Friday, February 27, 2009

Mr. A-Z is coming!!

I've been humming and singing, and dancing to 'We Sing. We Dance. We steal things.' everytime I'm on my way to work whether it's commuting in the sardine-like train or driving in the traffic jam. Mr. Jason Mraz has never failed to keep me at ease during these hard times. His songs are my Zen songs!

Totally in love with Jason Mraz! Can't wait to see him live and enjoy his music while he's playing it in person! I know I'm going to lost my voice or even my ears!

Kiss-kiss, sing-sing, Jason!!

In L.O.V.E with Marchesa

Have you ever looked through the red carpet picture at any award ceremony, and fell completely in love with some of the dresses. Well, those dresses might be from Marchesa.

I stumbled upon the label through the pages of my 'In Style' magazine. In the pictures at the red carpet events, I somehow always stumbled upon the label time and time again at every one bit of my favorite dress list.

Their designs are inspired by Asian influences and vintage styles. And, most importantly the muse of the label is none other than the namesake, the eccentric Italian heiress Marchesa Luisa Casati. But, what make me completely fall all heads over heels for these designs are that, they are so dream-like and looked like you are descent of fairies or nothing short of angels from heaven. That's what evening gowns should be like. A Cinderella story by itself.

The dresses are designed, styled, inspired, and crafted with such sophistication that it can't be any truer than to say, these two 'sophi chics' that design these dress, are undeniably our very own genie from fashion lamp. All wishes comes true.

My sister said she so going to get married in Marchesa!

Enough talk. You be the judge.

Paris Calling!

Along this week, the telly kept showing that video from One Republic. The song: "Say (All I Need). Well, practically, that very song made me miss Paris very-very much.
'All I Need' is a trip to Paris. Paris J'taime!

Week 8: Life is sort of a musical.

“Celebrate good times -come on! - Let's celebrate” – Kool and the Gang”.

The beginning of the week started off pretty well; by well I meant, everyone left me alone. There are two sides of this – the good side is that I manage to catch up on my assignment my GM has left me with. Now I only left 2 ½ question to go. The bad side is I am bored out of my mind. I actually went to ask around if anyone needed any help. But, I guess the ‘dry season’ is still going on over at 141 side. Plus, all that ‘creative skills’ test that my GM gave me, ended up giving me a creative block, as stated in my Facebook status!! So, just imagine, I’ve spent the first 3 days of the week doing tedious work (a lot of research and competitive reviews) that pretty much left the clock ticking so darn slow for me. I just can’t wait for the clock at my pc to show 5:30pm (right, Nadhyrah!?). Hehe.

“Tick tock, Tick tock, Tick tock, Tick tock, Tick tock, Tick tock, Tick tock, Tick tock ,(La la la la la)” – Gwen Stefani

Along these week too, I’ve stumbled upon some weird things in the newspaper (while doing ‘media monitoring’) and the net (out of boredom). First, the 7 legged frog, found at a restaurant of Zhuzhou, Hunan Province, China.

Second, the largest stingray ever caught. The stingray is 7-feet wide and 7-feet long caught in Bangkok which required 13 men to carry it ashore. It weights around 770-pounds.

Thirdly, then the possibility that they found the lost city of Atlantis. A Google Earth image that some said might show the location of the mythical city Atlantis off the coast of Africa. How fascinating!!

And, on the last note of strange things: a fish with a see-through head. It's a deep-water fish called the barreleye. The eyes can rotate, giving it an advantage of seeing up or directly forward. Take note that this is a deep-water fish, it need the highly sensitive eyes to scan the faint-silhouettes of it's prey.

That's that for strange things posted in the papers and on the net. On a 'HOTTER' note, I bumped into 1 Italian stallion and 1 Portuguese dish in the papers - can't get my eyes off them. The names: Marco Bonanomi (I) and Alvaro Parente (P). So delicious! Savor the hotness my darlings!

Now, calm down my darlings. Back to a more serious note. On Thursday, I finally felt like a moving machine doing all sort of things. Firstly, on the very day, the other intern came into a migraine, so she was absent. Because of that, I had to do her daily task which was a great experience. I felt useful that day. Hah!

