 (Once) I wore a short dress at work.
- 5:30pm to 6:30pm is my usual time I got off work.
- 6 people at work actually asked me to do work for them directly. If indirectly,
the number would be double.
- 1 (Once) I had to buy breakfast for my colleague. But no biggie, I was somewhere
near McD, anyway.
- 1 (Once) I stole a promo display of a competitor at Cold Storage. After that,
I didn't set foot in there for a week.

Well, that's all I could think of. Sayonara.

Week 17: The Finale.

Yes. That's my messy desk at the office. I know right, Nadia messy? - Aahah! Well, what can I say, I have 2 'brilliant' supervisors that kept asking me to do tabulation and data entry, so my desk is filled with thousands sheets of papers. And yes, that's YM on the screen, and yes again, I have a pic of Jason Mraz as my wallpaper. I need to keep it calm while dealing with these pranksters. Listening to Jason is not enough, I need to see him in the morning to keep me in the 'zen' mode. Once, one of my supervisor passed behind me and saw Jason on the screen, he made a comment: "Ahh, (pointing at the screen), makes u wanna kiss him, right?"...I replied with a big grin and said "YES!". So busybody.

Today was the finale. I got like 5 hugs in total from my colleagues. One actually hugged me more than once. Other than that, people would shake my hand when i bid them goodbye. Y'know, this morning when I drove to work, I felt at ease, calm, cool, and collected. Jason was on, that's probably it, but this is a strange calm, it has a mix of grim feeling, which I didn't predict. Well, I've been dissing and complaining, AND even swooning over some of my colleagues. But, to tell you the truth, it is those that I was dissing over, and complaining about that I miss most. Those that I was swooning over, I don't feel a thing. Mandarin, Japanese or even that cute Indian guy I got as my supervisor. Nope. Plus, he gave me bad grades. So, couldn't care less.

For those who read my blog, knows that there is this one particular person who drove me nuts every single week. The hedgehog. He wasn't there when I bid my 'auf wiedersehen' on this finale. But he did gave me a strange and unpredicted hug from behind when he found out that I was leaving - I was sitting down, doing his data entry work. I couldn't be more shocked. It was incredibly sweet, so I lay my head on his belly that was practically near my head anyway. He told me, he will misses me. I bet he misses bossing me around and teasing me. That could be it. Nadhyrah was dumbfounded when i told her this. But, it was sweet, I couldn't resist a belly for a pillow. Somehow, I miss his sarcastic comments. I gotta say, sarcasm is one of the traits he taught me unofficially. That's why I find it strange that I miss this ass, me and him are like cat and mouse. Btw, he called me a mouse once.

Other people that I'll be missing is one scary lady and her 'loyal' companion. They make a good PR team. I called her scary because she seldom smiles at me when I first started. I feed her and her companion candies and junks. Love sharing food with them. They're like kids when they eat junks. Her loyal companion, also have a partner in crime. She's a great sport. I knew right away she's got to be the sweet one. But I'm not fooled by the looks, she could be a slut in disguise too. I mean it in a good bitchy way.

Unlike what Nad was predicting, the 141 peeps didn't throw me a farewell. In fact, most of them, didn't even know that I'm leaving today. With the exception of my partner in crime, the 'slut' aka Ivan Khoo, my supervisors, and the COO - somehow, he knows and actually acknowledge it during the first day this week. I can't believe that busy guy knows, and those working under him, didn't know squat. So, when I bid them farewell, they all were surprised that I'm leaving. I was like..duh!? I thought I made my point since last week. I guess no one was taking hints except myself. So, when I had my awkward talk and hand shake with the COO, he asked if the peeps buy me lunch, of course I said no, and it's not necessary. But, he insist of me setting a date next week and actually do lunch with them all. Sweet gesture. Let's just see how my week unfolds next week. But, one thing for certain, I will totally would have lunch with Nadhyrah and Kak Azlina - the lovely receptionist. I'll be missing them both so incredibly much.

