Sunday, February 22, 2009

Week 7: How Nadia lost her cool...that biatch!!!!

I started this week feeling somewhat refreshed and cool after taking a few days off last week. Starting the week on the job with the WIP (work in progress) meeting, and immediately my GM already looking for me before we even began…”Where’s Nadia??”. He was searching for me, but I just played blurred, in case he was looking for someone else instead. Then, finally the PR gal, called me…I immediately emerged from my new cubicle that is currently hidden from everyone else’s but closer to my sarcastic supervisor, literally next to him. “Yes-yes, I’m here!”...I said nervously. Slight hop and I slowly walk to face him and the rest of the gang. He replied, “Ahh, long time no see!”. I just smiled nervously like a school girl. At that time, I wondered did he know where I have been last week? Anyone told him about my grandpa’s funeral? Then, he continued the meeting by first acknowledging our trip to the printing companies this week, which I don’t have any updates. I just looked upon the other intern for some clues. She didn’t give any. Now, I am puzzled. Most of the time, I just stared into a space and jot down few notes with any fresh info I got from the meeting.

As the meeting ended, sat back to my shitty place, where I am literally invisible to my colleagues except for my two ‘superb’ supervisors- they need to know where I’m at. I am their responsibility! That day, I got 2 condolences, one is a pat on a back which came in surprised by my sarcastic supervisor…how sweet, and the other, a handshake from the office manager; the ever so sweet and polite, Mr. R.

The whole week, I didn’t do much…me and Nadhyrah quote it as the ‘Dry Season’... where there are lesser work than usual. My GM said, usually there is less work beginning of the year. Nad has more work than I do, she did researches for almost every heads of her department. Meanwhile, I had to ask around if anyone need any help, some are very guarded with their work, but most don’t need any help, in other words no work for me. The only thing I did for my supervisor this week is calling the local colleges asking for their marketing dept’s number. That’s it. Most of the time, I helped Nad with her research. I got an assignments…8 questions to be exact from my GM- a typical routine for all interns that came through the Bates 141 door. But, we got an extra treat to go on to the printing trip. And, we even got our orientation presentation meeting this week.

The beginning of the week started of with a cool, calm and collected some as you might know from my Facebook 9status! I feel blessed to have such concerned and professional GM and colleagues (minus 1), there are less stress at work, though boring, all around time was kind to me this week. Then, came the bitch that ruins my peace in my very own Bates141 world.

Why we call her ‘the bitch’.. she started to show her stripes to the interns from Nad’s side of Bates world. Nad warns me that she like to ask interns to do silly stuff like taking her fax at the fax machines or printed document at the printer machine or even, fetch the file from someone’s desk. Silly stuff that even my supervisor don’t make me do. My GM has told everyone countless that the interns are here to learn, as mentors they should equipped us with tasks and teach us how things are done and work around there. Basically, the bitch just like to see us to ‘fetching’ tricks. She first talk to me when she wanted my place; my perfect and strategic desk, I might add. She called with a pointed finger during our first introduction, since she doesn’t know my name. How nice.

She told me her boss is moving, so she need my place as it is closer to her boss. But like duh!? There are 2 perfectly empty desk in the office!? Why mine!? It’s not like you are so far apart from your dearly beloved! That department is darn small okay!? It won’t take your breath away just by walking. So, being the kind intern that I usually am, I obliged to her first demand last Friday. “Can you please go Ms.S table and grab this field on client S?”…I was still in my zone. “And, can you bring it to Mr.A’s office?”...she continued. I’m STILL in my zone. Then, as I passed that damn file to her, she said with a cigarette on hand…”Oh, no, it’s not that one! Just put it back on the table!”…and giving me a hand gesture like people normally use to shoo unwanted animal. That was one of many ‘oh, no u didn’t!’ moments.

Previously before that incident happened…2 days back, as all interns prepared for the trip to the printing companies, she tags along – she was uninvited; we bumped into her when we were on our way down at the elevator. And, she knows the car only can fit another 4 people besides the driver! – it’s a freaking Wira, okay!? She actually has the nerve to sit in front as it is to her own comfort. We 4 interns sat cramping our legs on the quite long journeys to our destinations on both days of the trip. And, actually, screamed at me and Nad to make it fast and told us that the guy is downt stairs waiting for us already. And, she didn’t hold the elevator for us!! What a biatch! And, to our surprised, the driver has not arrived at yet another few more minutes. And, yes, she ran for the front seat. This point I was ready to kick her ass!

On the trip itself, she acts like she knows everything- how cocky!, and I learn a very tiny detail from her during it, that she is freaking younger than all of the interns! She is at freaking same age as my little brother. I get it that you got experience, but that doesn’t mean you are allowed to act like a boss around us interns. Even my mentors doesn’t do that. And, she is leaving next week on the 25th as she is about to began her next semester at school– me and Nad will have a party for that, most definitely! Duh, she took my place, and she’s leaving next week! What a biatch!

Then, me and Nad knighted her permanent with a title as THE B***H on Friday because of one very incident. On Friday, all of our colleagues are not around- out for the weekend company’s trip to Cherating. Literally, some of the creative people are in, Nad’s side there is like one lady who is in. My side, besides the other intern, there are 2 people that are in – including the beloved biatch. I rolled my eyes at her as I arrived late that day. The very incident occurred when, Mr.A who she works so closely with, were rushing in and out for a client, then came, Mr.A rushing into my department, as Nad was explaining to me to a task she wanted me to help on with. He asked the whole lot, “Interns, are you guys free??”, as I was about to answer, he asked again…this time with a sarcastic tone. The other interns didn’t muttered a word. So, I replied, “Yes, we are doing work for C”. Then, out of no where, the biatch said, “Wah, got work but still can talk meh?”…---Woah!? the nerve!! What a biatch..this time..Nad was giving her the middle finger honor.

To make things worst, I think Mr.A did a mock version of his like we are whining our way out. Which pissed me off to the roof! Now, Mr. A is permanently labeled as Hitler.

Well, later that day, me and Nad can’t handle the stress anymore, so we decided to leave around 5:40-ish that day and catch..”Benjamin Button” at Signature, The Gardens. FYI, we both cried our eyeballs out. But Nad beat me to it, her eyes were swollen red after the movie. A perfect end before the weekend.

Cheers!Live high.


OfficialAzyMD said...

ish! i pulak geram dgn BITCH tuh! uols lempang jer muke dier

Nadia said...

should have kan!?

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