Practically, I've learned you have to be willing to do a bit more than they ask if you need to get your job done more efficiently. I had to do a few 'Competitive Reviews' for a client. Therefore, I had to do a lot of research. From there, I learn, if you can't find what you are looking for, sometimes it is just easier to call the source itself. Rather than typing and searching it in Google for hours. Point taken!

This week too, is a week for a few first. A lot more familiar faces actually smiled and talked to me. Rather than just walk on by. Well, I can see them looking at what I was doing whenever they passes going to the 'smoking room'. I know because of the reflection from the monitor screen! - And, yes. My desk is next to the smoking room. And, yes. I know it sucks since I don't 'prefer' smokers.

"Walk on by, don't stop, walk on by, don't stop, walk on by..." - Dionne Warwick

Then, a couple of people in my dept actually appointed me with a task. Just some 'cake' stuff like 'creative brief' and survey.

This week also, we have a couple of irony moments in my dept. First, the 'ikan kering' titbits incident. I don't really fancy those kind of things, because it's stinky. But, one of my colleagues actually put one in my mouth, so I have to eat it.
I told him I don't like it. The bitch and my sarcastic hedgehog was hovering behind me - somehow, someway. Then, that hedgehog actually said, "That's ironic!?". Of course, then, everybody repeat the same thing. I replied: "Why is it ironic?". The guy who gave me that thing in first place was about to answer, but then he stopped. So, I squeeze his belly really hard. Which end with me chasing him around the office. He said in disbelief, that he never had an intern 'buli' him before. Really?!

Then, the second incident was...well, I like to confess a little thing first. Me and Nad fancied a few cutie pies in my dept. We dub each of them with nicknames - the Japanese, the Mandarin and the other haven't got any nicks. The irony goes as, well, 2 of the first guys mentioned never ask me for anything. Then, one day Nad asked me out of the blue if Japanese ever talk to me. I told her not since day one. Not even a smile. Just an occasionally stare. Then, suddenly he came to my space. I stared. Wondering if was talking to me. But he kept mumbling words. So I guess he was talking to me. He wanted some help with surveys. He explained to me with the other intern, but somehow kept looking at me for some approval for understanding rather than the other intern. I just trying to keep up with my cool. Gosh, so comel.

This week too, the sarcastic hedgehog was having a bad mood. I guess he was pissed at some client or just the job itself. So, he was more sarcastic than ever. He kept asking people, how was the meeting and followed by did they have sex? Seriously, are you so keen on getting laid, til, that's the one very thing in your mind? Wow. Be kind. Rewind, dude!

I ended this post with a happy news. The biatch is out of the building! WOOHOO! Nad we forgot to buy some bubbles for celebration! On the last day, I just rushed because I was rushing, really, I was late for a movie date with a friend. I didn't even said goodbye. Didn't even remember at that time. Why bother. Adios! Now sarcastic hedgehog lost her beau! Damn, now I hope he flush his 'sarcastic' energy everywhere else besides me!

This is for all the b***hes out there who ever pissed my friends and especially my loved ones. hehe.

"F*ck you, F*ck you very, very much, Cause we hate what you do, And we hate your whole crew, So please don't stay in touch..." - Lily Allen

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Week 7: How Nadia lost her cool...that biatch!!!!

I started this week feeling somewhat refreshed and cool after taking a few days off last week. Starting the week on the job with the WIP (work in progress) meeting, and immediately my GM already looking for me before we even began…”Where’s Nadia??”. He was searching for me, but I just played blurred, in case he was looking for someone else instead. Then, finally the PR gal, called me…I immediately emerged from my new cubicle that is currently hidden from everyone else’s but closer to my sarcastic supervisor, literally next to him. “Yes-yes, I’m here!”...I said nervously. Slight hop and I slowly walk to face him and the rest of the gang. He replied, “Ahh, long time no see!”. I just smiled nervously like a school girl. At that time, I wondered did he know where I have been last week? Anyone told him about my grandpa’s funeral? Then, he continued the meeting by first acknowledging our trip to the printing companies this week, which I don’t have any updates. I just looked upon the other intern for some clues. She didn’t give any. Now, I am puzzled. Most of the time, I just stared into a space and jot down few notes with any fresh info I got from the meeting.

As the meeting ended, sat back to my shitty place, where I am literally invisible to my colleagues except for my two ‘superb’ supervisors- they need to know where I’m at. I am their responsibility! That day, I got 2 condolences, one is a pat on a back which came in surprised by my sarcastic supervisor…how sweet, and the other, a handshake from the office manager; the ever so sweet and polite, Mr. R.