Since they didn't buy me lunch, the interns (that's me, Nadhyrah and Ivan - from UTAR) and plus, our beloved Jaja from Cosmopolitan came over to joined us for our much deserving lunch at Tony Roma's. We were incredibly full and fully satisfied.
Since it was our last day, we couldn't care less so we went out early and came back late. Here is a pic of us.

After lunch, I resumed back to my crappy data entry task. But at this point, I loss the edge already. So, I was still continuing on my indie/rock music education courtesy of the 'slut'. So, I was taking my own sweet time of chatting around and surfing the net.

Before I left, I attended a few businesses first. First, the checks. One for Jaja's cousin which were overdue for 2 months. Two, for me. Then, I handed up my office pass to the HR. The office manager passed me a phone call sheets - basically the calls I made from my phone at the office. It was ALL office calls. Then, there was the instruction I gave to my supervisor about the data entry sheets. Which is the done pile and which one are not done yet. Then, I packed my stuff, and bid not strange and nice looking people goodbye. If I didn't say bye to them, its because they're scary looking, or just simply not reachable.

After many awkward goodbyes and handshakes. But even more lovelier huggies. Me and Nadhyrah had our last after office drinks at one of our fave restaurant; Belanga. I drank sirap selasih and she had lime juice.

Nad cried continuously. Her eyes are red most of the time were there. I was just there staring and trying to come up with the right emotion because frankly, I can't feel a thing. I was in a state of shock. A few days ago, I was super excited that I'm leaving, I can't wait to close this phase of my life. But, now when the day comes, I started to realize the things that I'll missing. Nadhyrah, is hands down, is a rarity to me. We don't agree in some things, but somehow, and mostly often we know exactly what each other are talking about. She understands me better than my own best friends who know me longer than she does. It happens quite a lot, to the extend we want to stop talking to each other about our likes and dislikes of the day. She knows how I thinks and vice versa. I swear, if she was a man, I'll marry him this instance. Our fave line: "Nad, we better stop talking, if not we're scared ourselves!!". While at the office, people around us are constantly wondering and asking why are we go giggly. I just replied, we are naturally giggly. Can't help it if we enjoy each others company. On a serious note, Nad is the only person in the whole office that keep me sane in the circus they called Bates141. For that honey, a million thanks to u.

Before I left, I sent an email to everyone, y'know, the typical thank you note. And, like how I would end every phase in life with a song: this time its...

"So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbye, I leave and heave a sigh and say goodbye -- Goodbye!"
- Sound of Music movie.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Listen to this: Ben Folds

Probably wondering why is this nerdy looking guy is on my blog page. Well, I happened to love this nerdy looking guy, at least his music lah!

He is Ben Folds. I heard his song; "You don't know me" somewhere. It's pretty catchy. So you guys SHOULD check it out.

That song is in repeat in my PC at work, thanks to my flamboyant colleague for giving me all these indie rock musics education. He practically give me like almost half of his iTunes playlist!!

Remember to check him out!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Week 15: "hahahahhehehehahahehe"

I quite enjoyed my week at work this week. I thought that my work will pile up since the departure of Suh Shien (UTAR intern). Well, it supposedly did, but the 'Headcount' business is starting to slow down...all i heard are t & C, some golf events and so on..lots of P & C shitz. No more silly 'mystery phone calls', and visits to competitors or clients to check up on them. Literally, I only helped my supervisors with making copies and scanning only...other than that we barely talked to each other besides occasional "Hello/Morning/Are you Ok, Nadia?". That's it!

So, I lend my hand to the PR department and to the Account Director. I pick up some of the previous intern's chores, like doing media monitoring (paper clippings), that task alone is freaking time consuming and very tedious, because it involves a few steps. First, monitor for clients and competitors through the whole freaking newspapers available in the state of Selangor (and YES! I have to flip through the Chinese newspapers too!). Second, need to divide it to articles and ads. Then, scan the articles. Next, retrieve the scan clippings online. After that, photoshop it. Label it accordingly. Create a new folder in the company's public server for the recent date of clippings. Then, go through once again the paper clippings for the day and type it in the email one by one to disseminate to everyone in the department. Lastly, file and store it accordingly in the cupboard for safekeeping. This whole process will take half a day. Sometimes it takes even longer if some people would rather do the work twice, of reading and highlight the wanted news and ask us to check and pull it out. Why lah can't pull it yourself while you reading it? You can safe your time and effort of actually gives us the instructions and avoid the Q & A session. Aiyoo!

