Friday, February 6, 2009

5th Week: Awkward, lazy, confused and frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn!

I beginning to wonder that am I going to do data entry for the rest of my internship? That thought cross my mind yesterday, when I was appointed with a not-so-new task of counting out the 'freshness' of some alcohol beverage company stocks in the market. After counting in simple maths, I had to key-in the data, one 'haram' thing at a time. The 'haram' part, frankly, I don't give a damn, just that, seriously~? am I going to this boring task in all 4 months I'm there? First this bank company's Chinese New Year event - which I haven't finish doing eventhough Chinese New Year is long gone. Then, comes this one. Aiyoo. Please~~!!

Can't wait to go around at Bates side and meddling around there. Hehe. I've told my supervisor and all those people that have asked me how are things so far here? or how is my internship? that I would prefer to do advertising task as I've learned some of it school and it would be nice to practice it. But, somehow, I don't want to seem ungrateful or disloyal to 141 people, they have been nice. And though the workload there is time consuming and very tedious but it is easy. But shouldn't the point of I'm there is to learn new things. Something to put in my log book. Seriously, there are only 5 different things I wrote in that book.

Now, as time passes, I begining to get scared when my advisor will visit me there. Ms. Shifa would be pissed if she finds out that all I did was data entry. Because the previous girl from UiTM there was a golden girl, I hate to be compared to her. Plus, she was not under 'Headcount', she was under "Public Relations". Their task involved daily routines, but somehow, there is a familiar task like doing media plan and some other creative writing for press releases. All sounded very interesting from where I stand as an observer.

Yesterday, I went back felt like S**T, since this weekend and the next, my office is carpeting the floor. So they need to pack and arrange things in the single rooms, and storage rooms. I was assigned to a task by my supervisor, and he needed it by end of the day. And, when they cleaning the mess up, it was end of the day and I still haven't finish my calculation and data entry. They were hollering each other while the interns just minding their business. I saw in their faces whenever I didn't help out and screw something up, the look of: why is this girl messing things up and why can't she act like the other girl? I know that they talked about me when they are together. Because, sometimes my 'sarcastic' supervisor would say something like.."Oh, Nadia, he thinks that you are more vigilant with my work compared to his." Or, "I was surprised when they told me you came". But, then again, we gossip about them too, even create code names for them. haha. *devil's grin*

Another biggy, I started to see why people are talking s**t about KTM. Just yesterday, my train was delayed for 30 minutes from Midvalley. And I wanted to be home so badly after the ordeal at the office. The crowd are starting to build up as the train came late. So, me and Nad are started to lost are moods which are already lost anyway in the first place. Then, we decided to ditch the train. Nad took the cab, and I had to wait for my already pissed brother to fetch me. Ended up, we're both had to wait a long time to get home. What a night!

Another rumour is, Nad and my sister seemed to have a theory that a guy at the office have a thingy for me. I know Nad has a office hubby at her dept, I gave them that nick. She can't stop talking about him and somehow he became one of our inside jokes among our friends working at Midvalley City. What a pity!? The theory with this guy that supposedly have a thingy for me is that, he could be using the childish tackticks to lured me. Teased me with his sarcastic comments and checking up on me from a distant..those usually driving me nuts and pissed. Like u got something to say to me, are you uneasy with my progress..just say it man. Don't make it a joke and tell it in front of everyone. Jeez!! I began to ignore him completely even when he stands next to me, how cruel I know! But lately, he needed my help, I can't say no, so I oblige. So needless to say, I have to talk to him. Ended up, he started to call me..babe, honey and darling. Really!? you want to call me that!? Hope this theory ends here. Nothing else would come out of it. Office or school romance was never my thing.

Amazingly enough, after all this crap, I've realized I come to conclusion that I shouldn't give a s**t!

SO, that's all folks. Stand for what you believe in and keep your spirit up high!


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