The whole week, I didn’t do much…me and Nadhyrah quote it as the ‘Dry Season’... where there are lesser work than usual. My GM said, usually there is less work beginning of the year. Nad has more work than I do, she did researches for almost every heads of her department. Meanwhile, I had to ask around if anyone need any help, some are very guarded with their work, but most don’t need any help, in other words no work for me. The only thing I did for my supervisor this week is calling the local colleges asking for their marketing dept’s number. That’s it. Most of the time, I helped Nad with her research. I got an assignments…8 questions to be exact from my GM- a typical routine for all interns that came through the Bates 141 door. But, we got an extra treat to go on to the printing trip. And, we even got our orientation presentation meeting this week.

The beginning of the week started of with a cool, calm and collected some as you might know from my Facebook 9status! I feel blessed to have such concerned and professional GM and colleagues (minus 1), there are less stress at work, though boring, all around time was kind to me this week. Then, came the bitch that ruins my peace in my very own Bates141 world.

Why we call her ‘the bitch’.. she started to show her stripes to the interns from Nad’s side of Bates world. Nad warns me that she like to ask interns to do silly stuff like taking her fax at the fax machines or printed document at the printer machine or even, fetch the file from someone’s desk. Silly stuff that even my supervisor don’t make me do. My GM has told everyone countless that the interns are here to learn, as mentors they should equipped us with tasks and teach us how things are done and work around there. Basically, the bitch just like to see us to ‘fetching’ tricks. She first talk to me when she wanted my place; my perfect and strategic desk, I might add. She called with a pointed finger during our first introduction, since she doesn’t know my name. How nice.

She told me her boss is moving, so she need my place as it is closer to her boss. But like duh!? There are 2 perfectly empty desk in the office!? Why mine!? It’s not like you are so far apart from your dearly beloved! That department is darn small okay!? It won’t take your breath away just by walking. So, being the kind intern that I usually am, I obliged to her first demand last Friday. “Can you please go Ms.S table and grab this field on client S?”…I was still in my zone. “And, can you bring it to Mr.A’s office?”...she continued. I’m STILL in my zone. Then, as I passed that damn file to her, she said with a cigarette on hand…”Oh, no, it’s not that one! Just put it back on the table!”…and giving me a hand gesture like people normally use to shoo unwanted animal. That was one of many ‘oh, no u didn’t!’ moments.

Previously before that incident happened…2 days back, as all interns prepared for the trip to the printing companies, she tags along – she was uninvited; we bumped into her when we were on our way down at the elevator. And, she knows the car only can fit another 4 people besides the driver! – it’s a freaking Wira, okay!? She actually has the nerve to sit in front as it is to her own comfort. We 4 interns sat cramping our legs on the quite long journeys to our destinations on both days of the trip. And, actually, screamed at me and Nad to make it fast and told us that the guy is downt stairs waiting for us already. And, she didn’t hold the elevator for us!! What a biatch! And, to our surprised, the driver has not arrived at yet another few more minutes. And, yes, she ran for the front seat. This point I was ready to kick her ass!

On the trip itself, she acts like she knows everything- how cocky!, and I learn a very tiny detail from her during it, that she is freaking younger than all of the interns! She is at freaking same age as my little brother. I get it that you got experience, but that doesn’t mean you are allowed to act like a boss around us interns. Even my mentors doesn’t do that. And, she is leaving next week on the 25th as she is about to began her next semester at school– me and Nad will have a party for that, most definitely! Duh, she took my place, and she’s leaving next week! What a biatch!

Then, me and Nad knighted her permanent with a title as THE B***H on Friday because of one very incident. On Friday, all of our colleagues are not around- out for the weekend company’s trip to Cherating. Literally, some of the creative people are in, Nad’s side there is like one lady who is in. My side, besides the other intern, there are 2 people that are in – including the beloved biatch. I rolled my eyes at her as I arrived late that day. The very incident occurred when, Mr.A who she works so closely with, were rushing in and out for a client, then came, Mr.A rushing into my department, as Nad was explaining to me to a task she wanted me to help on with. He asked the whole lot, “Interns, are you guys free??”, as I was about to answer, he asked again…this time with a sarcastic tone. The other interns didn’t muttered a word. So, I replied, “Yes, we are doing work for C”. Then, out of no where, the biatch said, “Wah, got work but still can talk meh?”…---Woah!? the nerve!! What a biatch..this time..Nad was giving her the middle finger honor.

