Saturday, February 14, 2009

6th Week: Happy, calm, relief, relaxed and then, sad, exhausted, full, and flu.

One of the gambling tables at the funeral.
Rest in Peace - Philip Dayus (10th Feb 2009)
My new 'Burgundy' hair-do.
Dinner@Top Spot -ahh, lobster!!
Orang jual 'babi' -after I took this photo, the owner put the babi's face facing me. - Malu lar i!

I'm so looking forward driving to work this week, since my lil' brother is away in Sarawak with my mum, I don't have to squeeze myself into one of those sardine-like trains. Plus, I only have 4 days to go to work this week, just making it much more enjoyable.

My first day this week, I came a wee bit early than usual- arrived work at 8:10-ish. Even the other intern were boggled when I showed up earlier than her. Since it was the first time I drove, I figured to dress nicely, since if I took the train my make up would usually covered in sweat, I smell stinky and somewhat like a smell of cigarettes. and to top it all off, I am usually out of breath when I arrived at the office. So, I wore my Yves Saint Lauren blouse with ruffles at the front (ruffles are so in now!!)..and my Michael Kors jacket. Feel so relaxed and career-like when I arrived.

We had our weekly WOP meeting,but this time since the meeting room has been transformed into a temporary storage, we had our meeting at the office instead, right at the centre of the cubicles are. I didn't get up since my place is so near to where my GM is, frankly, I was facing him anyway. Me and Suh Shien (the other intern) just listen in for like 30 minutes- as usual, until my GM stopped and gaze at me, I was terrified. Then, for the 2nd time since my first day there, he acknowledged the interns, asking us to be more outspoken and tell him how we feel being in this company. He added, we need to versatile in the task we are doing, because all he sees is me typing all the time and the other intern, just cutting newspaper away. We should not only rely on our supervisors, instead, we should move around and help others, see how the company works in a whole. I was just smiling away, and when he asked, it seemed like I am the only intern there. The other girl just kept quiet. My supervisors was in a pickled, when the GM asked me who is my mentors? The GM said I should learn and know by now, how the company runs, and so on. My 'mentors' have a nervous laughs.

I was so glad that I finally finished my data entry job. I have been doing it for 1 and almost a half months now!! I am so looking forward to do something else. All I've been doing is data entry!! I'm sure my eyes are bertambah rabun already.
Yea lah, I kept staring at the monitor screen jer!

Finally, at the end of the day, after sending Nad off to her apartment. I had a few mishaps, one I accidently and almost passed a red light, I got confused and I was not familiar with the road, so my car's tires were screeching. I bet it left a mark!! Two, I got lost when I was on the way home, but only for a few minutes.

I was so happy to arrived home. Take my shower and I was not that freaking tired like usual. Then, as I finised my evening prayers, my dad called, he asked me first where is everyone, I told him that I'm the only one at home, then he complained about can't get through everyone. Then, he told me the most alarming news. - My grandfather had just passed away around 8pm that night. I screamed - "what!?". My dad asked me to rushed back home tomorrow morning. All I was thinking is, how many days should I take leave..and where the hell is my siblings!!??

After my brother and sister got home, my sister tried intentively to get a flight for tomorrow morning. I was so shocked my the ordeal that I'm not sleepy anymore. So, I packed my bags and slowly go to sleep.

Woke up like 5:30am the next morning, manage to catch the 11:05am flight only. When we arrived, my dad picked us up, and he was a lot calmer than the day before. He drove like a madman though. I sat next to him, and let me tell you, on the way back to kampung he drove like an ass! Though, he is my father, he still drove like an ass.

I've never been back to kampung for the longest time. Now, I finally know where my kampung Chris and Azlan, my kampung is at Krian! Finally!! The road there..gosh..really..and i mean literally like a roller-coster!! Up-down, side to side and sharp corners. There are a few up-and-downs that you can't even see the road ahead just like a roller coster is, because you are so high up..and the road at the front is going down below. Scary. And imagined, my dad drove like really-freaking fast. Me and siblings were screaming our heads off. Really!!

That road really put my Kuala Pilah's Bukit Putus to shame, man!! At least, there you can see the road ahead and there is no ups and downs. I was car-sick everytime I go along that scary road back to Krian.

The funeral took 3 days, thankfully, my lil bro was there before the ordeal, so he represents us before my babai passed. This is my first Catholic funeral. I did the flowers deco inside the coffin along with other grandchildrens. I went inside the church and sit through all the ceremony and prayers. Shook the hands of the priest - "May peace be with you". Light the candles. Plant the candles at my grandpa's grave. Stand in along the burial ceremony. Throw in some flower petals on my grandpa's grave. And, bid my last goodbyes and said my prayers though different religions, God is great, so, I hope my prayers are sent and accepted to bless his departion. Frankly, I was quite sad, since he is the only grandfather I know. I never met my mother's father. Never had the chance. Now, I only have one grandparent. It is sad and kind of a wake up call that time is running out no matter what and how you live your life.

On a lighter note, I noticed that Sarawakians are very light people. By light I meant relaxed, driving at ease, really taking their time, kids are usually can be seen roaming around town all the time, the 4 important meals are vital to take everyday at every single time -no skipping, and they like to go out a lot, parks, visit cousins house, shopping malls, and cafe's. C'mon lar, even at my grandfather's funeral, people are gambling, eating barbeques and getting drunk with the limitless

During the funeral, I realized how 'muhibbah' my family is. But everyone is so supportive of each other backgrounds. And very respectful. I find some kind of calmness in that.

After enjoying, a really heavy dinner at Top Spot, the very reason I had to delay my flight and spend another night at Kuching. We had some Italian Gelato, and bid S'wak one last night of goodbyes.


Nael Birai said...

babi tu sgt panjang...

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