The only best part of doing these tasks is that my homo friend in the office who is the junior PR exec is super fabulous! So, it's a blast doing this with him! We joke around a lot. We played darts at the office, he did catwalks impersonations, we mix each others rhythms, we gossiped a lot, we poke/pinch/chase/tease each other, prancing, exchange musics, and brag about cute guys in the papers! He's like my bestie; Azlan Mohamed's substitute...note: not a replacement! Basically, he's the sunshine in the dark cloud of Bates141. Don't even need to mention Bates, they're quiet as a grave most of the time anyway. Thankfully, my side is more livelier, although many contribute to a lot of sarcasm and craziness. I think it something to do with stress. :p

Well, most interesting task this week is doing market research. Me and Nad did a duo effort this time around. She's doing some hair styling research. While, I'm in charge to do research for our existing client. Don't get me wrong, I love doing field work, cuz I get to get out of the office, but for market research you have to be sneaky. You're like a spy for the company. Spying not only on your clients, but also their competitors. Thankfully, the office is near Midvalley, so, basically 'almost' everything under one roof. I have to go to supermarkets for research on the competitors promo activities if there is any. I got to be sneaky enough to score some pictures of the promotional efforts - that's bad cuz these places doesn't allow cameras. And, if they see you writing something down, they will get suspicious! And, maybe ask you to leave. Well, I didn't get caught, but I think the security camera caught my face while stealing the inserts at the display. I even took a picture. After I noticed there's a camera next to me, I grabbed Nad and rushed off outside. Scary.

After getting back to the office, the whole office went berserk on my espionage activity. It's hilarious when I think of it. Somehow, masa tu lah every freaking supermarket wanted to stock up. So, there's no privacy for me to do research. My look of urgency and nervous, doesn't help the securities from thinking twice about my doing there. Mana nyer tidak, I felt like I'm doing something naughty! Sheesh!

On a lighter note, you guys got to congratulate Nad for something. Asked her why. It's a great news. You should be proud of it, Nad. You got to be the only one now in our class with a certain future ahead of you. Cheers, babe!

Besides that, we shared a lil bonding time with our beloved gossipy receptionist. She's a doll. She had shared so many office gossips with me and Nad. So, I said that our lunch with her on last Friday is overdue. Let's just say, the 3 of us, can really gossip! Hehehehahahehe.

Well, till next week, you'll hear me bragging about my data entry shitz..since my boss said I'll be doing that 'shitz' once again before I leave for some kids milk powder brand event. This 'product redemption' thingy is killing me. I'm gonna get cross eyed. Speaking of ill being, I was feeling freaking woozy last Thursday. I lost my balance when I woke up. The when I took my shower, I kept leaning to the left. I can't close my eyes for a moment, if not I fell. Can't even look up or down, which is sucks because I have to reach in high places when I work. Ended up, I made a conclusion that I had a low blood sugar level. I've been skipping my Cokes' lately. I guess the body just not use to it. Now, no need to worry, I got plenty of sugar in my system - I just drank Godiva's Elixir drink, a Coke and a Rootbeer! Power up!!

Cheers! 2 more weeks to go and we're FREE!!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Cutest Thing I Ever Laid My Eyes On (period!)

I was in awed when my nephew, Amreel Nuqman came over my house this morning. It was raining that morning, so he had the CUTEST Osh Kosh hoodie on!! Totally melt my tiny heart. See for yourself!

Ain't he the cutest baby u ever seen!!??

Friday, April 10, 2009

Week 14: "I think I'm gonna passed out!!!"