To make things worst, I think Mr.A did a mock version of his like we are whining our way out. Which pissed me off to the roof! Now, Mr. A is permanently labeled as Hitler.

Well, later that day, me and Nad can’t handle the stress anymore, so we decided to leave around 5:40-ish that day and catch..”Benjamin Button” at Signature, The Gardens. FYI, we both cried our eyeballs out. But Nad beat me to it, her eyes were swollen red after the movie. A perfect end before the weekend.

Cheers!Live high.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

6th Week: Happy, calm, relief, relaxed and then, sad, exhausted, full, and flu.

One of the gambling tables at the funeral.
Rest in Peace - Philip Dayus (10th Feb 2009)
My new 'Burgundy' hair-do.
Dinner@Top Spot -ahh, lobster!!
Orang jual 'babi' -after I took this photo, the owner put the babi's face facing me. - Malu lar i!

I'm so looking forward driving to work this week, since my lil' brother is away in Sarawak with my mum, I don't have to squeeze myself into one of those sardine-like trains. Plus, I only have 4 days to go to work this week, just making it much more enjoyable.

My first day this week, I came a wee bit early than usual- arrived work at 8:10-ish. Even the other intern were boggled when I showed up earlier than her. Since it was the first time I drove, I figured to dress nicely, since if I took the train my make up would usually covered in sweat, I smell stinky and somewhat like a smell of cigarettes. and to top it all off, I am usually out of breath when I arrived at the office. So, I wore my Yves Saint Lauren blouse with ruffles at the front (ruffles are so in now!!)..and my Michael Kors jacket. Feel so relaxed and career-like when I arrived.

We had our weekly WOP meeting,but this time since the meeting room has been transformed into a temporary storage, we had our meeting at the office instead, right at the centre of the cubicles are. I didn't get up since my place is so near to where my GM is, frankly, I was facing him anyway. Me and Suh Shien (the other intern) just listen in for like 30 minutes- as usual, until my GM stopped and gaze at me, I was terrified. Then, for the 2nd time since my first day there, he acknowledged the interns, asking us to be more outspoken and tell him how we feel being in this company. He added, we need to versatile in the task we are doing, because all he sees is me typing all the time and the other intern, just cutting newspaper away. We should not only rely on our supervisors, instead, we should move around and help others, see how the company works in a whole. I was just smiling away, and when he asked, it seemed like I am the only intern there. The other girl just kept quiet. My supervisors was in a pickled, when the GM asked me who is my mentors? The GM said I should learn and know by now, how the company runs, and so on. My 'mentors' have a nervous laughs.

I was so glad that I finally finished my data entry job. I have been doing it for 1 and almost a half months now!! I am so looking forward to do something else. All I've been doing is data entry!! I'm sure my eyes are bertambah rabun already.
Yea lah, I kept staring at the monitor screen jer!

Finally, at the end of the day, after sending Nad off to her apartment. I had a few mishaps, one I accidently and almost passed a red light, I got confused and I was not familiar with the road, so my car's tires were screeching. I bet it left a mark!! Two, I got lost when I was on the way home, but only for a few minutes.

I was so happy to arrived home. Take my shower and I was not that freaking tired like usual. Then, as I finised my evening prayers, my dad called, he asked me first where is everyone, I told him that I'm the only one at home, then he complained about can't get through everyone. Then, he told me the most alarming news. - My grandfather had just passed away around 8pm that night. I screamed - "what!?". My dad asked me to rushed back home tomorrow morning. All I was thinking is, how many days should I take leave..and where the hell is my siblings!!??

After my brother and sister got home, my sister tried intentively to get a flight for tomorrow morning. I was so shocked my the ordeal that I'm not sleepy anymore. So, I packed my bags and slowly go to sleep.

Woke up like 5:30am the next morning, manage to catch the 11:05am flight only. When we arrived, my dad picked us up, and he was a lot calmer than the day before. He drove like a madman though. I sat next to him, and let me tell you, on the way back to kampung he drove like an ass! Though, he is my father, he still drove like an ass.

