Friday, February 27, 2009

Week 8: Life is sort of a musical.

“Celebrate good times -come on! - Let's celebrate” – Kool and the Gang”.

The beginning of the week started off pretty well; by well I meant, everyone left me alone. There are two sides of this – the good side is that I manage to catch up on my assignment my GM has left me with. Now I only left 2 ½ question to go. The bad side is I am bored out of my mind. I actually went to ask around if anyone needed any help. But, I guess the ‘dry season’ is still going on over at 141 side. Plus, all that ‘creative skills’ test that my GM gave me, ended up giving me a creative block, as stated in my Facebook status!! So, just imagine, I’ve spent the first 3 days of the week doing tedious work (a lot of research and competitive reviews) that pretty much left the clock ticking so darn slow for me. I just can’t wait for the clock at my pc to show 5:30pm (right, Nadhyrah!?). Hehe.

“Tick tock, Tick tock, Tick tock, Tick tock, Tick tock, Tick tock, Tick tock, Tick tock ,(La la la la la)” – Gwen Stefani

Along these week too, I’ve stumbled upon some weird things in the newspaper (while doing ‘media monitoring’) and the net (out of boredom). First, the 7 legged frog, found at a restaurant of Zhuzhou, Hunan Province, China.

Second, the largest stingray ever caught. The stingray is 7-feet wide and 7-feet long caught in Bangkok which required 13 men to carry it ashore. It weights around 770-pounds.

Thirdly, then the possibility that they found the lost city of Atlantis. A Google Earth image that some said might show the location of the mythical city Atlantis off the coast of Africa. How fascinating!!

And, on the last note of strange things: a fish with a see-through head. It's a deep-water fish called the barreleye. The eyes can rotate, giving it an advantage of seeing up or directly forward. Take note that this is a deep-water fish, it need the highly sensitive eyes to scan the faint-silhouettes of it's prey.

That's that for strange things posted in the papers and on the net. On a 'HOTTER' note, I bumped into 1 Italian stallion and 1 Portuguese dish in the papers - can't get my eyes off them. The names: Marco Bonanomi (I) and Alvaro Parente (P). So delicious! Savor the hotness my darlings!

Now, calm down my darlings. Back to a more serious note. On Thursday, I finally felt like a moving machine doing all sort of things. Firstly, on the very day, the other intern came into a migraine, so she was absent. Because of that, I had to do her daily task which was a great experience. I felt useful that day. Hah!

Practically, I've learned you have to be willing to do a bit more than they ask if you need to get your job done more efficiently. I had to do a few 'Competitive Reviews' for a client. Therefore, I had to do a lot of research. From there, I learn, if you can't find what you are looking for, sometimes it is just easier to call the source itself. Rather than typing and searching it in Google for hours. Point taken!

This week too, is a week for a few first. A lot more familiar faces actually smiled and talked to me. Rather than just walk on by. Well, I can see them looking at what I was doing whenever they passes going to the 'smoking room'. I know because of the reflection from the monitor screen! - And, yes. My desk is next to the smoking room. And, yes. I know it sucks since I don't 'prefer' smokers.

"Walk on by, don't stop, walk on by, don't stop, walk on by..." - Dionne Warwick

Then, a couple of people in my dept actually appointed me with a task. Just some 'cake' stuff like 'creative brief' and survey.

This week also, we have a couple of irony moments in my dept. First, the 'ikan kering' titbits incident. I don't really fancy those kind of things, because it's stinky. But, one of my colleagues actually put one in my mouth, so I have to eat it.
I told him I don't like it. The bitch and my sarcastic hedgehog was hovering behind me - somehow, someway. Then, that hedgehog actually said, "That's ironic!?". Of course, then, everybody repeat the same thing. I replied: "Why is it ironic?". The guy who gave me that thing in first place was about to answer, but then he stopped. So, I squeeze his belly really hard. Which end with me chasing him around the office. He said in disbelief, that he never had an intern 'buli' him before. Really?!

Then, the second incident was...well, I like to confess a little thing first. Me and Nad fancied a few cutie pies in my dept. We dub each of them with nicknames - the Japanese, the Mandarin and the other haven't got any nicks. The irony goes as, well, 2 of the first guys mentioned never ask me for anything. Then, one day Nad asked me out of the blue if Japanese ever talk to me. I told her not since day one. Not even a smile. Just an occasionally stare. Then, suddenly he came to my space. I stared. Wondering if was talking to me. But he kept mumbling words. So I guess he was talking to me. He wanted some help with surveys. He explained to me with the other intern, but somehow kept looking at me for some approval for understanding rather than the other intern. I just trying to keep up with my cool. Gosh, so comel.

This week too, the sarcastic hedgehog was having a bad mood. I guess he was pissed at some client or just the job itself. So, he was more sarcastic than ever. He kept asking people, how was the meeting and followed by did they have sex? Seriously, are you so keen on getting laid, til, that's the one very thing in your mind? Wow. Be kind. Rewind, dude!

I ended this post with a happy news. The biatch is out of the building! WOOHOO! Nad we forgot to buy some bubbles for celebration! On the last day, I just rushed because I was rushing, really, I was late for a movie date with a friend. I didn't even said goodbye. Didn't even remember at that time. Why bother. Adios! Now sarcastic hedgehog lost her beau! Damn, now I hope he flush his 'sarcastic' energy everywhere else besides me!

This is for all the b***hes out there who ever pissed my friends and especially my loved ones. hehe.

"F*ck you, F*ck you very, very much, Cause we hate what you do, And we hate your whole crew, So please don't stay in touch..." - Lily Allen


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