Gosh, this week got a few drama going on pulak!? First few days of work was fine, didn't do much at all. Just the work that was pending since last week. Other than that, the usual, be the girl of 'mystery' - meaning selections of prank calls, and besides that, some boring data entry and reading newspapers for monitoring. The last 2 days of work was incredibly boring! To make things worst, both of my supervisors are out of the office most of the time. Or, doesn't have anything to give me.

Friday was amazingly boring. The office was quiet than usual because there are less people around. Should be happy, well, I am a bit. But the silence and the boredom took a toll on my mood. So, I ended up chatting with Nadhyrah and Suh Shien (the other intern from UTAR), AND, I was so bored, I managed to finished the Intro and Acknowledgment for my final report!

On the same Friday noted as the final day for Suh Shien (UTAR intern). She was my partner in crime in 141 department. Such incredibly sweet girl, very polite, have a incredibly soft voice and a cute way of reply to anything: "HMM!" - love to tease her for that. She's from Tabuan, I'm sure I'll bumped into her whenever I'm in Borneo. Unlike us kids, she will continue her studies - back to class! You'll be missed, Suh Shien! Now I have to go to WIP meeting alone!! Boo Hoo! No one to 'kacau' around there besides my other flamboyant colleague and Hedgehog.

Me & Suh Shien on her final day (Sob!!!)

The drama any other week, me and Nadhyrah would find a 'release' at the end of most week after work - usual on Friday. Either it's karaoke like last week, a long chat over coffee or tea but most times, it involves a movie. So far we've watched great movies together. Getting out of the office feeling happy. So, on Friday, we catch "He's not that into you" at Signature, The Gardens (our fave place!). But this time we thought of inviting Huda and Muzaffar along. Our closes friends nearby. But Huda ditched us last minute: her excuse - a lot of work. Then, Muzaffar tags along with us, even paid for our tickets! How sweet! He later told us that Huda is hanging out with her beloved Imran! Woah! Nevermind that. Pity Muzaffar his date didn't want to seat with him at the couple seat. Probably thinking a man seating next to man, watching a chick flick!??? That's too gay for a straight man. None the less, we all enjoyed the movie. Cool insights! I can't remember how many times me and Nad cringe looking at Gigi's behavior! AIYOO!

The drama continues...

After great movie, we bit our goodbyes and parted ways with Muzaffar outside Midvalley. Then, as we would thought everything is fine and dandy..and even still a bit mesmerized with the movie, for Nad, it was Ben Affleck! When I get to my car, it won't open. I thought it must be the car keys battery run out. So, I open manually. Countless of try by indicating whether the door is unlock from the passenger seat. I started to worry. Because the other doors won't open besides the driver's. Then, I opened the door for Nad first. When I wanted to start the car, nothing happened, not even a sound like the battery is dead. But the thing is, I just serviced my car in February and I just changed the battery end of last year before I went to LA! Shouldn't it last more than a year!? Plus, I know if the car won't start because of the battery, it would make a "click" sound whenever u twist the keys at the ignition. And, the meter face would light up. But this time, only the battery and oil symbol came about.

Frantically, I called my mum. She said that she will call my brother or dad to come over with jumper cables. Then, my brother called he said he doesn't have the cables with him, it's with my father who is conveniently in Miri pulak!? So, there is nothing for him to do. I swear at the time all the men in my life are not dependable! Thankfully Nadhyrah was there with me, so I was a bit calmer. Then, we thought of just going to the Midvalley security for help. The lady there was intimidating, but she agree to help us out. Then, in 10 minutes, a guy came with a scooter asking if I was the one who needed to jump start her car. Obviously! SO, he grabbed the Midvalley security car with his another friend.

Well, I'm a typical girl when it comes to car. The only thing I know is how to check the air in the tyres. That's all. Besides that I know how to read the indicators in the car. Other than that, I only know how to drive it. So, when the guy asked me to pop up the hood, I don't know which ones is the button. How silly kan!?? The pak cik was kind enough to help all the way - from opening the trunk, jump start the car, check to start the car and close the hood back. They even waited for me to get out first. Thanks a bunch Midvalley peeps!