I've never been back to kampung for the longest time. Now, I finally know where my kampung Chris and Azlan, my kampung is at Krian! Finally!! The road there..gosh..really..and i mean literally like a roller-coster!! Up-down, side to side and sharp corners. There are a few up-and-downs that you can't even see the road ahead just like a roller coster is, because you are so high up..and the road at the front is going down below. Scary. And imagined, my dad drove like really-freaking fast. Me and siblings were screaming our heads off. Really!!

That road really put my Kuala Pilah's Bukit Putus to shame, man!! At least, there you can see the road ahead and there is no ups and downs. I was car-sick everytime I go along that scary road back to Krian.

The funeral took 3 days, thankfully, my lil bro was there before the ordeal, so he represents us before my babai passed. This is my first Catholic funeral. I did the flowers deco inside the coffin along with other grandchildrens. I went inside the church and sit through all the ceremony and prayers. Shook the hands of the priest - "May peace be with you". Light the candles. Plant the candles at my grandpa's grave. Stand in along the burial ceremony. Throw in some flower petals on my grandpa's grave. And, bid my last goodbyes and said my prayers though different religions, God is great, so, I hope my prayers are sent and accepted to bless his departion. Frankly, I was quite sad, since he is the only grandfather I know. I never met my mother's father. Never had the chance. Now, I only have one grandparent. It is sad and kind of a wake up call that time is running out no matter what and how you live your life.

On a lighter note, I noticed that Sarawakians are very light people. By light I meant relaxed, driving at ease, really taking their time, kids are usually can be seen roaming around town all the time, the 4 important meals are vital to take everyday at every single time -no skipping, and they like to go out a lot, parks, visit cousins house, shopping malls, and cafe's. C'mon lar, even at my grandfather's funeral, people are gambling, eating barbeques and getting drunk with the limitless

During the funeral, I realized how 'muhibbah' my family is. But everyone is so supportive of each other backgrounds. And very respectful. I find some kind of calmness in that.

After enjoying, a really heavy dinner at Top Spot, the very reason I had to delay my flight and spend another night at Kuching. We had some Italian Gelato, and bid S'wak one last night of goodbyes.

Friday, February 6, 2009


Enjoy this is so us, darling!

The Kinks - "A Well Respected Man"

cause he gets up in the morning,
And he goes to work at nine,
And he comes back home at five-thirty,
Gets the same train every time.
cause his world is built round punctuality,
It never fails.

And hes oh, so good,
And hes oh, so fine,
And hes oh, so healthy,
In his body and his mind.
Hes a well respected man about town,
Doing the best things so conservatively.

And his mother goes to meetings,
While his father pulls the maid,
And she stirs the tea with councilors,
While discussing foreign trade,
And she passes looks, as well as bills
At every suave young man

cause hes oh, so good,
And hes oh, so fine,
And hes oh, so healthy,
In his body and his mind.
Hes a well respected man about town,
Doing the best things so conservatively.

And he likes his own backyard,
And he likes his fags the best,
cause hes better than the rest,
And his own sweat smells the best,
And he hopes to grab his fathers loot,
When pater passes on.

cause hes oh, so good,
And hes oh, so fine,
And hes oh, so healthy,
In his body and his mind.
Hes a well respected man about town,
Doing the best things so conservatively.

And he plays at stocks and shares,
And he goes to the regatta,
And he adores the girl next door,
cause hes dying to get at her,
But his mother knows the best about
The matrimonial stakes.

cause hes oh, so good,
And hes oh, so fine,
And hes oh, so healthy,
In his body and his mind.
Hes a well respected man about town,
Doing the best things so conservatively.

Faboo List 4

Fave song to work: "Only Human" by Jason Mraz

Fave song to wake up in the morning: "Crack the Shutters" by Snowpatrol

Fave song that I kept listening to: "Chasing Pavements" by Adele

Fave song that I haven't downloaded yet: "Love Story" by Taylor Swift

Fave movie of the week: "Slumdog Millionaire" - must watch! Unexpectedly fresh perspectives.

Fave designer of the week: Oscar de La Renta's spring collection

Fave hottie of the week: Gabriel Macht - love him in "Because I said so".