After the incident, I am in dying need for some JASON MRAZ! The sound of the car makes me eerie! Felt a bit better when Jason is around and Nad's company makes it all bearable. On the way to Nad's house, we had to stop for what it seemed like countless of traffic lights. The anticipation is killing me. I was scared if I stopped the car too long, it will die!! I prayed to God it didn't at every stop of the way. But the last stop before arriving to Nad's house was the nerve wrecking point. GOSH! Please take your time traffic light!!

Soon, after dropping off Nad. I made a decision to go through the federal highway instead my usual NPE. Thought if my car died at the side of the road, there would be more people around in Federal Hghway rather than NPE, where is much quieter, though faster. Plus, I thought since it was 10-ish PM already, surely there would be lesser cars on the federal highway. i was so dead wrong. Suddenly, there was traffic jams at the most unexpected junctions. I got pissed. Even Jason can't help.
Along the way I turned off and on my aircond, and just let the car window down. Then, I noticed that the air cond burst out a very cool air which sort of like a mist from it. Then, when i turned of the radio, the sound of the air cond became more clearer. It made a cracking sound like an ice would crack. Then, I remembered my dad used to remind us not to set the temperature of the air cond into high all the time, because it could somehow make the aircond filter or compressor frozen. and, eventually damaged your car in some sort of way.

My heart was thumping so loud, I could hear it at my ears. And, I swear I think I'm gonna passed out!!!

The road has not been kind to me, even entering Subang was jam at that hour. I thought this must be a test from GOD! I whispered Bismillahiramannirahim every second on the way home. I swear I was being phobia when driving the car at that condition, because whenever I looked at the rear view mirror, it seemed like the car behind me is 'flashing' it lights at me. Then, during the traffic jam, I noticed many cars over take me. Probably, they are in a rush. I was in rush too, but the car in front of me is taking it own sweet time. I was afraid to go at the fast lane in that condition!!

I arrived home at 10:50pm. WHAT A RELIEF! After that ordeal, can't wait to be home!
I wanna give my thanks to Nadhyrah and Jason Mraz for making it all bearable. And, GOD for testing and being with me throughout the time!


Sunday, April 5, 2009

Isn't he HOT?

Name: Hugh Dancy

You seen him in:
"Confession of a Shopaholic"
"The Jane Austen Book Club"

Date of birth: 19 June 1975

He's engage to Claire Danes
He speaks fluent French
Graduated from Oxford University with a degree in English Literature & Language (Nadhyrah is melting!)
The face of the Burberry mens' fashion campaign (2004)
Friends with Sienna Miller and Ewan Mcgregor
Oh, yea. He's a Brit!

Week 13: We're out. We asked. We sing. We dance. We cried. We yelled. We loved. We fell asleep.

It has been a tense week, we’ve been out more than usual – for work I meant. I had to do another ‘mystery audit’ thingy for other competitive banks. Acting nice and yearn to listen is fine to me, in fact it comes naturally, but what am I tired of is when the service I’m doing research of have a requirement of being a Malay, I’m tired of answering the same question: “Are you Chinese?” I so want to learn Chinese! Hah!

This time is not as bad as the first one since Nadhyrah tag along, so I had it smoothly. No one asked. Wonder why?? Probably, it’s not normal (yet) for a Chinese to be good friends with Malay? Or is it, I looked just as Malay next to Nadhyrah. That could be it too. Thanks Nad!

After we finished being girls of ‘mystery’, we headed back to Subang to do Nad’s project – research for some local college. To make things worst, the research consist of 11 open ended questions. We were sweaty, nervous, shy, craving for Slurpee which to this day tak dapat-dapat lagi!!, and we were really sick and tired of asking these people the same questions. “Hi, can I have a moment of your time?/Are you rushing?/Do you mind answering a few questions…it’s for a research.” First day, we stop by UiTM – manage to ask the gullible Dr.Ngu and Prof.Rahim jer. Both took incredibly long time to answer! We ended the first day by watching a movie: Confessions of a Shopaholic”, which was great…we left the cinema feeling HAPPY! We’re totally in love with Hugh Dancy! That scruffy look and his English accent are to die for. If we were in a relationship, I want to get in a fight with him all the time, just to listen to his accent!! Dreamy! –Damn u Claire Danes!