Crazy about:
  • Armani Collezioni - I want to be that Armani women if I'm rich and living in an old mansion in Europe, and uses the word "of course" all the time, instead of just a simple, "yes!".
  • Donna Karan Spring Collection - I want to be that Donna Karan girl when I have my first big success and collects arts. So cosmopolitan chic.
  • Jason Mraz lyrics - I love that he took his time to explain, I love that he is not rushing, I love that he uses the right words and an million of them to explain every reasons in his songs.
  • Soft wave curls. - Can't wait to do my hair!
  • High platform comfortable wedges.

5th Week: Awkward, lazy, confused and frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn!

I beginning to wonder that am I going to do data entry for the rest of my internship? That thought cross my mind yesterday, when I was appointed with a not-so-new task of counting out the 'freshness' of some alcohol beverage company stocks in the market. After counting in simple maths, I had to key-in the data, one 'haram' thing at a time. The 'haram' part, frankly, I don't give a damn, just that, seriously~? am I going to this boring task in all 4 months I'm there? First this bank company's Chinese New Year event - which I haven't finish doing eventhough Chinese New Year is long gone. Then, comes this one. Aiyoo. Please~~!!

Can't wait to go around at Bates side and meddling around there. Hehe. I've told my supervisor and all those people that have asked me how are things so far here? or how is my internship? that I would prefer to do advertising task as I've learned some of it school and it would be nice to practice it. But, somehow, I don't want to seem ungrateful or disloyal to 141 people, they have been nice. And though the workload there is time consuming and very tedious but it is easy. But shouldn't the point of I'm there is to learn new things. Something to put in my log book. Seriously, there are only 5 different things I wrote in that book.

Now, as time passes, I begining to get scared when my advisor will visit me there. Ms. Shifa would be pissed if she finds out that all I did was data entry. Because the previous girl from UiTM there was a golden girl, I hate to be compared to her. Plus, she was not under 'Headcount', she was under "Public Relations". Their task involved daily routines, but somehow, there is a familiar task like doing media plan and some other creative writing for press releases. All sounded very interesting from where I stand as an observer.

Yesterday, I went back felt like S**T, since this weekend and the next, my office is carpeting the floor. So they need to pack and arrange things in the single rooms, and storage rooms. I was assigned to a task by my supervisor, and he needed it by end of the day. And, when they cleaning the mess up, it was end of the day and I still haven't finish my calculation and data entry. They were hollering each other while the interns just minding their business. I saw in their faces whenever I didn't help out and screw something up, the look of: why is this girl messing things up and why can't she act like the other girl? I know that they talked about me when they are together. Because, sometimes my 'sarcastic' supervisor would say something like.."Oh, Nadia, he thinks that you are more vigilant with my work compared to his." Or, "I was surprised when they told me you came". But, then again, we gossip about them too, even create code names for them. haha. *devil's grin*

Another biggy, I started to see why people are talking s**t about KTM. Just yesterday, my train was delayed for 30 minutes from Midvalley. And I wanted to be home so badly after the ordeal at the office. The crowd are starting to build up as the train came late. So, me and Nad are started to lost are moods which are already lost anyway in the first place. Then, we decided to ditch the train. Nad took the cab, and I had to wait for my already pissed brother to fetch me. Ended up, we're both had to wait a long time to get home. What a night!

Another rumour is, Nad and my sister seemed to have a theory that a guy at the office have a thingy for me. I know Nad has a office hubby at her dept, I gave them that nick. She can't stop talking about him and somehow he became one of our inside jokes among our friends working at Midvalley City. What a pity!? The theory with this guy that supposedly have a thingy for me is that, he could be using the childish tackticks to lured me. Teased me with his sarcastic comments and checking up on me from a distant..those usually driving me nuts and pissed. Like u got something to say to me, are you uneasy with my progress..just say it man. Don't make it a joke and tell it in front of everyone. Jeez!! I began to ignore him completely even when he stands next to me, how cruel I know! But lately, he needed my help, I can't say no, so I oblige. So needless to say, I have to talk to him. Ended up, he started to call me..babe, honey and darling. Really!? you want to call me that!? Hope this theory ends here. Nothing else would come out of it. Office or school romance was never my thing.

Amazingly enough, after all this crap, I've realized I come to conclusion that I shouldn't give a s**t!

SO, that's all folks. Stand for what you believe in and keep your spirit up high!