The next day, we began our research again since Nad’s superior actually thought the facts are not credible enough. So, out we go again. Don’t get me wrong, we love going out, because we get to go home early! But the fact is, we have to bring the work home too. Shit kan!? When doing the research, we met quite nice people. And somehow, we found out that guys are much nicer than girls when it comes to when strangers approaching them. And, let me tell ya, we meet quite a number of cuties too. One lad, we thought was a Japanese but the fact he is a mix of Chinese and Borneo. So, nice…he even gave us a tip where to find people. Foreigners are nice too, but mostly scary looking - me and Nad try not to approach ‘African’ people. So, we got ourselves Arabic and Middle East lab rats. Hehe. Like Azlan said before: Nadhyrah does looked like an Arabic, I guess that’s why they seemed so polite and approachable around Nadhyrah. Hehe. Nad, you’re so bound to marry an Arabic looking guy – preferably bald too! Hehe. Then, there was this trio from Acheh, Nad has a thing for bald guys, fortunately for her, the one that is very talkative is bald. She was practically swooning over him. I like the ‘bapak orang’ looking type. Haha. – Hide your dads!

All this cute guys makes me wish Azlan was around, I could just hear him say: “Ohh, mak dah berair!!”. Hehe.

When we thought interviewing was hard enough, summarize the findings is even harder! To begin with, Nad didn’t even know how to summarize it, and to have 3 big superiors fighting over you and telling you how to do your job is not helping at all. I heard some people were mentioning Nad’s name in my department – well, honey, don’t you go dissing my friend. I’m going to pinch that well rounded face yours until it turns blue!! Don’t tempt me!

Pity Nad, all the big bosses actually fought for her attention. One in particular, backs her up every time – in fact never backs down. I’m not surprised if she got an offer to work at Bates later. Mark my words! Unlike me, I work with the middle rank dudes. They’re nice peeps, always looking out for me to try new things, but not to the extent of going out of their way to find job offers. My big bosses like to keep their ‘thang’ to themselves. (Probably scared if an intern screws it up.) Now, I have to keep in mind these peeps are not my friends, they are my supervisors. So, I have to keep that in mind and I check every time I wanted to chase, pinch, squeeze and rub someone in the office. And, YES I did all those already! Nad-nadia…apa lah nak jadi ni?

After all this shit happening this week, I totally need a ‘release’! Thankfully, Huda had planned a karaoke session on Friday night – simultaneously celebrate Wan’s birthday. I swear I had the death ride of my life so far in Huda’s car. She was pissed at ‘someone’ and really thoughtful enough to rush and pick everyone up. So, there is no wonder why she’s driving like a mad man. Me and Nad screamed like mad in the car every time she came closed to a car or stuck in a traffic. I swear to you, we were driving in circles in KL trying to avoid traffic on a Friday night. Unbelievable.

We started singing at ‘Party KTV’ (SS2), from 11:30pm to 3:30am!! Imagine that! We all performed. We did a surprised for Wan just as the clock strikes 12am. We sang ‘Happy Birthday’ karaoke style, with a surprise cake in hand. – Mastermind: Huda. Main accomplice: Sue. Sub-accomplices: Nad, me, Baya and Imran. I swear, Wan’s eyes was filled with tears of joy when the waiter came into our room with a lit candle on a cake. He was surprised! That night we sang a lot of oldies, a lot of Siti Nurhaliza, a few alternative rock bands (courtesy of me and Wan), and a few more Indon songs. We endure a couple of cries, a lot of yelling (traffic jam), a lot of jumping on the couch, a lot more dancing, a few more mushy lovey-dovey stuff (Huda and Imran), tons of giggles and most of all, a massive quantity of FUN. All in all, what a great night to end to a very tense week at work.